
  • 网络Choke;chock
  1. 这种阻风门的部分开启可以防止混合气过浓。

    This partly opens the choke so that an overrich mixture is prevented .

  2. 自动阻风门包括一个恒温控制弹簧和一个真空活塞

    The automatic choke includes a thermostatic spring and a vacuum piston .

  3. 自动阻风门包括一个恒温控制弹簧和一个真空活塞。

    The automatic choke includes a thermostatic sping and a vacuum piston .

  4. 其作用与上面讨论过的其它自动阻风门相似。

    The action is similar to that of other automatic chokes previously discussed .

  5. 自动阻风门尽管在细节上有所不同,但其设计是相仿的。

    The automatic choke devices are all similar , although they vary in detail .

  6. 煞车线,离合器线,油门线,码表线,阻风门线。

    Broke Cable , Clutch Cable , Accelerator Cable , Speedometer Cable , Choke Cable .

  7. 在阻风门内的电热元件的效用是保证阻风门缓慢开启。

    The purpose of the electric heating element in the choke is to assure slower choke opening .

  8. 在冷启动时,阻风门使燃油提早进入主供油装置。

    This choke valve , during cold engine starting , starts fuel to flow through the main system prematurely .

  9. 连杆移动至槽的一端,用足够的力推动阻风门全部离开全阻风位置。

    The linkage rides to the end of the slot with enough force to break the choke valve away from the full-choke position .

  10. 汽车发动机用的化油器的组成通常包括燃油室、阻风门、怠速量孔、主量孔、空气节流喉管和加速泵。

    Carburetors for automobile engines usually contained a storage chamber for liquid fuel , a choke , an idling jet , a main jet , an airflow restriction , and an accelerator pump .

  11. 但我确实记得,以前,在寒冷的早晨必须使用跨接线,阻风门要全程拔开;还有,夏天长途驾车时,光着的腿被滚烫的乙烯基座椅烤得火热。

    But I do remember those cold mornings when the jump-leads had to be applied and the choke was pulled out all the way , or those long summer drives when bare legs got scorched by boiling hot vinyl seats .

  12. 本文建立了在发动机冷车低速时化油器真空度的物理模型,计算了冷起动工况和怠速工况下阻风门与节气门后的真空度变化情况。

    This paper establishes a physical modle of carburettor vacuum when an engine is in cold condition and low revolutions , In cold cranking state and idle motion state a calculation about the changes of carburettor vacuum at the back of air choke and throttle valve is finished .