
  • 网络demonstration plant;demonstration unit;pilot plant
  1. 该公司说他们今年夏天将在巴哈马群岛(bahamas)的一个港口中安装一台集装箱大小的示范装置,但他们不肯透露任何技术细节。

    It says it will install a container-size demonstration unit in a port in the Bahamas this summer , though it will not reveal any technical details .

  2. 一套应用该组合工艺建立的间二甲苯工业示范装置已正常运转3年,产品间二甲苯纯度始终大于99%,收率在90%以上。还简要地介绍了间二甲苯几种下游产品的开发应用及市场概况。

    A demonstration unit of the said integration process has successfully running 3 years , the purity of m xylene exceeded 99 % with a yield more than 99 % .

  3. PKS过程知识系统在工业化示范装置中的设计与应用

    Design and Application of PKS Industrialize Model Unit

  4. 通过对目前世界上典型的4种煤气化工艺建设的大型IGCC工业示范装置的技术经济指标比较,对建设IGCC工程煤气化工艺的选择提出了建议。

    Through comparison of technical economic indexes with present four typical kinds of coal gasification processes in the world in large sized IGCC industrial demonstrative devices , suggestion was made for selection of constructing the IGCC engineering coal gasification technology .

  5. 磷石膏制硫酸示范装置的操作

    Operation of Sulphuric Acid Demonstration Plant with Phosphogypsum as Feedstock

  6. 信息屏障技术的示范装置&能谱遮盖控制器

    A spectral blanking-out controller for demonstration of information barrier technology

  7. 这些数据为热解液化工业示范装置的设计提供了依据。

    These data has provided the basis for industry demonstration of the pyrolytic liquefaction .

  8. 城市污泥超临界水氧化技术示范装置及其经济性分析

    A demonstration plant for treating sewage sludge by supercritical water oxidation and its economic analysis

  9. 列举了一系列数据表明清洁生产示范装置所取得的经济效益与环境效益。

    Enumerate a series of data indicate cleaner production demonstration economic benefits and environmental benefit that device made .

  10. 示范装置的设计处理烟气量为20000Nm3/h。

    The designed flow rate of flue gas treated by the CFB-FGD demo plant was 20,000Nm ~ 3 / h.

  11. 介绍利用国内工业生产开发成果,组成天然气一步生产尿素的4万t/a示范装置。

    Combine the developed achievements in industrial production at home country to establish a model 40 OOOt / a urea facility with shortcut process using natural gas as feedstock .

  12. 文章重点叙述了三个污染源治理过程的详细情况,并列出11种行之有效并已建成工业规模示范装置的燃煤脱硫技术,可供选择。

    The detailed circumstances in control of SO 2 emission are described and 11 desulphurization processes which have proved effective and have had full technical scale demonstration plants are presented .

  13. 经多次试验和改造,已建成10万吨/年工业示范装置,通过生产实践和操作参数调整,摸索出一套完整的数据,生产出合格的三苯产品,达到设计要求。

    By many experiment and transformation , have established 100 × 10 ~ 4 t / a industrial demonstration installation . Through producing , practice and operating parameter are adjusted , grope a set of complete data .

  14. 力求通过优化工程设计,使气化装置运行达到高效、安全稳定、长周期的较高水平,示范装置总体水平达到国内领先、国际先进。

    Through optimizing the engineering design , the gasification device operation to achieve high efficiency , security and stability , long cycle of higher level , the overall level of demonstration device to achieve the leading domestic , international advanced .

  15. 回顾了自1958年3月起由上海化工研究院筹建第一套碳酸氢铵示范装置以来碳酸氢铵工业生产技术的发展历史,总结了其对国家和人民的贡献。

    The history of development is viewed in retrospect of the industrial production technology for ammonium bicarbonate from the first demonstration unit prepared for setting up at Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry in March 1958 , and its contribution to the state and people is summarized .

  16. 这里是一个小实例示范粒子偏流装置。

    Here is a small example demonstrating particle deflectors .

  17. 裂解碳五馏分分离示范性工业装置开车进展

    The start up of a demonstration unit for separation of steam cracked 5 carbon fraction

  18. 示范仪器、装置或机器

    Demonstrational apparatus , appliances or machines

  19. 特高压试验示范工程继电保护装置技术条件

    Technical specification of protection device for 1 000 kV UHV AC pilot project