
qì chē yí biǎo
  • automobile instrument
  1. 基于Fluent软件的汽车仪表板火焰处理喷枪的研究与设计

    Based on Fluent Research and Design of Flame Treating Spray Gun for Automobile Instrument Panel

  2. 电子式汽车仪表是一种采用单片机控制步进电机和LCD来显示汽车行驶过程中的车速、转速、油量、水温、里程等相关数据,并用LED实现仪表背光和报警指示功能的组合仪表。

    Electronic automobile instrument is a kind combination meter controlled by SCM to show the speed , rev , fule level , cooling water temperature , mileage and other correlative data during the vehicle running . It applies the backlight to the instrument and the alarm function with LED .

  3. 基于ARM的燃料电池电动汽车仪表信息系统设计

    A Fuel Cell Vehicle Instrument Panel System Based on ARM

  4. 出租车司机洪材道向他装在汽车仪表板上的GPS全球定位系统里输入一个地址。

    Taxi driver Hong Jae-do punches an address into his dashboard-mounted GPS navigator .

  5. 富康汽车仪表板PP专用料的研究

    Study on Special Purpose PP for Fukang Automobile Dash Board

  6. 基于NIOSⅡ的全液晶汽车仪表系统设计

    Design of pure liquid crystal motormeter system based on NIOS ⅱ

  7. 用CANoe建立汽车仪表CAN通讯测试系统的软硬件构成。

    The software and hardware of the CAN communication testing system for automotive instruments is based on CANoe .

  8. 高耐热型改性ABS树脂是车用塑料新品种,主要用于汽车仪表板、综合罩、格栅部件等。

    High heat-resistant modified ABS is one of important plastics to automobile , it is mainly applied to the instrument penel , meter panel and radiator grill of automobile .

  9. MBeans就像汽车仪表板上的各种仪表、刻度盘和开关。

    MBeans are like the various gauges , dials , and switches on the dashboard of your car .

  10. 引进原联邦德国VDO公司的汽车仪表制造技术

    Manufacturing Technology for Auto Instrument Imported from VDO Company of Germany

  11. 现在宝洁的品牌经理们都有了一个虚拟的汽车仪表盘式的反馈系统,它可以实时显示汇总自Twitter、博客和电子邮件的顾客反馈,让品牌经理们随时了解最新的消费者认知情况。

    Today P & G brand managers have a virtual " cockpit " dashboard that aggregates tweets , blogs , and emails to give them an up to the minute understanding of consumer perceptions .

  12. 同时充分利用现代电子技术、控制技术、传感测控技术和计算机技术等方面的成果,采用TI公司的DSP作为微控制器,开发了基于DSP的汽车仪表板数据采集系统。

    Meantime , with the use of electronics technology , control technology , senser technology and computing technology , with DSP ( made by TI ) as micro-controller , we have developed the data collecting of automobile dashboards system based upon DSP .

  13. 提出CAE技术的并行应用过程,通过汽车仪表板和彩电前壳的气辅注射成型CAE分析,着重阐述了气辅注射成型CAE技术在模具设计中的并行应用与研究。

    CAE technology . Car penal and front-shell of color TV are analyzed by CAE on gas-assisted injection molding . The concurrent application and study of CAE technology on gas-assisted injection molding in mold design is emphasized .

  14. freeloader售价30英镑,我发现这个设备工作起来非常好,特别是当我把它放在汽车仪表盘旁边的时候。

    I found the freeloader , which cost 30 , worked well especially when I placed it on the dashboard of the car .

  15. 最后,本文在DSP与嵌入式操作系统UCOSII相结合的开发平台上实现了基于CAN通信的智能全数字式汽车仪表,并且完成了与其他汽车节点的全部通信协议,基本达到了设计的要求。

    Finally , the instrument combining DSP and embeded mac OS UCOS-II achieves the instrument of aptitude digital automobile that is based on CAN bus . And also it achieves entirety protocol with other electrical control systems which is settle for design request .

  16. 最后在ADK的基础上完成了可听化汽车仪表、大鼠心电图的可听化和卫星遥感数据可听化的设计与调试。

    Based on ADK , we design three sonification application prototypes , i.e. sonification of car meter , electrocardiogram of white mouse and satellite remote sensing information .

  17. 对兰化公司合成橡胶厂开发的耐热ABS、易加工阻燃ABS、汽车仪表板表皮专用ABS、合金ABS、超高抗冲ABS等产品作了介绍。

    Some ABS resins developed by the Synthetic Rubber Factory of Lanzhou Chemical Industry Co , such as heat resistant ABS , easy processing and flame retardant ABS , special ABS for dashboard covering of automobile , ABS alloy and supper high impact resistant ABS , are described in detail .

  18. 汽车仪表板的人机工效多级模糊评价研究

    Study on the Ergonomic Multi - level Fuzzy Evaluation of Fascia

  19. 基于图像处理的汽车仪表误差自动计算与校正

    Automatic Error Detection and Adjustment of Auto-Meter Based on Image Processing

  20. 虚拟数字式汽车仪表信息系统的研究与开发

    The Research and Development of Virtual Digital Auto Apparatus Information System

  21. 汽车仪表盘曾经是静态显示的各种机械表盘。

    Dashboards used to be static displays with mechanical dials and gauges .

  22. 应用正交设计,确定了制备汽车仪表板专用料最佳配方。

    Allied right cross design , decided the special formula for fascia .

  23. 汽车仪表及仪表板的检修方法

    Checking and Fixing Method of Vehicle Instruments and Instrument Board

  24. 基于图象处理的汽车仪表自动检测系统

    Examination System in the Auto Meter Based on Image Processing

  25. 聚丙烯轻型汽车仪表板专用料的研制

    Preparation of polypropylene instrument board special material for light vehicle

  26. 汽车仪表印刷电路板的手工锡焊

    The Hand Tin - lead Bonding of Auto Instrument Printed Circuit Board

  27. 汽车仪表设计中降低电磁干扰的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on Reducing Electromagnetic Interference in Vehicle Instrument Design

  28. CAD/CAE技术在汽车仪表设计中的应用

    Application of CAD / CAE in the design of automobile dash board

  29. 基于机器视觉的汽车仪表板智能检测方法

    An Intelligent Inspection Method for Automobile Gauge Panel Based on Machine Vision

  30. 汽车仪表远视点成像显示系统

    THe systems for automotive instrument long apparent distance imaging display