
  • 网络hydrogen refueling station;Hydrogen station
  1. 浅谈我国燃料电池汽车加氢站的建设

    Discuss Construction of Adding Hydrogen Station on Chinese Fuel Cell Auto

  2. 关于汽车加氢站防雷、防静电及接地设计

    Lightning Protection , Electrostatic Prevention and Earth Connection Design of Hydrogen Refueling Station

  3. 现在这一前景看来似乎更加光明了,因为加州众议会(CaliforniaAssembly)上周通过了一项议案,批准在未来十年间拨款2亿美元建造至少100座加氢站。

    Now , that prospect seems even brighter as the California Assembly last week passed a bill that provides $ 200 million over the next 10 years to fund at least 100 hydrogen stations .

  4. 10家日本天然气提炼和分销商将参与丰田(toyota)、本田(honda)和尼桑(nissan)的行动,计划在东京、大阪、名古屋和福冈建设加氢站。

    Toyota , Honda and Nissan will be joined by 10 Japanese natural-gas refiners and distributors , which plan to install the hydrogen stations in Tokyo , Osaka , Nagoya and Fukuoka .

  5. 目前,SunHydro正在波士顿以外的地区建造第一座商用加氢站。

    Sunhydro is building its first commercial station outside of Boston .

  6. 小型加氢站网络的成本分析

    Cost Analysis for a Mini-Network of Hydrogen Refueling Stations

  7. 北京加氢站的功能完善和燃料电池汽车奥运示范水下加油站,海底加油站

    Function Improvement of Beijing Hydrogen Refueling Station and Fuel-cell Vehicle Demonstration Operation in Beijing Olympics

  8. 介绍了加氢站系统的组成以及加氢站建设的影响因素;

    The article introduces the system components of hydrogen fueling station and its influencing factors in building .

  9. 这个加氢站是利用太阳能,通过所谓的水电解工艺来制氢的。

    The sunhydro station makes its hydrogen on site with solar power through a process called water electrolysis .

  10. 我国也将在上海、北京等地建设数座采用高压储氢的加氢站。

    In China , several hydrogen refueling stations using high-pressure hydrogen will be built in Shanghai , Beijing etc.

  11. 金属氢化物氢泵作为燃料电池电动车加氢站核心设备

    Metal Hydride Hydrogen Compressor As the Major Equipment of Hydrogen Supply and Filling for Electric Vehicles Powered by Hydrogen Fuel Cells

  12. 随着氢燃料电池汽车的发展,国际上正在兴起加氢站建设的高潮。

    With the development of fuel cell vehicles , the climax of building hydrogen refueling stations is emerging all over the world .

  13. 它的理念是,100座加氢站这个规模足以让那些大品牌在加州销售这种新能源车。

    The idea is that 100 hydrogen stations will create enough critical mass for the big automakers to sell their cars in the region .

  14. 加州的一条“氢高速公路”原计划到去年建成150个加氢站,但迄今只建成了30个。

    A " hydrogen highway " in California was meant to have 150 filling stations by last year , but only 30 have been built .

  15. 数值模拟结果可以为加氢站等场所处理氢气泄漏事故提供参考。

    The numerical simulation results can provide reference for dealing with the leakage of high pressure hydrogen storage tanks such as the leakage occurred in hydrogen filling stations .

  16. 而加州现在的19座加氢站则是从天然气中提炼氢的,这种工艺更便宜&大概是每加仑3美元。

    The 19 hydrogen stations that already exist in California use hydrogen made from natural gas , and that process is cheaper & about $ 3 a gallon equivalent .

  17. 介绍美国开发燃料电池的现状及联邦开发计划纲要、加氢站和燃料电池的各种不同的应用途径。

    The present situation of fuel-cell-powered vehicles in US , Federal program for the development of fuel cells , hydrogen refueling stations and different applications of fuel cells are reported .

  18. 具体的碳减排量取决于氢燃料是否源自可再生能源,例如风能和太阳能,就像汉堡的4个加氢站一样。

    Its CO2 reduction depends on whether the hydrogen is produced from renewable sources , such as wind and solar , as is the case at four refuelling stations in Hamburg .

  19. 为燃料电池应用提供先进的现场制氢技术,从而为加氢站和分散电站提供廉价氢源是燃料电池应用的关键之一。

    It is a key issue to provide the advanced technology for hydrogen production on site for PEMFC application in order to deliver the cheap hydrogen for hydrogen fueling station and distributed power station .

  20. 德国可能拥有世界上最雄心勃勃的氢气基础设施计划。该国一个企业财团打算在未来5年投资最高20亿欧元(合26亿美元),建设1000个加氢站。

    In Germany , the country with perhaps the most ambitious hydrogen-infrastructure plans , a consortium of companies aims to build 1,000 hydrogen stations in the next five years at a cost of up to € 2bn ( $ 2.6bn ) .

  21. 结果表明,整个加氢站网络的年均总成本大约为769万元,而氢气的最终使用成本依据不同的供氢方式在30~77元/kg之间。

    The results showed that the total annualized cost of the network is about 7.69 million yuan RMB and the end-use cost of hydrogen is between 30 and 77 yuan RMB per kilogram , depending on the type and size of the refueling stations .