
  • 网络impedance mismatch;Mismatch impedance;Impedance Miss Match
  1. 对象到RDF的阻抗不匹配

    The object-to-RDF impedance mismatch

  2. 因为当前主流的编程方式为面向对象的编程,而数据库却都是二维表结构的关系数据库,他们之间的交互呈现出一种阻抗不匹配。

    Because the current main programming mode is object-oriented programming , but database is two-dimensional structure in the relational database , the interaction between them will display an " impedance mismatch " .

  3. 同时使用Hibernate作为数据持久的方案来解决关系模型与对象模型之间的阻抗不匹配问题。

    Hibernate is a scheme of data persistence used to solve the " impedance mismatch " between the relational model and the object model .

  4. 对于IP电话系统而言,由于采用了分组交换技术,由2/4线转换器阻抗不匹配而产生的回波在系统中传输的时延较长,这将加重回波对语音通信的影响。

    Because IP telephone systems employ the packet switching technology , the echo signals generated by the Hybrid due to the impedance mismatch usually experience longer transmitting delay , which significantly decrease the speech communication quality .

  5. 而且应用CORBA实现了对象-关系接口组件,屏蔽了仿真前台对象和后台存储的关系表格之间的差异,解决了阻抗不匹配的问题。

    Furthermore the object-relation switch interface implemented by CORBA can shield the differences between the objects in the simulation stage and the relation tables stored in the long-distance RDB and resolve the " impedance unmatching " problem .

  6. 在利用面向对象技术开发软件的过程中,关系数据库(RDBMS)是目前最为流行的数据库,这就存在着对象模式和关系模式之间的阻抗不匹配。

    In the process of software development by 00 , relational database ( RDBMS ) is most popular , so there is a big problem between object model and relational model : impedance mismatch .

  7. PDN作为信号线的回流路径时,任何不连续点都能直接造成传输线的阻抗不匹配,影响信号的传输质量。

    When PDN is treated as the signal return path , any discontinuous points lead to mismatching of transmission line and degrade the signal quality .

  8. 电回波是由于语音信号在电话网中传输时由于阻抗不匹配而产生的。

    Electric echo is caused by the impedence mismatch during the transmission in PSTN .

  9. 对象模型基于软件工程的一些原理,而关系数据模型则基于数学原理,两种模型理论基础的不同导致了它们之间的阻抗不匹配。

    Object-oriented model is based on some rationales of software engineering , whereas relational database schema is based sound mathematical rationales .

  10. 主要研究了对象模型和关系模型的概念及其理论基础,以及对造成对象模型和关系模型之间阻抗不匹配问题的原因进行了深入的分析与探讨。

    Moreover the reason which causes the problem of " impedance mismatch " between the object model and relation model is also discussed deeply .

  11. 因此要使面向对象的应用实用化,需要引入对象/关系映射技术来避免对象和关系之间的阻抗不匹配。

    So it is important to instance object , and needs to introducing object / relation mapping technology to avoid mismatch of object and relation .

  12. 其主要原因是关系数据库中的关系模型和面向对象方法所需要的对象模型之间存在阻抗不匹配问题。

    The main reason is the relationship between the relational database model and object-oriented methods of the object model needed to impedance mismatch between the problem .

  13. 论文针对中压配电网的网络结构及由此产生的阻抗不匹配和传输衰减等问题,提出了一种仿真模型。

    Such a channel model , consisting of noise , attenuation , and impedance , is presented based on power line communications over the middle-voltage distribution networks .

  14. 在使用矢量网络分析仪对射频吸波材料进行测试的过程中,由于矩形同轴装置阻抗不匹配,将引起不希望有的反射。

    In the process of measuring radio frequency absorb material by vector network analyzer , the impedance of rectanglecoaxial measuring device is mismatched and cause redundant reflection .

  15. 实验中,发现当声压放大器末端的阻抗不匹配时,将出现压力波动幅值缩小而不是放大的现象。

    During the experiments , we found the acoustical pressure amplifier tube fail to amplify the pressure amplitude as the acoustical impedance connecting to the acoustical amplifier tube is not appropriate .

