
  • 网络space cost
  1. 由于空间成本对企业的生产和经营至关重要,所以企业的区位选择直接影响到其生产经营效果。

    Because space costs are important , the locations influence the efficiency of firms .

  2. QuotientCube极大地降低了磁盘空间成本。近来人们设计出了封闭立方体,它只存储等价类的上界从而具有更高的压缩率。

    Quotient Cube reduces disk space cost dramatically . Recently , people designed a new structure called closed cube , which saves only the upper bounds of the equivalence classes and , therefore , has higher reduction ratio .

  3. 此节将地址空间成本链接到连接器路由。

    This sections links an address space cost to a connector route .

  4. 1∶10000航测档案资料的空间成本和社会效益

    The Space Cost and Social Performance of 1 ∶ 10000 Aerial Survey File Data

  5. 因此,降低磁盘空间成本和提高查询性能成为数据立方体研究两个重要的目标。

    Reducing disk space cost and improving query performance are two very important goals of the data cube research .

  6. 提出了网络经济时代发展的思路要从关注空间成本转向关注时间成本的论点。

    It brings forward a original view that enterprise 's development idea should be changed from concerning of space cost to concerning of time cost .

  7. 在空间成本方面与以前相比已有降低,但是在市场机制、科技水平等方面发展还相对缓慢。

    Space cost have the very much heavy dwindle than before , but develop also relatively slowly in such aspects as market mechanism , scientific and technological level .

  8. 香港长期居高不下的写字楼租金在过去一年有所缩水,但香港仍然是全球办公空间成本最高的城市。

    Hong Kong 's stratospheric office rents have shrunk in the past year , but the city is still the most expensive place in the world to set up shop .

  9. 如采用MonteCarlo模拟的方法来分析估算粮食的空间转移成本;运用机会约束规划模型来分析粮食安全最优成本投入结构等;三是力求理论上的创新。

    The second one is the research approach . The paper adopts Monte Carlo to estimate grain spatial transferring cost and uses chance constrained programming to analyze the optimal cost input mode of grain security . The third point is the theoretical innovation .

  10. 这是商业地产咨询公司世邦魏理仕(CBRichardEllis)的最新调查结果。该公司发现,在香港的中央商务区租用办公空间的成本高达每平方英尺249美元(约合每平方米2680美元)。

    That 's the latest finding from CB Richard Ellis , a commercial real estate firm , which found that it costs a whopping $ 249 per square foot to rent office space in the city 's central business district .

  11. 本论文还将FPGA/CPLD这一新技术应用于智能测控节点的硬件设计之中,使得其逻辑功能的实现灵活、方便,也节省了空间和成本,同时还便于硬件功能的扩展。

    Moreover , It uses the FPGA / CPLD technology into the hardware design of the intelligential measure & control node , so its logic function can be realized flexibly and expediently , save the space and cost , and it is propitious to the extend of hardware function .

  12. 企业成本剩余的实现机制包括要素成本、空间联系成本、市场交易成本的降低;

    The implement mechanism of firms centralization is the cost reducing , including the cost of factors , spatial contact and market transaction .

  13. 高空间交易成本、产业集聚发育不良、市场化程度低等,是目前西部地区招商引资面临的“三大障碍”。

    It makes analysis of the three obstacles such as high cost , premature industrial clusters and low marketalization standing in the way .

  14. 从安装空间和成本角度而言,行星变速器比双离合变速器有着更显著的优势。

    Planetary transmissions have distinct advantages compared to dual clutch transmissions in terms of installation space , and especially in view of costs .

  15. 电机工作时传递性能好,结构稳定性高,且节省空间,成本低。

    The transmitting performance is good during the motor running , which is of high structure stability , space saving and low cost .

  16. 其中的传动方案设计中采用5个独立的传动系统和1个共用的传动系统,既节约了空间和成本,又满足了技术要求;

    The drive system adopts 5 independent drive mechanisms and a common drive mechanism , therefore both the working space and cost are reduced .

  17. 企业集群的效应,主要有外部经济效应、空间交易成本的节约、学习与创新的效应、品牌与广告效应,所以,企业集群可以带来区域的核心竞争力。

    Enterprise Clusters have many effects , such as outer economic effects , effects of saving the exchanging cost and creation , and advertisement effects .

  18. 由于具有可以代替宇航员进行舱外操作、降低空间作业成本等优点,空间机器人成为各国争相研究的课题。

    It has the advantages of performing space operations instead of astronauts so as to reduce the cost of space operations , which makes itself a promising subject among countries .

  19. 与普通支护结构相比,该结构施工工艺简单,不占用坑内空间,成本较低,工期较短,适用于多种土层。

    Compared with ordinary supporting structure , the technology of construction process is simple , do not take up the excavation space and the cost is lower , the duration is shorter .

  20. 产业集群所具有的空间交易成本的节约效应、外部经济效应以及集群内企业的学习与创新效应等都是一般的区域经济所无法比拟的。

    Industrial cluster with the space saving effect of transaction costs 、 external economic effects and the effect of the learning and innovation of the Enterprises within the cluster more than the general regional economic .

  21. 同时由于受空间、成本等限制,空间机器人操作系统,设计与实现也不同于通用的嵌入式系统。

    At the same time , due to the considerations of size and cost , the design and implementation of the operation system on a space robot is much different from the common used embedded system .

  22. 产业集群化成为一种必然趋势,其所具备的外部经济效应、空间交易成本的节约效应、集群中的学习与创新效应、集群的区域品牌效应是单独地区所无法比拟的。

    Industrial cluster has become an inevitable trend . The external economic effect , the saving effect of space transaction costs , the effect of learning and innovation in the cluster , the effect of cluster about regional brand , all is so that the individual regions can not match .

  23. 通过这些版本,Lotus开发人员仔细地筛选出了最有利于降低TCO的目标:磁盘空间、存储成本、I/O操作和操作维护成本。

    With these versions , Lotus developers carefully picked what are often the highest value targets for reducing TCO : disk space , storage costs , I / O operations , and the cost of operational maintenance .

  24. 此外,段宣明还补充说道,该技术能减少空间站运营成本,同时降低其对地面补给的依赖性。

    It can cut the operation cost of space stations and reduce their dependence on ground supplies , he added .

  25. 主要从工程使用的环境、设备参数、扩展空间和工程成本几方面对漏泄同轴电缆的选用进行了讨论。

    This article discusses the usage of leakage coaxial cable in several aspects such as engineering condition , equipment indexes , exploration space and cost .

  26. 通过试验验证,本研究车灯控制系统只需要两根信号线就可以实现数据的传输,使得传输线束大大简化,可靠性得到了提高,有效节约了线束安装空间和系统成本。

    We can transfer all the data only by using a couple wires , which simplifying the wiring harness , improving the reliability , effectively save the fixing space and the system cost .

  27. 无需任何许可费用(当然,除非您选择在基础设施上使用的软件库要求拥有一个许可)、无需为带宽或存储空间支付前期成本。

    It requires no licensing fees ( unless , of course , some software library you choose to leverage on the infrastructure requires a license ) and no upfront costs for bandwidth or space .

  28. 管理者需要提高率润的空间,降低各项成本。

    The management should increase profit margin to lower various costs .

  29. 空间平台与卫星成本的比较

    A comparison of costs between satellite and space platforms

  30. 美国生产率的上升给予联邦政府更多自主的空间来将借款成本控制在一个较低的水平,同时避免了通胀的加剧。

    Rising productivity rates in the United States are giving the Fed more maneuvering room to keep borrowing costs low without aggravating inflation .