
Gender politics is a central theme of Maher 's work .
Ahmed Maher briefed Josep pique about his meeting with Yasser Arafat on Friday in the Palestinian-controlled town ramallah .
He also oversaw the Marshall Plan , which brought economic recovery in war-torn Western Europe .
Yet the balance of power still favors men , as illustrated by Maher 's " Frame " analysis .
Maher blamed Japan 's confusing and belated response to the crisis on the government 's traditional consensus decision-making process .
Meanwhile , Maher also talked with Syrian Prime Minister Rafik Hariri over the phone and exchanged views on the latest development in palestine .
They agreed to maintain contacts with all parties concerned in order to find ways to thoroughly solve the conflicts in the Middle East .
An earlier set of EU sanctions this month included 13 Syrian officials , including Maher al-Assad , who is the president 's brother and commands a division of Syria 's army .
Opposition sources in the besieged city of Homs told Reuters that tanks from the Syrian army 's elite Fourth Division , controlled by Mr. Assad 's brother , Maher , had moved onto the streets .
An Australian designer now living in the Dutch city Eindhoven , Maher is one of the growing number of people who regard themselves as neither male nor female , but as having a fluid gender identity .
Egypt 's foreign minister Amre Moussa said the day before yesterday Saudi Arabia will propose a peace motion in Arab League summit to resolve conflicts in Middle East even if Israel does not permit Arafat to attend the Arab League summit .