
  • 网络air pollutant concentration;air pollution load
  1. 装修后办公室空气污染物浓度变化分析

    Analysis on air pollutant concentration in decorated office

  2. 同时,贴地大气层结温度递减率与空气污染物浓度呈显著反相关。

    At the same time , the correlation coefficient between temperature vertical decrease rate of low layer atmosphere and air pollutant concentration is negative .

  3. 上海地区地面风向对空气污染物浓度的影响

    Effect of Surface Wind Direction on Air Pollutant Concentrations in Shanghai

  4. 曲线拟合在环境空气污染物浓度预测中的应用

    Appliance of curve fit in the forecasting concentration of environmental air pollutants

  5. 隧道内空气污染物浓度预测方法

    Method for Predicating Concentrations of Air Pollutants in Tunnels

  6. 2002&2005年深圳市空气污染物浓度的动态分析

    Air Pollutants Change in Shenzhen , China in 2002-2005

  7. 曲线拟合对空气污染物浓度的预测

    Prediction of Air Pollutants ' Concentration with Fitting Curve

  8. 铁路隧道内空气污染物浓度的分析

    Analyse on the air pollution in railway tunnels

  9. 室内外空气污染物浓度演化关系的研究

    Investigations on the Relationships of Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutant Concentrations during the Evolution Process

  10. 国家环保标准《车内空气污染物浓度限值及测量方法》启动

    National Environmental Standards of Concentration Limits and Measuring Methods inside Cars · ls Now Starting

  11. 纵向通风隧道内空气污染物浓度及通风量的计算

    Calculation of contaminant concentrations and required air volume for roadway tunnel with longitudinal ventilation system

  12. 空气污染物浓度在不同监测区存在显著差异(p<0.05)。

    Air pollutant has obvious difference ( p < 0.05 ) related to the function of district ;

  13. 现在香港空气污染物浓度比国际卫生组织制定的标准值还要高200%。

    Hong kong 's air pollutant concentrations are now200 % above norms set by the world health organisation .

  14. 从本溪市和沈阳市大气污染资料表明本溪市的空气污染物浓度高于沈阳。

    The data of environment protective bureau showed higher levels of air pollutants in Shenyang compared with those in Benxi .

  15. 周二,盘踞莫斯科达一周之久的烟雾稍有消散,但空气污染物浓度依然很高。

    The smog that has engulfed Moscow for a week eased a bit Tuesday , but the concentration of pollutants remained high .

  16. 基于信息可视化方法中面向象素技术的基本思想,采用圆环段技术对空气污染物浓度数据实现了可视化。

    Based on the thinking of the Pixel-Oriented visualization technique , the circle segments technique was used to implement the visualization of the air pollutant data .

  17. 以武汉市近6年空气污染物浓度数据为基础,分析了城区空气质量特征。

    Taking air pollutant concentration data of Wuhan urban area in recent 6 years as a foundation , the characteristics of Wuhan urban area air quality are analyzed .

  18. 在借鉴大气总量控制箱模式的理论基础上,探讨了室内空气污染物浓度的新的计算方法,并通过此模式对影响因素作了分析和分情况解释。

    Based on the box model used in atmospheric Science , Calculation of indoor air pollution concentration had been developed and it 's effect factors were discussed as well .

  19. 利用2000年6月至2002年12月上海地区空气污染物浓度和地面风向资料,统计了月平均污染物浓度随偏西风频率的分布,两者具有一致的趋势。

    The relationship between surface wind direction and air pollutant concentration in Shanghai is studied . The same trend in the distribution of the monthly mean concentrations is found as in the frequency of west winds ( SSW NNW ) .

  20. 文章通过建立单向行驶隧道空气污染物浓度分布的对流-扩散一维有限差分方程,并利用隧道内交通流仿真的结果,得出了污染源项的离散形式。

    This paper sets up the one-dimension finite difference equation for the advection-diffusion of air contaminant distribution in an one way traffic tunnel , obtaining the discrete form of contamination source by means of emulating the traffic flow in the tunnel .

  21. 试验与应用的结果说明该模型具有两个作用,一是预测室内空气污染物浓度以及进行室内空气质量评价,二是计算室内最佳材料使用量和通风换气量。

    The results show that the model has two functions one of which is to predict the indoor pollutant concentration and evaluate the indoor air quality , the other is to calculate the quantities of the building material and determine the ventilation rate .

  22. 尽管CDM-Ⅱ模式的预测效果仅比CDM-Ⅰ略优或不相上下,但由于它可以直接获得更接近实际状况的每日空气污染物浓度分布以及在计算机处理上的好处而比较值得推崇。

    Although model CDM-II is a little superior or equal to model CDM-I in prediction , it is suitable to be recommended , because its results are obtained directly from daily pollutant concentration , which is more actual , and it could be treated conveniently in computer .

  23. 它们为下述选定的空气污染物的浓度限值提出了修订:可吸入颗粒物(PM)、臭氧(O3)、二氧化氮(NO2)和二氧化硫(SO2),适用于世卫组织所有区域。

    They recommend revised limits for the concentration of selected air pollutants : particulate matter ( PM ), ozone ( O3 ), nitrogen dioxide ( NO2 ) and sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ), applicable across all WHO regions .

  24. 即便空气污染物的浓度相对偏低,它也与一系列的健康副效应相关。

    Even relatively low concentrations of air pollutants have been related to a range of adverse health effects .

  25. 由于不良通风和大量化学合成剂在建筑材料中的使用,使得室内空气污染物的浓度有时要高于室外。

    Because of bad ventilation and synthetic material , the concentrations of air contaminations indoors are even higher than that outdoors .

  26. 对新装修房室内空气污染物甲醛浓度进行了测定,并对新装修房的装修情况进行了调查。

    Determination of the Formaldehyde Concentration has been conducted and the general decoration states have been investigated in the newly decorated houses .

  27. 由于不良通风,室内空气污染物的浓度有时要高于室外空气中的污染物的浓度。

    Sometimes , however , the consistency of indoor air contamination appears to be higher than that of outdoor air because of poor ventilation .

  28. 通过降低燃烧矿物燃料期间释放的几种最主要的空气污染物的浓度,能够大量减少对空气污染的暴露。

    Significant reduction of exposure to air pollution can be achieved through lowering the concentrations of several of the most common air pollutants emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels .

  29. 由于不良通风和大量含有有害物质的建筑材料的使用,使得室内空气污染物的浓度增高,造成室内空气品质恶化。

    Because of badly ventilating and the wide use of building materials that contain a lot of harmful components , the concentration of VOCs in indoor environment increases highly and indoor air quality deteriorates seriously .

  30. 研究表明,当空气中污染物浓度达到一定时,景观多样性对其变化表现敏感,并呈显著相关关系,从而说明大气染污物浓度变化与下垫面的景观格局关系复杂。

    The study also showed that the change of landscape diversity is sensitive to pollution concentration , and has a significant correlation with it when the concentration of pollutants in the air reaches a certain value . 4 .