  16. 由于对象模型和关系模型之间存在一种基本的阻抗不匹配,导致使用关系数据库的面向对象系统开发人员通常要花费大量的时间来将对象持久化。

    Because a kind of basic mismatch exists between object model and relation model , it leads to that object systematic developer spend a large amount of time taking object persistent .

  17. 脉搏波由左心室间断射血产生,沿动脉壁从中央向外周传导,遇到阻抗不匹配处可以发生反射。

    A pulse wave is produced by intermittent left ventricular ejection , propagates from the centre to the periphery along the arterial tree , and can be reflected at the points of impedance mismatch .

  18. 本文首先分析了在对象模型与关系模型之间进行映射的理论的存在性,并对两种模型之间存在的阻抗不匹配提出解决方法。

    In this paper , I analyses the existence of the theory about mapping between relationship model and object model , and throws a scheme of solving the impedance problem between the two models .

  19. 这就是我更喜欢称它为对象/XML映射而不是封送的原因,因为这显然也要注意对象/XML阻抗不匹配的问题。

    That 's why I prefer to call it Object / XML Mapping instead of marshalling , because it makes clear that there is also Object / XML impedance mismatch to take care of .

  20. 面向对象模型基于方法学原理,关系数据模型基于集合论原理,理论基础的不同导致了两种模型之间的阻抗不匹配。

    The Object oriented Model is built on methodology , while the relational data model is on basis of the set theory . The difference principal between the two models leads to the dispatch problem .

  21. 通信和电子系统一般由多种设备组成,在实际工作中常常会遇到阻抗不匹配的问题,即前一个设备的输出阻抗不等于后一设备的输入阻抗。

    Communication and electronic systems generally consist of various equipment , In actual work , the systems usually meet the unmatched problem in impedance , namely the output impedance of the front equipment is unequal to the input impedance of the latter equipment .

  22. 然而由于模拟电路的电子元件间存在阻抗不匹配、过载和温度漂移等问题,因此解调系统不能达到最佳性能。文中介绍了基于虚拟仪器技术的光纤加速度计系统。

    However , it is difficult for the system to achieve the optimum performance because the electronic components which constitute the analog circuit have some problems such as improper resistance , overload , and temperature drift etc. An optical fiber accelerometer system based on virtual instrument technology was described .

  23. 基于观测器的自感知方法避免了电桥法自感知电路阻抗不易匹配的问题。

    The observer-based SSA approach successfully bypasses the impedance mismatch-ing problem bothering the bridge-based SSA approach .

  24. 该方法使得自感知电路的调节和感知信号的获取变得容易,克服了电桥法自感知电路阻抗不易匹配的不足。

    It is convenient to adjust the circuit and easy to acquire sensitive signal by using this method , and there is not the impedance mismatching problem met in bridge-based self-sensing circuit .

  25. 当信号源阻抗与负载阻抗不成共轭匹配时,可以在两者之间插入一个共轭匹配的双口网络,以使负载获得最大功率。

    Maximum power at the load can be obtained through insertion of a conjugate-matched two-port network between the source and the load in case the impedance of the former is not yet conjugate-matched with the impedance of the latter .

  26. 在采用电压电平差法测量固有衰减时,由于测量仪器的输出阻抗、输入阻抗与被测信号传输线的特性阻抗的不匹配,将造成测量误差,本文详细论述其误差的修正。

    Measurement of inherent attenuation by the method of voltage level gap has errors caused by the unbalance between the input / output impedance of the measuring instrument and the characteristic impedance of the signal wire under test . This article discusses in detail the rectification of the errors .

  27. 河流相地层测井声阻抗受钻井泥浆的影响较大,在水基泥浆条件下,由于含泥质地层的蚀变以及井眼跨塌,往往导致测井波阻抗反演时的不匹配或假象。

    Logging acoustic impedances of fluvial strata are largely influenced by drilling mud . Under the condition of using water-base mud , alteration of argillaceous strata and borehole collapse can often lead to mismatch or pseudomorph in inversion of logging acoustic impedance .