
zǔ huà jì
  • Inhibitor;paralysant;paralyzant;paralysor;paralyst
阻化剂[zǔ huà jì]
  1. DDS系列煤炭自燃阻化剂实验研究

    Experimental Investigation into the DDS inhibitors to Suppress the Spontaneous Ignition of Coal

  2. 阻化剂抑制煤炭氧化自燃性能的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Performance That Retarder Inhibits Coal Oxidation and Spontaneous Combustion

  3. 防止煤炭自燃的新型阻化剂研究

    Study on new stopping agent of preventing coal spontaneous combustion

  4. 新型凝胶阻化剂的研究与应用

    Study on New Type of Gel Inhibitor and Its Application

  5. 阻化剂性能评价的氧化增重法研究

    Laboratory study of using oxidation weight increase method for evaluation of inhibitor effect

  6. 吸湿性新型煤堆抑尘阻化剂的实验研究

    Experimental Studies on A New Kind of Water Absorbing Coal Heap Dust Suppression Inhibitor

  7. 碱性介质铝阳极阻化剂的探讨

    The research on the hydrogen evolution inhibitor of the Aluminum anode in the alkaline solution

  8. 防灭火阻化剂的载体&高性能泡沫的实验研究

    Experimental Study of High-performance Foam & a Separate Chemical Agent Carrier for Coal Spontaneous Combustion

  9. 煤自燃阻化剂性能评价的程序升温氧化法研究

    Research on Programmed Temperature-rise Oxidation Method Used for Evaluating Performance of Inhibitors of Coal Spontaneous Combustion

  10. 对易发火的高硫煤来说,水玻璃是最好的阻化剂。

    Sodium silicate is the best inhibitor for high sulphur coals which are liable to spontaneous ignition .

  11. 实际应用表明该凝胶阻化剂能有效的防灭火,并且成本低廉。

    It is illuminated that the gel inhibitor can prevent and extinguish the fire effectively with lower cost .

  12. 石灰凝胶阻化剂防灭火技术在高硫矿的应用研究

    Study on Application of Fireproofing and Fire-extinguishing Technology Using Fire-retardant Lime-Gel in Coal Mine of High Sulfur Content

  13. 用阻化剂防灭火技术安全回采易燃分幅工作面

    Applying the Fire Preventing and Extinguishing Technique of Gelatin Inhibitor to Safely Mine the Flammability and Layered Working Face

  14. 煤炭自燃不仅造成巨大的能源损失,也是重大的灾害,为减少采空区煤炭自燃,研制了新型的凝胶阻化剂。

    The coal spontaneous combustion not only can cause great loss of energy sources but also is a great disaster .

  15. 与此类似,阻化剂方法的可行性似乎较高,但是相关的经济和环境成本也超出了相应天然气产量的价值。

    Similarly , inhibitor injection seems to be feasible but , again , the economic and environmental costs outweigh the production results .

  16. 煤层预注阻化剂防治采空区煤自然发火试验研究注浆加固技术在综采面过空巷中的应用

    Test Research on Preventing Spontaneous Combustion in Gob with Pre-injecting Inhibitor into Coal Application of Reinforcement Technology with Grunting in Full-mechanized Mining through Empty Roadway

  17. 而不经意间,又让阻化剂、燃料油、重金属流入强大的海洋,也往往进入肉食生物体内。

    Inadvertently , he also lets flame retardants , bunker oil and heavy metals seep into the mighty ocean , and often invasive species too .

  18. 对几种阻化剂进行了程序升温氧化法测定,获得了在氧气量充足情况下原煤样与各阻化煤样的时间-温度曲线。

    Several kinds of coal inhibitors are tested with programmed temperature - rise oxidation method and the time - temperature curves are obtained under enough oxygen condition .

  19. 另外,还首次提出应用氧化增重法来评价硫化矿石的氧化性和阻化剂的性能,取得了显著的效果。

    Also , a new method named oxidation-weight-increment was explored at the first time for evaluating the low-temperature oxidation speed of sulphide ores and the effect of inhibitor .

  20. 运用热重分析手段对几种阻化剂进行了实验研究,运用化学反应动力学方程计算得到了原煤样与阻化煤样的活化能。

    Thermogravimetric analysis technique was used to study several inhibitors and the activation energy of original coal samples and coal-like ones was gained by the chemical reaction dynamic equation .

  21. 结合选择阻化剂的基本理论,选择合适的高聚物分子作为阻化剂,并以水玻璃、表面活性剂等为添加剂。

    So in accordance with the basic theory of inhibitor selection , suitable polymerinhibitor is developed in which Na_2SiO_3 surfactant , and so on are used as the additives .

  22. 注水、石灰水及其他阻化剂的阻燃方法忽视了水溶液中游离氧在硫化矿物氧化过程中所起的巨大作用,因而收效甚微。

    The combustion resisting methods of injecting water , lime water and other react resisting agents failed to play a good role in extinguishing fire because the role of isolated oxygen in liquid was not considered .

  23. 本文的研究为进一步揭示阻化剂防灭火机理提供了相关的基础数据,并为阻化剂防灭火技术的开发与应用提供了理论依据和新思路。

    Research of this paper provides relevant fundamental data and new mentality for further study on retardar coal mine fire prevention and extinguishment mechanism and provides theoretical reference for development and application of retardar fire prevention and extinguishment technology .

  24. 煤自燃和瓦斯事故严重威胁着煤矿安全生产和矿工的生命安全。为了防治煤自燃,国内外采用了灌浆、惰气、阻化剂和凝胶等技术,但这些技术都存在一些不足。

    As coal spontaneous ignition and gas outburst accident pose a serious threat to the mine production and the safety of miners , the techniques like grouting , inert gases , inhibitor and gel were used to prevent coal spontaneous ignition .

  25. 进行双氧水氧化升温试验、程序升温氧化试验和阻化性试验,结果表明,这种新型阻化剂阻化效果良好,阻化率达90%以上。

    By H_2O_2 oxidation , which has experienced the heating oxidation test and inhibitory test successfully . It can be so far concluded that the inhibiting effect of the new medicament is efficient as high as over 90 % .

  26. 根据以着火活化能为指标的阻化效果的判定方法,为不同矿区不同层位和不同工作面煤样选择了合适的阻化剂。

    According to take ignition energy as the target for inhibition effect judging method , and chooses the suitable inhibitor for different mining at the different mining area , different layer and different working face .