
  1. 汽车下乡政策对汽车产业结构的影响

    Influence of Auto Policies to the Countryside on Auto Industrial Structure

  2. 汽车下乡政策效果分析及相关政策建议

    Analysis on the Policy Effect of " Automobile Go to Countryside " and Relative Suggestions

  3. 汽车下乡政策的实施,使汽车的普及从城市深入到了农村。

    Implementation of the policy on car subsidy in ruralareas enabled popularization of car from urban to rural areas .

  4. 一些土星汽车下乡经销商希望通用汽车能剥离此品牌,作为一个独立的公司,而不是彻底关闭。

    Some saturn dealers now hope that instead of closing the brand , gm will spin it off as a separate company .

  5. 开展汽车下乡及以旧换新的促销活动。

    Promotional campaigns will also be carried out for auto sales in rural areas and the trading-in of used cars for new ones .

  6. 汽车下乡政策必然会对我国自主品牌汽车的未来发展产生重要影响。

    Car Subsidy Program for Rural Areas is bound to have an important influence on the future development of Chinese own brand cars .

  7. 改革开放以后,我国农村经济的高速增长是汽车下乡政策取得成功的根本原因。

    Since the reform and opening-up , the rapid improvement of rural economy in China is the basic reason of the success of Car Subsidy Program for Rural Areas .

  8. 中央财政投入资金450亿元,补贴家电汽车摩托车下乡、汽车家电以旧换新和农机具购置。

    The central government provided 45 billion yuan in subsidies for rural residents to purchase home appliances and motor vehicles , including motorbikes .

  9. 在此形势下,我国政府出台了《汽车产业调整和振兴规划》,采取减免车辆购置税、汽车下乡补贴等多项措施来应对危机。

    Under the force of circumstances , our government introduced a number of measures , like the automobile industry restructuring and revitalization plan , preferential vehicle purchase tax and the subsidy of " car to the countryside ", to deal with the crisis .