
  • 网络the daniudi gas field
  1. 大牛地气田测试压裂工艺技术研究与应用

    Study and Application of Test-frac and Matching Technology on Natural Gas Reservoir in the North of Ordos Basin

  2. 因此提高储层预测精度是加速大牛地气田产能建设的关键之一。

    Therefore , improving the reservoir prediction accuracy is one of the key issues for promoting productivity in Daniudi gas field .

  3. 大牛地气田区块西南部盒3、盒2层位出现了很好的天然气显示。

    In the southwest of the Daniudi gas-field a great quantity of natural gas was discovered in He3 and He2 strata .

  4. 塔巴庙大牛地气田是无边底水定容弹性驱动的低渗透岩性气藏。

    Tabamiao Daniudi gas field is a Lithologic gas reservoir , which is of low permeability and no border and bottom water .

  5. 在大牛地气田开发初期,部分气井产水,严重影响了气井的正常生产。

    Some gas wells have aquifer production in the first period of gas field development that affects the production of gas field heavily .

  6. 目的盒2+3气藏是鄂尔多斯盆地北部塔巴庙地区大牛地气田的主力气藏,分析和研究气藏特征可为以后的勘探开发提供可靠依据。

    AimThe gas reservoirs of the He2 + 3 member of lower Shihezi Formation is a main gas reservoirs in Daniudi gas field .

  7. 总结了大牛地气田开发的技术成果和经验,分析了进一步开发面临的挑战,并提出了相应的对策。

    The article concludes technical achievements and experience of Daniudi Cas Field development , analyzes challenges facing its further development and puts forward relevant countermeasures .

  8. 大牛地气田射孔生产中合理生产压差的确定机采井不同开发时期合理生产压差研究

    Determination of Reasonable Production Differential after Perforation in Da-Niu-Di Gas Field How to determine reasonable producing pressure difference in pumping wells during different development phases

  9. 为此,就如何提高大牛地气田三维地震资料储层预测的精度,从研究思路和研究方法上提出了若干思考与建议。

    On the basis of this , some considerations and suggestions were proposed to improve the reservoir prediction accuracy of3-D seismic data in Daniudi gas field .

  10. 油井岩层复合射孔爆燃气体压裂机理研究大牛地气田射孔生产中合理生产压差的确定

    Study on Fracture Process Driven by Detonation Gas during the Complex Perforation in Oil well ; Determination of Reasonable Production Differential after Perforation in Da-Niu-Di Gas Field

  11. 针对液压式封隔器组合分层压裂管柱存在的问题,研究出一套适合大牛地气田分压改造后直接合采投产的井内管柱。

    In consideration of the problems existing in separating zones fracturing string with hydraulic packer combination , a string system fitting to Daniudi Gas Field is developed which .

  12. 大牛地气田具有低压、低渗、个别井段易漏和固井后易气窜的明显特点。

    Daniudi gas field is characterized by low pressure , low permeability , being prone to leakage in some well intervals and being prone to gas channeling after cementing .

  13. 介绍了鄂尔多斯大牛地气田的基本情况及其集气工艺技术,提出了防止天然气水化物生成的措施。

    This paper introduces the general situation of Daniudi Gas field of Erdos and its gas gathering technique , and advances some measures for preventing the formation of gas hydrate .

  14. 本文分析了大牛地气田水合物形成情况和水合物抑制剂的使用情况,通过现场数据对甲醇和乙二醇进行对比,优选甲醇作为大牛地水合物抑制剂,并给出合理的抑制剂用量为现场应用提供了理论指导。

    By analyzing gas hydrate formation condition and servicing condition of inhibitor , collates methanol and glycol by locale data , chooses methanol to prevent gas hydrate and gain reasonable calculation to guide local application .