
  • 网络Trusted Platform Module;TPM
  1. 可信平台模块的密码学协议亦是可信平台模块安全的基础。

    The cryptographic protocols of TPM are also the security base of TPM .

  2. 其中,重点改进了可信平台模块所用的两个算法:密钥生成算法和求模拟元算法。

    In the implementation of TPM , two algorithms are improved . One is key generation . The other is multiplicative inverse of modulo .

  3. 首先,在论文中用一阶逻辑语言建立可信平台模块API的形式化模型,然后对建立的形式化模型进行逻辑推理分析。

    Firstly , a formal model of TPM is built using first-order logic language .

  4. 基于PCI接口的可信平台模块研究与设计

    Research and Design Trusted Platform Module Based on PCI Interface

  5. 首先,使用的SVO逻辑建立可信平台模块密码学协议的形式化描述,然后进行推理分析。

    Firstly , a formal description of the cryptographic protocols of TPM is made using SVO logic .

  6. 此外,PRAS系统以可信平台模块TPM芯片为基础设计数据传输协议,增强了数据在网络环境下传输的安全性。

    In addition , data transfer protocol is designed base on TPM ( Trusted Platform Module ) in PRAS , to enhance data security when transferring in network environment .

  7. 可信平台模块TPM,是可信计算的关键技术之一,以TPM作为信任根,能够将信任扩展到整个计算机系统,甚至扩展到网络中。

    Trusted Platform Module ( TPM ), is one of the key technologies of trusted computing , the trust could be extended to the entire computer system and even to the network by using TPM as the root of trust .

  8. 可信平台模块命令安全性和性能分析

    Security and performance analysis of the trusted platform module commands

  9. 基于移动可信平台模块的通用PC机系统可信增强

    Trust Enhancement of General Personal Computer Based on Removable TPM

  10. 因此,也对可信平台模块密码学协议的安全性进行了分析。

    The analysis is also made on the cryptographic protocols of TPM .

  11. 可信平台模块安全性分析与应用

    Security Analysis of Trusted Platform Module and Application

  12. 对于密钥生成算法,通过理论分析和大量的试验,找到了最适合可信平台模块环境下的密钥生成方法。

    In the key generation algorithm , a best method of generating key is found through theory analysis and many experiments .

  13. 方案将授权服务请求与无效可信平台模块检测分开,从而极大的提高了匿名认证效率。

    Request for service authorized is divided from detection for rogue TPM in this scheme , so anonymous authentication efficiency is immense rised .

  14. 如果无效可信平台模块检测者与可信平台模块勾结,授权服务请求验证者可通过他提供的匿名认证信息和签名证明其违法行为。

    If a detector for rogue TPM colludes with TPM , the verifier of request for service authorized will prove his illegal behavior under his signature and anonymous authentication information .

  15. 经过实际测试,其密码运算速度是高速的,完全可以满足可信平台模块的各种应用需求。

    The results of practical tests show that the speed of encrypting and decrypting is very higher , therefor it completely satisfies the requirements of different applications of trusted platform module .

  16. 在细致分析钱包的安全需求后,采用在移动终端和服务器中都增加可信平台模块来搭建一个可信的硬件与操作系统环境,并将这种可信概念延伸到移动钱包系统设计中。

    A Trusted Platform Module is added both the mobile terminal and the server to build a credible hardware and operating system environment , and this concept is extended to the mobile wallet system design .

  17. 在构建过程中通过使用可信平台模块提供的密码服务和安全存储功能,采用了在应用程序模块加载执行前插入控制点实现完整性状态信息的度量验证技术。

    Through the use of cryptography services and storage capabilities provided by trusted platform module , inserting control points before application module loading , the integrity information is measured and verifid in the process of building .

  18. 基于TPM的安全优盘系统使用可信计算平台模块TPM实现密钥的存储和管理,解决了密码技术中密钥管理的难题。

    TPM based security USB disk system uses the Trusted Computing Platform Module TPM to store and use the key to solve the password management problems .

  19. 本文针对可信计算平台模块(TPM)的设计规范,设计了一款针对TPM应用的单向散列函数消息验证码生成模块(HMAC/SHA-1IP),并进行了预综合和FPGA验证。

    This article mainly presents an Hash Message Authentication Code ( HMAC / SHA-1 ) IP core based on the Trusted Platform Module ( TPM ) architecture with pre-layout synthesis and FPGA verification .

  20. 关于可信计算平台模块的研究

    Research on Trusted Platform Module

  21. 查看主机是否使用可信的平台模块,与管理程序建立可信关系来防止修改。

    Check to see if the host is using a trusted platform module that creates a trusted relationship with the hypervisor to prevent against modification .

  22. 通过对可信平台、可信平台模块的研究,为可信计算技术在PMAS终端上的应用打下基础。

    With the study on Trusted Platform and TPM , Trusted Computing technology can be used in PMAS terminal .

  23. 在可信计算技术中,可信平台模块是可信计算技术的核心。

    Trusted Platform Module is the core of the trusted computing .

  24. 可信计算机的核心部件是可信计算平台模块(TPM),文章介绍了关于TPM的体系结构、使用、平台证实等内容,并对可信计算平台的信任链及其安全引导进行了分析。

    In this paper , we introduce the architecture and the component of TPM , the application of TPM and the authentication of platform . Furthermore , we analyze trusted chain and the safe lead of Trusted computing platform .

  25. 设计和试制符合可信计算密码平台相关标准定义的PCI接口可信平台模块。

    Design and trial password Trusted Computing platform in line with standard PCI interface defined by the Trusted Platform Module .

  26. 本文通过引入可信计算机制来增强PMAS终端的安全性能。可信平台模块是可信计算的基础。

    By introducing Trusted-Computing mechanism , the security of PMAS terminal can be enhanced . TPM ( Trusted Platform Module ) is the base of Trusted Computing .

  27. 论文针对可信计算技术,介绍了其相关组织和标准,并对其核心技术可信平台模块进行了较为详细的分析,最后针对其在国内外的发展状况进行了展望。

    This paper provides the deep research of Trusted Computing and its core technology-Trusted Platform Module ( TPM ), introduces its relative organization and specifications , and analyzes its development both at home and abroad .

  28. 在信息安全领域,可信计算技术越来越受到关注可信计算的核心是一块安装在主板上的安全芯片,被称为TPM(可信平台模块),它为安全应用软件在硬件上提供支持。

    In the domain of information security , more and more people pay their attentions to trusted computing technology . The core of trusted computing is a security chip installed on the motherboard , which is called TPM ( Trusted Platform Module ) .