
  • 网络Sustainable competitive advantage;sca
  1. 这对PC厂商在未来的竞争中顺利转型并保持可持续竞争优势具有重要的意义。

    This is significant for PC manufacturers achieving transition and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage in the future .

  2. 基于知识运作优化至可持续竞争优势演化模式

    Study on Knowledge-Based Evolutional Pattern from Operational Optimization to Sustainable Competitive Advantage

  3. 十多年来,学术界和企业家一直试图通过以竞争力为基础的努力(competencebasedapproach)来获得企业可持续竞争优势(sustainingcompetitiveadvantage,SCA)。

    Over the past ten years , scholars and entrepreneurs have always been trying to make corporations acquire sustaining competitive advantage through competence based approach .

  4. 中国加入WTO后,企业面临国际商业道德标准的压力,企业道德问题日渐突现,企业道德优势与可持续竞争优势的关系也随之成为企业界和学术界共同关注的问题。

    With China enlisted under WTO , the relationship of the advantage of business ethics and competition advantage is concerned both in practice and on theory .

  5. 基于动态能力的可持续竞争优势研究综述

    A Literature Review on Sustainable Competitive Advantages Based on the Dynamic Capabilities

  6. 浅谈基于资源的企业可持续竞争优势的建立

    On the Sustainable Competitive Advantage of the Resources-based Enterprises

  7. 顾客价值导向的可持续竞争优势分析

    Analysis of Sustainable Competitive Advantages Based on Customer Value

  8. 组织学习能力与可持续竞争优势关系研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Organizational Learning Capability and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

  9. 动态能力是企业可持续竞争优势的根本来源。

    Dynamic capabilities are the key source of sustainable competitive advantage in turbulent environment .

  10. 一级分行零售业务可持续竞争优势的识别与建构

    How to Identify and Construct Lasting Competitive Advantage in Personal Banking for Senior Branch

  11. 组织创新能力是在这种环境下保持可持续竞争优势的关键能力。

    Organizational innovation capability is the key factor to keep competitive advantage in such environment .

  12. 战略人力资源管理是企业获得可持续竞争优势的途径。

    Strategic human resource management is the way of an enterprise to get sustainable competitive advantage .

  13. 最好的公司知道,只有人力资本才是他们可持续竞争优势的唯一源泉。

    The best ones know that human capital is their only source of sustainable competitive advantage .

  14. 在全球化经济环境中,竞争的加剧促使学者去识别可持续竞争优势的驱动力。

    In a globalized economy , increasing competition promotes the identification of drivers of sustainable competitive advantages .

  15. 可持续竞争优势新探源&战略性企业社会责任整合性研究框架

    Sources of Sustainable Competitive Strategy : An Integrative Theoretical Framework for Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility and Propositions

  16. 寻求可持续竞争优势

    Seeking Sustainable Competitive Advantage

  17. 企业核心竞争力理论源于对企业可持续竞争优势的探讨,它是企业竞争优势理论的深化。

    The enterprise core competency theory derives from the research on the persistent competitive advantage of the enterprise .

  18. 知识成为企业最重要的战略资源和可持续竞争优势的源泉。

    Knowledge has become the most important strategic resource of enterprises and headspring of enterprises ' continuable competence advantage .

  19. 核心能力是企业可持续竞争优势的源泉,也是企业可持续发展的恒久动力。

    Core competence is the source of sustainable competitive advantage , and the persistent power of the sustainable growth .

  20. 其次,论文认为,知识特征决定知识将是企业可持续竞争优势的唯一源泉。

    The characteristics of knowledge results in that knowledge will be the only source of sustainable competitive advantage for firms .

  21. 企业拥有的核心能力,是企业维持其长期内可持续竞争优势的源泉。

    And the core competences are the key to the firm 's sustained competitive advantages in the long - run .

  22. 公司文化,国家文化,组织文化,管理学视角,战略选择,可持续竞争优势,等等。

    National culture , Organizational culture , frameworks in stragety literature , constraints , strategic choice , sustained competitive advantage , etc.

  23. 在此基础上提出了促成可持续竞争优势生成的技术、组织与管理、制度、学习与创新四个核心IT能力维度。

    Then we provide four core IT capability dimensions of technology , organization and management , institution , learning and innovation .

  24. 现代企业必须采取战略性人力资源管理新模式,才能获得可持续竞争优势,使企业永续发展。

    So modern enterprises should adopt the new model of SHRM to get the sustainable competitive advantage and make enterprises lasting .

  25. 对于跨国公司全球供应链的其他经济体而言,有助于优化行为决策,对提高整个供应链体系的竞争能力、实现可持续竞争优势具有一定的理论参考和实践意义。

    And for the other members in Transnational Corporations ' global supply chain , the research is conductive to optimize behavioral decision .

  26. 为了应对各种环境变化和建立可持续竞争优势,企业必须成为学习型企业。

    To confront the continuous environment 's change and build the sustainable competitive advantage , the company has to be learning enterprise .

  27. 论文的分析方法可为同类企业应用核心能力理论建立可持续竞争优势提供借鉴。

    The analytical method of this thesis may provide a reference for similar enterprises establishing sustained competitive advantage by applying the core competence theory .

  28. 而心理资本的开发和投资将为知识型团队获取可持续竞争优势提供源动力和新出路。

    The development and investment of psychological capital will provide the impetus and a new way out to obtain sustainable competitive advantage for knowledge teams .

  29. 技术能力是企业获得可持续竞争优势的基石,是企业有效开展产品创新、提高市场竞争力的支撑力量。

    Technological competence is the cornerstone of firms to gain sustainable competitive advantage , which drives the firms to implement effective product innovation and increase market competitiveness .

  30. 动态能力是实现可持续竞争优势的能力,江西邮政速递要维持、增进竞争优势,必须提升自身的动态能力。

    Since dynamic capabilities are what make the competition advantage sustainable , the postal EMS in Jiangxi should enhance its dynamic capabilities to sustain and reinforce its advantage .