
zǔ duàn
  • block;cut off;interdict;intercept;blocking-up;hold up
阻断 [zǔ duàn]
  • (1) [hold up;intercept;interdict]∶由于阻止而中断 [某事的] 进程或进展

  • 事故阻断交通达一小时

  • (2) [block]∶妨碍 [身体上活动范围] 的正常运行

  • 用普鲁卡因阻断神经

阻断[zǔ duàn]
  1. 非法停车的司机,尤其是那些阻断交通的,应当予以惩处。

    Drivers who park their cars illegally , particularly obstructing traffic flow , deserve to be punished .

  2. 他们知道怎样控制、限制信息获取途径,而且如果需要,还会将其完全阻断,而这些途径对报纸来说很重要,对广播、电视更是极其关键。如果你不遵守游戏规则,你就完蛋了。

    They know how to control , restrict and , if need be , throttle access , important to newspapers and absolutely vital to radio and television . And if you don 't play the game , you 're toast .

  3. 道路被汽车阻断了。

    The road was blocked by cars .

  4. 然而,我们还验证了Simplisafe的反阻断系统是奏效的。

    However , we also verified that SimpliSafe 's anti-jamming system works .

  5. Simplisafe在最近的一篇关于信号阻断的文章中被选出,连同一个视频展示了整个系统是如何被手持式阻拦设备有效地绕开的。

    SimpliSafe was singled out in one recent article on jamming , complete with a video showing the entire system being effectively bypassed with handheld jamming equipment .

  6. 其他系统似乎对信号阻断方面也很有信心。

    Other systems also seem confident on the subject of jamming .

  7. 入室盗窃者可以阻断你的无线安保系统吗?

    Can Burglars Jam Your Wireless Security System ?

  8. 信号阻断担忧并不是什么新鲜话题,它们也不是安保系统所独有的。

    Jamming concerns are nothing new , and they 're not unique to security systems .

  9. 无线安保供应商通常会采取措施帮助应对阻断攻击的威胁。

    Wireless security providers will often take steps to help combat the threat of jamming attacks .

  10. 信号阻断攻击是绝对有可能的。

    Jamming attacks are absolutely possible .

  11. 当系统认为它正在被阻断时,它会通过推送警报来通知你。

    When the system thinks it 's being jammed , it 'll notify you via push alert .

  12. 这种方法将消除大多数线路被切断的担忧——但万一他们的无线信号被阻断了呢?

    That approach will eliminate most cord-cutting concerns — but what about their wireless equivalent , jamming ?

  13. 某些频率比其他频率更容易找到并获取阻断其信号的设备。

    It 's easier to find and acquire jamming equipment for some frequencies than it is for others .

  14. 但是,一个人成功地阻断你家的安保系统并偷走财物的可能性到底有多大呢?

    But how probable is it that someone will successfully jam their way into your home and steal your stuff ?

  15. 让我们想象一下,你住在一个配有反阻断功能的无线安保系统的小房子里。

    Let 's imagine that you live in a small home with a wireless security setup that offers a functional anti-jamming system .

  16. 正如之前所述,使用合适的设备和合适的技术,任何无线传输都是可能被阻断的。

    As said before , with the right equipment and the right know-how , it 's possible to jam any wireless transmission .

  17. 理论上,家庭安保方面最主要的担忧之一是,一个系统是否容易被完全阻断而不能工作。

    One of the main theoretical home-security concerns is whether or not a given system is vulnerable to being blocked from working altogether .

  18. 这时他需要阻断你的安保系统,因为破碎的窗户或被撬开的门必然会引发警报。

    He 'll need to be jamming you at this point , as a broken window or opened door would normally release the alarm .

  19. 然后,他需要知道你家系统的技术细节,并取得能阻断系统具体设置的特定设备。

    Then , he 's going to need to know the technical details of your system and acquire the specific equipment necessary for jamming your specific setup .

  20. 然而,这一切都需要在他不触碰反阻断系统的前提下,其实他对于该系统的细节一无所知。

    However , he 'll need to do so without tripping the anti-jamming system , the details of which he almost certainly does now have access to .

  21. 因此,在窃贼进入室内,四处寻找可偷的东西时,仍然需要不断阻断系统。

    So , too , would the motion detectors in your home , so the thief will need to continue jamming once he 's inside and searching for things to steal .

  22. 做个比较来说,假设你想“阻断”两个人之间的谈话——你需要做的就是对着听者的耳朵大喊。

    For comparison , let 's say you wanted to " jam " a conversation between two people — all you 'd need to do is yell in the listener 's ear .

  23. 在采取适当措施抑制发射到我们的测试实验室的无线电干扰信号以后,我们独立检测到了攻击,并且验证了在使用合适的设备的情况下,阻断信号是有可能的。

    After taking appropriate measures to contain the RF interference to our test lab , we tested the attack out for ourselves , and were able to verify that it 's possible with the right equipment .

  24. 但危险的是,他们低估了如被飞石砸伤、吸入有毒气体或被熔岩流阻断去路的风险。

    But they dangerously underestimate the risks such as being injured by flying rocks , the threat of toxic4 gas or getting cut off by lava5 flows .

  25. 今年是决胜全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚之年,全国广大教师用爱心和智慧阻断贫困代际传递,点亮万千乡村孩子的人生梦想,展现了当代人民教师的高尚师德和责任担当。

    This year is the time to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieve the goal of poverty alleviation and sense of responsibility of contemporary teachers .

  26. 英国心脏基金会医学副主任梅廷•阿夫基兰教授表示,还需要进一步的研究,以“确定阻断这些微小核糖核酸分子的药物是否是避免心碎综合征的关键”。

    Further research is needed , said Prof Metin Avkiran , the associate medical director at the British Heart Foundation , to “ determine if drugs that block these microRNAs could be the key to avoiding broken hearts ” .

  27. 中国抗击疟疾之路从上世纪50年代开始,中国卫生部门通过为有疟疾风险的人群提供预防性抗疟疾药物以及为患者提供治疗来定位和阻断疟疾的传播。

    Beginning in the 1950s , health authorities in China worked to locate and stop the spread of malaria by providing preventive antimalarial medicines for people at risk of the disease as well as treatment for those who had fallen ill .

  28. 它只存在远远不到一秒,就衰变成另外两种粒子,两种粒子的数量本应相等,但结果并非如此,这可能是因为一种神秘的力量阻断了这个过程。

    It exists for only a fragment of a second , and then decays into two other particles – what it should do in equal numbers – but it doesn 't , possibly because a mystery force is interrupting the process .

  29. B组:射频消融(+)+肝门阻断(-)切肝组;

    B group : radio - frequency ablation and liver cutting ;

  30. DNA甲基转移酶抑制剂5&氮杂胞苷阻断了一氧化氮激发下异黄酮合成。

    Pretreatment with DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-azacytidine suppressed SNP-induced isoflavone production .