
  • 网络Damping resistor;damping resistance
  1. LCL滤波的并网变换器中阻尼电阻影响分析

    Impact of Damping Resistance on Grid Inverter with LCL-filter

  2. 并阻尼电阻消弧线圈自动跟踪装置的研制及其应用

    Development and Application of Automatic Tracing Device for Parallel Damping Resistance Arc Suppression Coil

  3. 分析了RLC串联电路暂态过程中阻尼电阻、振幅及阻尼度之间的关系。

    In this paper , we analyze the relationship between the damp resistance , amplitude , damp degree in the transient process of RLC circuit in series .

  4. 为了避免LCL滤波器发生电流谐振,通常需要加入阻尼电阻,则导致损耗增加,降低系统效率。

    To avoid the current resonance caused by LCL filter , damping resistance is usually needed , which increases wastage and reduces system efficiency .

  5. 单相电路中,电流冲击时充当阻尼电阻的PWM变频器的额定功率为主变压器的14%,而在三相电路中为19%。

    The required-ratings of the PWM converter , which performs the damping resistor for the inrush phenomena , is 14 % as compared to that of the main transformers in single-phase circuits . In three-phase circuits , it is 19 % .

  6. 在分析高压直流输电(HVDC)系统双调谐滤波器阻抗-频率特性的基础上,给出其品质因数的定义,分析了阻尼电阻等参数对滤波性能的影响。

    Based on the analysis of impedance frequency characteristics of double tuned filters in HVDC systems , its quality factor is defined and the infection of parameters such as damping resistance change to filtering performance is analyzed in this paper .

  7. 并对用相邻振幅值(Ln和Ln+1)求电路临界阻尼电阻的方法进行了实验验证,该方法有较高的准确度。

    On the other hand , the method of calculating circuit critical damp resistance depending on the bordering amplitude value ( L_n and L_ ( n + 1 )) is tested experimentally . The accuracy of such method is much higher .

  8. 并从LCL滤波器滤波效果、系统稳定性和功率损耗三个方面重点分析了阻尼电阻对系统的影响,在此基础上提出了阻尼电阻的选取原则。

    It is also checked by simulation . This thesis also analyzes the influence of damping resistance to the system stability in the three ways of filtering effect , system stability and power loss . On this basis , this thesis introduces the choose principle .

  9. 并阻尼电阻消弧线圈装置的研制

    Development of Device of Arc Distinction Coil with Paralleling Buffer Resistance

  10. 自动调谐调匝式消弧线圈阻尼电阻的选取原则分析

    Selecting principle analysis of damping resistance for automatic-tuning multi-tap arc-suppression coil

  11. 消弧线圈加装阻尼电阻后的运行分析

    Analysis of Operation of Arc Suppression Coil with Damping Resistor

  12. 考虑阻尼电阻影响的动态电压调节器线路侧滤波器的设计

    Line side filter design for dynamic voltage restorer considering effect of damp resistance

  13. 阻尼电阻取值对消弧线圈补偿网络运行特性的影响

    Influence of Damping Resistance on Characteristics of Are-suppression Coil

  14. 但是,当消弧线圈工作于不同的抽头时,其等效阻尼电阻将发生变化。

    The equivalent damp resistance changes with the variety of the tap of arc-suppression .

  15. 区域分析理论在临界阻尼电阻计算中的应用

    The applications of regional analytical theory to the calculation for critical value of damping resistor

  16. 配消弧线圈的阻尼电阻装置

    Resistor Damping Apparatus Matching the Peterson Coils

  17. 串联在消弧线圈接地回路中的非线性阻尼电阻&DFD型大功率非线性电阻器

    Arc Suppression Circuit Connected in Series with Non-linear Damping Resistors & Type DFD Large Capacity Non-linear Resistor

  18. 分析了影响阻尼电阻大小及使用寿命、运行可靠性的因素。

    Some factors which affect sizing of damping resistor , operational life , and reliability are also discussed .

  19. 并且通过串联阻尼电阻以限制调节过程中谐振引起的电压升高。

    Meanwhile , the voltage rise caused by resonance in course of adjusting is controlled by series damping resistance .

  20. 文中用非线性电感的描述函数通过逼近法比较准确地确定了临界阻尼电阻。

    Besides , the paper gives accurate critical values of R by using the describing function of the nonlinear inductance and search method .

  21. 介绍了一种新型的并阻尼电阻消弧线圈装置的原理、功能、结构。

    The paper introduces the principle , functions , structure of a new type device of arc distinction coil with paralleling buffer resistance .

  22. 分析了阻尼电阻、电感对暂态过程的影响以及它们之间的参数配合;

    The influences of the damping resistance and reactance on transient process are researched , as well as the proper match of their parameters .

  23. 通过消弧线圈二次辅助绕组接入阻尼电阻的方法解决了阻尼电阻易损坏的问题。

    With the way of connecting damp resistor to the secondary assistant winding of arc-suppression , the question of easily destroyed damp resistor is solved .

  24. 本文分析了电压逆变器型有源滤波器系统的稳定性,提出了不用阻尼电阻抑制系统振荡的方法。

    The stability of VSI active power filter systems is analyzed , and a method for suppressing transient oscillations in these systems without inserting damping resistors is proposed in this article .

  25. 本文选用了虚拟阻抗的控制策略,用控制算法取代阻尼电阻,增加了系统的稳定性,又不产生功率损耗。

    In this paper a controlling strategy based on virtual resistor concept is presented to make controlling arithmetic replacing function of damping resistor . This way , not only can raise the stabilization of system but also can decrease the power loss .

  26. 新研制的并阻尼电阻消弧线圈自动跟踪装置,其并联阻尼电阻采用二次间接接入方式,它既能把单相接地电容电流有效地补偿掉,又能有效地防止电弧接地过电压。

    The automatic tracing device for parallel damping resistance arc suppression coil newly developed adopts the secondary indirect join-in method for its parallel damping resistance , which can effectively compensate single-ground capacitance and current and prevent effectively the arc from grounding over voltage .

  27. 其它形式的阻尼包括电阻、辐射阻尼和磁阻尼。

    Other types of damping include electrical resistance , radiation , and magnetic damping .

  28. 因省去了以往无源阻尼控制算法中用以抑制系统谐振而增加的阻尼电阻,而从根源上消除了滤波器滤波性能、系统效率降低和发热等问题。

    Since the damping resistor used in the passive damping control algorithm is omitted , the problems of filter performance degradation and system efficiency degradation are avoided .