
  • 网络turbulent diffusion of atmosphere
  1. 对流边界层中,大气湍流扩散参数化将依赖于对流速度尺度W和混合层高度Zi。

    In convective boundary layer , parameterization of atmospheric turbulence diffu ~ sion depends on W , scale of convective velocity and zi , height of mixing layer .

  2. 把焊接电弧作为一个发尘点源,应用大气湍流扩散理论,建立了焊接过程中烟尘扩散的数学模型。

    A mathematical model of fume diffusion in welding process was founded by considering welding arc as a spot source of generating fume and supplying the turbulent diffusion theory .

  3. 得出杭州市酸雨的季节差异,以及酸雨强度及频率与逆温、风速、大气湍流、扩散条件等有密切的关系。

    Seasonal variation relates to inversion , wind speed , turbulence and diffusion conditions etc .

  4. 多尺度大气湍流的扩散及扩散率

    The diffusion in multi-scaling atmospheric turbulence

  5. 大气边界层湍流扩散的实验室模拟问题

    Laboratory modeling problems of turbulent diffusion in atmospheric boundary layer

  6. 重庆冬季大气边界层湍流扩散能力的初步研究

    Research on the Turbulent Diffusion Capability of the Chongqing Winter Boundary Layer Atmosphere