
zǔ rán zhěng lǐ
  • Flame retardant finishing;flame-proof treatment
阻燃整理[zǔ rán zhěng lǐ]
  1. 为生产符合英国BS标准的涤棉混纺家具布,对阻燃整理剂进行筛选。

    In accordance with BS Standard , flame retardant finishing agents for processing polyester cotton furniture fabric are selected .

  2. 以氟钛酸钾和氨乙基氨丙基聚二甲基硅氧烷(AEAPS)为整理剂,对羊毛产品进行阻燃整理,使其具有阻燃的性能和柔软的手感等多重功能。

    In this paper , as finishing agents , potassium fluotitanate and aminoethylaminopropyl polydimethylsiloxane ( AEAPS ) were used on the wool product to attain flame retardant property and soft feeling .

  3. 羊毛制品的氟钛酸钾AEAPS阻燃整理研究

    Study on flame retardant finishing of wool products with potassium fluotitanate / AEAPS

  4. 纺织物的有机磷阻燃整理研究涤棉混纺织物阻燃剂PN-1与PN-2阻燃性能的比较

    Study on fabric flame-retardant finishes with organic phosphate FLAME PROPERTY COMPARISON BETWEEN FLAME-RETARDANT PN-1 AND PN-2 FOR P / C BLENDS

  5. 常规的涤纶染色方法和工艺,例如高温高压法、热熔法均适于用YHD对涤纶织物进行阻燃整理。

    Conventional dyeing processes for polyester , such as HTP and thermosol dyeing process , are suitable for flame retardant finish using YHD .

  6. CHFR-1型阻燃整理剂的合成及其在色织布上的应用日本传统染织纹样与其文化内涵

    Synthesis of Flame Retardant CHFR-1 and Its Application to Yarn-Dyed Textiles The Japanese traditional yarn-dyed pattern and its culture

  7. 以亚磷酸二乙酯、丙烯酰胺和乙二醛为原料,经过两步反应合成了磷系无甲醛阻燃整理剂FRC-P,采用红外分析确定了该阻燃剂的结构。

    The phosphorus and formaldehyde free flame retardant FRC-P was prepared by two steps reaction with diethyl phosphate , acrylamide and glyoxal . Its chemical structure was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy .

  8. 装饰织物耐久性阻燃整理技术的研究

    Research in Finishing Technology of Endurable Fire Retardant for Decorative Textiles

  9. 基于亚麻黄麻织物阻燃整理的研究

    A Study of the Flame Retardant Finish of Flax and Jute

  10. 微胶囊技术在棉织物阻燃整理中的应用

    Application of Microencapsulation Technology to the Flame-retardant Finishing of Cotton Fabrics

  11. 纺织品的阻燃整理具有重要意义,存在着各种不同性能测试方法。

    The flame-retardant finishing of textiles is of very important significance .

  12. 氟锆酸盐用于羊毛织物阻燃整理的研究

    Study on Flame Retardant Finish for Pure Wool-fabric with Fluozirconate

  13. 棉用耐久免烫阻燃整理剂的研究

    Research of Durable Creasing Inhibiting and Flame Retarding Agent on Cellulose Fiber

  14. 超低甲醛阻燃整理工艺探讨

    Flame retardant finish of cotton canvas with ultra-low formaldehyde content

  15. 最终确定了阻燃整理的理想工艺条件。

    The ideal conditions of flame retardant finishing was determined .

  16. SFR&205对毛织物阻燃整理工艺探讨

    Flame Retardant Finishing of Wool Fabric With SFR - 205

  17. 棉用膦酸酯类阻燃整理剂的制备及应用性能研究

    The Synthesis and Application of Flame Retardant Containing Phosphite Ester for Cotton

  18. 尼龙-6织物耐久阻燃整理

    The investigation on the durable flame retardant finishing of nylon 6 textiles

  19. 纯涤纶织物阻燃整理探讨(Ⅰ)&高温高压整理法

    Study on Flame Retardant Finishing to Pure Polyester Fabric

  20. Basofil/棉混纺织物阻燃整理加工技术

    Flame Retardant Finish for Basofil / Cotton Blended Fabric

  21. 纯棉织物阻燃整理耐久性的研究

    Durability assays of flame retardant finishing of cotton fabrics

  22. 棉织物耐久阻燃整理的研究进展

    Progress in Permanent Flame-Retardant Finish of the Cotton Fabric

  23. 纯棉织物低甲醛耐久阻燃整理工艺研究

    Study on technique of low formaldehyde permanent flame-retard ant finishing for cotton fabrics

  24. 65/35涤棉卡其阻燃整理

    Flame-retardant Finish for T / C ( 65 / 35 ) Blended Khaki

  25. 涤棉混纺织物的阻燃整理

    Flame retardant finish of cotton / polyester blended fabric

  26. 羊毛织物阻燃整理技术

    Technology of flame-resistance finishing on wool fabric

  27. 涤棉织物耐久性阻燃整理工艺

    Durable Flame Retardant Finish for Polyester-Cotton Fabric

  28. 棉底板人丝绒阻燃整理探讨

    Flame-Retardant Finishing of Cotton-Back Rayon Velvet

  29. 同时,阻燃整理工艺简单及成本较低,易于工业化生产。

    Meanuhile , the flame retardant finishing technology is simpler and cost lower , easy to industrialization produce .

  30. 本文就其性能、阻燃整理工艺及阻燃测试作了介绍。

    A brief introduction is presented to discuss the performance and finishing process of P-N and its testing results as well .