
  • 网络convertible bond;convertible debt;convertible loan
  1. 例如,一些对冲基金在今年早些时候热衷于购买中国企业的可转换债,而由于股市下跌,这些企业不得不推迟上市。

    For example , hedge funds were enthusiastic buyers earlier this year of the convertible bonds of Chinese companies that had to postpone flotation as stock markets sank .

  2. 本文的内容包括五部分:第一章介绍了可转换债的产生及发展历程,综述了国内外可转换债定价理论,说明了本文的研究目的与意义。

    The content of this paper includes 5 sectors : the first sector has introduced the production and development of convertible bond , and has summarized domestic and international convertible bond pricing theory , has explained the meaning and the research purpose of this paper .

  3. 他诚实地告诉我,这些夹层CDO是从可转换次级债中剔除风险最高的债券的唯一出路。

    He told me with a straight face that these CDOs were the only way to get rid of the riskiest tranches of Subprime debt .

  4. 关于完善我国可转换公司债制度的探讨

    Approaching the Perfection of the System about the Changeable Company Debt

  5. 可转换债券债性和股性的模糊优化分析

    Fuzzy optimum analysis about debt property and stock property of convertible bonds

  6. 可转换公司债卷是一种新的投资品种。

    Exchankeable company bonds is a new kind of investment .

  7. 中国可转换公司债市场的发展与融资结构的优化

    The Development of Convertible Debenture in China and Optimization of Financing Structure

  8. 可转换公司债法律制度研究

    On the Legal System of Convertible Bonds

  9. 基于其性质和投资特点,可转换公司债必定会成为我国证券市场非常重要的投资品种。

    CBs should be an important investment instrument in our capital market as they have many particular nature and character .

  10. 其次,文章还介绍了债转股的基本理论,如将债转股与可转换公司债、以债权出资、借贷资本等相似法律概念作了比较。

    In addition , Secondly , this article compares Debt-to-Equity Swap with convertible debts , investing debt and capital on loan .

  11. 可转换公司债对于公司低成本筹集资金、获取高股票溢价、改善公司的财务结构等方面有着积极的作用。

    The Convertible Company Bond plays positive function for companies in financing with low cost 、 getting high stock premium 、 improving finance structure , etc.

  12. 借鉴国外有关立法经验,建立可转换公司债债权人会议制度是一种较为可行和必要的尝试。

    It is feasible and necessary to set up a mechanism of convertible corporate bondholder meeting through learning from relative legislative experience at home and abroad .

  13. 仰赖你是否评价斜背双座汽车的长流动线或高雅和可转换公司债的露天环境,两者这一个模型的版本很热!

    Depending on whether you value the long flowing lines of the fastback coupe or the elegance and open air ambiance of the convertible , both versions of this model are hot !

  14. 深入研究了可转换公司债的发行主体、发行权限、发行条件,同时介绍了有关国家的法律规定,对我国可转换公司债发行制度的可操作性提出了思考。

    I consider that company should be the only legitimate issuer in the future , and the power to make decision on issue of convertible bonds should be authorized to the board of directors .