
  • 网络Artemisia vestita;artemisia sacrorum;Artemisa vestita;Artemisia gmelinil
  1. 铁杆蒿的蒸腾速率(Tr)随有效光辐射强度(PAR)的增强一直处于上升趋势,没有出现蒸腾速率饱和现象。

    With increasing PAR , transpiration rate was increasing along and had no saturation peak .

  2. 豆科牧草与铁杆蒿的CP以现蕾期为转折点,禾本科牧草则开花初期CP含量较高。

    The contents of CP in Legume changed markedly at bud stage . It happened in grasses at early blooming stage .

  3. 铁杆蒿以现蕾期的CPD最高(76.13%),结实期也较高(67.04%),而且结实期的适口性较好,利于放牧。

    CPD of Russian wormwood at bud ( 76.13 % ), seedpod ( 67.04 % ) were higher than that in other stages .