
  • 网络Marcel;Marcelle;MASER
  1. 丹麦的第一部彩色电影是1956年的《基斯普斯》(Kispus),主角是怪癖可爱的时装设计师马塞尔先生(Mr.Marcel)。

    The first color live action film made in Denmark , " Kispus , " from 1956 , features a lovably eccentric fashion designer , Mr. Marcel .

  2. 佳士得拍卖会的其他亮点还包括安迪•沃霍尔(AndyWarhol)、勒内•马格利特(RenéMagritte)及马塞尔•杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)的作品。

    Among other highlights at Christie 's were works by Andy Warhol , Ren é Magritte and Marcel Duchamp .

  3. 马塞尔•杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)也许正为他要玩的恶作剧开心不已:他买了一个贝德福德郡小便池。

    Perhaps tickled by the prank he was about to play , Marcel Duchamp purchased a Bedfordshire urinal .

  4. 他还装上了礼服,因为他已经知道自己要去洛杉矶参加一场盛大的活动——马塞尔·杜尚(MarcelDuchamp)的作品回顾展。

    And he packed his tuxedo because he knew he was going to a big event in L.A. - a retrospective of Marcel Duchamp 's work .

  5. 她在车厢里无缘由地被打了两次,第一次是在达夏特雷到LesHalles酒店站之间。第二次则是在LesHalles酒店站开往艾蒂安马塞尔站之间。

    She was then physically attacked twice in the coach for no reason , between Gare de Chatelet - Les Halles Station and atienne Marcel Station .

  6. 对于混乱而言,马塞尔•迪尚(MarcelDuchamp)表示,要将一个事物变为一个新事物,人们所需要的就是将其置于模糊了其功能的环境中。

    As for dislocation , Marcel Duchamp said that all one needs to transform an object into something new is to place it in a context that effaces its function .

  7. 瑞士另类投资公司PartnersGroup首席投资官马塞尔厄尔尼(MarcelErni)表示,通过投资于商业地产抵押贷款等债务工具,投资者能够获得10%到18%的回报,超出通常的股权回报率。

    Marcel Erni , chief investment officer of Partners Group , a Swiss alternative investment house , said investors were able to generate returns of 10-18 per cent by investing in debt instruments such as commercial real estate mortgages , in excess of typical equity returns .

  8. 马塞尔:那你为什么有所有这些装备?

    Marcel : Then why do you have all of this equipment ?

  9. 马塞尔是这部小说中的第一人称叙事者。

    Marcel is the first person narrator of the novel .

  10. 我知道的你知道吗马塞尔我一向坚守传统

    You know , Marcel , I am a stickler for tradition ,

  11. 罗斯:“那”是马塞尔。

    Ross : " That " would be Marcel .

  12. 马塞尔拥有交通工程学、商业研究及工程学专业的学位。

    Marcel holds degrees in Transport Engineering and in Business Studies and Engineering .

  13. 马塞尔:你完全丧失理智了。

    Marcel : You 've definitely gotten carried away .

  14. 马塞尔马索是一位著名的哑剧表演艺术家。

    Marcel Marceau was a famous mime artist .

  15. 罗斯:我的意思是那只猴子让我想到了马塞尔。

    Ross : I meant because the monkey in it reminds me of � Marcel

  16. 马塞尔:你的房间三面墙都是海报大小他的照片。

    Marcel : You have poster-size pictures of him covering three walls of your room .

  17. 祝若川和马塞尔好运!

    Good luck Ruochuan and Marcel !

  18. 我正是在休养期间读完了马塞尔普鲁斯特的全集。

    It was while I was convalescing that I managed to read the complete works of Marcel proust .

  19. 马塞尔普鲁斯特&《追忆似水年华》(1913-1927)

    Marcel Proust - In Search of Lost Time ( A la recherche du temps perdu ) ( 1913-1927 )

  20. 马塞尔是剧组中第一个得到好莱坞电影角色的演员,它出演了达斯丁·夫曼的《恐怖地带》。

    The monkey was the first cast member to get a Hollywood movie role , appearing in the movie Outbreak .

  21. 德国的马塞尔以15.800分屈居亚军,而萨博特则以15.566分为法国队获得一枚铜牌。

    German Marcel Nguyen scored 15.800 to earn a silver , with Hamilton Sabot 's 15.566 winning France a bronze .

  22. 马塞尔:你不担心他会狗急跳墙,做一些更加卑鄙的事情?

    Marcel : You 're not worried that he 'll up the ante and try to do something even more underhanded ?

  23. 刚果发型师杰克逊-马塞尔说,他在过去10年一直注射美白针来美白皮肤。

    Congolese hair stylist Jackson Marcelle says he has been using special injections to bleach his skin for the past 10 years .

  24. 格林,39岁,之前和女演员瓦内萨?马塞尔有一个十岁的儿子。

    Green , 39 , is already a father to 10-year-old son , Kassius , from his previous relationship with actress Vanessa Marcil .

  25. 瓦格宁根大学的马塞尔?迪克教授说:现在最为重要的事是让人们做好准备,习惯这一想法。

    Prof Marcel Dicke of Wageningen University said : " The most important thing is getting people prepared , getting used to the idea .

  26. 这张一千法郎的钞票经过大家议论夸大以后,在圣马塞尔葡萄园街一带的三姑六婆中就引起一大堆骇人听闻的怪话。

    That thousand-franc note , commented on and multiplied , produced a vast amount of terrified discussion among the gossips of the Rue des Vignes Saint-Marcel .

  27. 马塞尔:不错,伤者都送去医院,电力供应也恢复了。交通已经回复正常。

    Marcel : Yes , the casualties have all been taken to hospital , the electricity supply has been restored and traffic is now flowing normally .

  28. 1922年5月18日,20世纪两位最伟大的小说家马塞尔‧普鲁斯特和占姆斯‧乔伊斯,第一次会见也是唯一的一次。

    On 18 May 1922 , Marcel Proust and James Joyce , the two greatest novelists of the 20th century , met for the first and only time .

  29. 马塞尔:是啊,最初我们还以为可能需要支援,幸好后来发觉没有这个必要。

    Marcel : Yes , for a time we thought we might have to call for reinforcements , but thank goodness in the end we didn 't have to .

  30. 马塞尔成功解决数学难题的主要因素是“激励”,尤其是“遇到难题执着前行”的那种“激励”。

    " For Marcel a key ingredient for success in math problem solving is " motivation ," in particular a kind of " stubbornness to keep going even when things seem complicated .