
  • 网络Ferrous;ferrous metal
  1. 适用于各种铁金属及合金钢材的各种加工。

    Suitable for all the machining operations of all the ferrous materials and their steel alloys .

  2. 涡流式非铁金属选别机

    Vortex Non - ferrous Separator

  3. 稀土(R)-铁金属间化合物中的磁相互作用

    The magnetic exchange interactions in the R-Fe intermetallic compounds

  4. 在悉尼,情况大致也是如此,只有国际铁金属公司(InternationalFerroMetals)例外,该公司在伦敦上市,但总部设在悉尼,在南非设有业务。

    In Sydney much the same would have been true , only with International Ferro Metals , which is London-listed but Sydney-headquartered and has operations in South Africa .

  5. 用放射性同位素示踪法、电子探针和X射线分析研究了溶解在钢中的稀土、铈-铁金属间化合物和稀土夹杂物在电解分离过程中的行为。

    The behavior of the rare-earth dissolved in steel , of the iron-cerium intermetallic compounds and of the rare-earth inclusions in electrolytic separation process was studied by means of radiolabelling method , electron probe and X-ray analysis .

  6. 合成1:2偶氮铁金属络合染料反应体系的pH值在7.5~8.5之间,反应温度均在75~80℃,偶氮金属络合染料的收率达85%以上。

    Iron , aluminium and lanthanon complex dyes , the pH value of reaction system was 7 . 5 ~ 8 . 5 , whereas that in preparation tmperature were all 75 ~ 80 ℃ . The yield were above 85.0 % .

  7. 中方这个非洲项目是澳大利亚国际铁金属公司(internationalferrometals简称ifm)与中国西北部地区酒钢集团的合作项目,生产不锈钢的主要原料铁铬合金。

    The Chinese venture in Africa has seen an Australian-based company international ferro metals ( IFM ) team up with JISCO , from north-west China , to produce ferrochrome a key ingredient of stainless steel .

  8. 试验结果表明:低pH值、低温、避光、避免与铝铁金属离子接触、添加多糖类物质、添加亚硫酸钠能保护草莓色素并抑制PPO褐变;

    The experimental results were as follows : low pH value , low temperature , avoiding light and contact with the ion of aluminum and iron , adding polysaccharide and sodium bisulfite could better preserve strawberry pigment and restrain PPO from browning ;

  9. 考察了含两种不同阴离子的铁金属盐和铁钴金属盐的PAN还原后膜表面的导电性能。讨论了PAN膜表面电导率与各种离子的结构关系。

    The conductivity behavior of the metal layer deposited by reduction of plyacrylontrile ( PAN ) containing two kinds of Fe salts and the mixed Fe / Co salts was investigated and the relationship between the conductivity and the structure of the metal salt was also studied .

  10. 聚晶金刚石复合片(PolycrystallineDiamondCompact)已广泛应用于地质钻探、非铁金属及合金、硬质合金、石墨、塑料、橡胶、陶瓷、木材等材料的切削加工等用途中。

    Polycrystalline Diamond Compact ( PDC ) has been widely used in earth drilling , cutting of various materials such as non-ferrous metal and their alloy , hard metal alloy , graphite , plastics , rubber , ceramics . It 's faced with polycrystalline diamond sintered from diamond powder .

  11. 用这一新工艺处理硫酸渣可得到含TFe=90.43%,铁金属化率达94.50%和铁回收率为90.94%的优质电炉炼钢用直接还原铁(DRI)。

    The results show that DRI with total iron grade of 90.43 % , metallization of 94.50 % and iron recovery of 90.44 % could be obtained , DRI could be used as high quality source for electric furnace steelmaking .

  12. 二茂铁金属有机液晶的合成、结构及介晶性研究

    Study on the structure of the ferrocene containing liquid crystal

  13. 是一款理想的锻造炉,非铁金属熔炉炉头。

    Ideal for forging furnaces , melting of non-ferrous metals .

  14. 非铁金属,有色金属及合金

    Non-ferrous metals & alloys Determination of iron content in alloy and powder

  15. 稀土&铁金属间永磁化合物间隙原子效应的研究

    Interstitial Effect Studies on Rare-Earth Iron Permanent Magnetic Compounds

  16. 影响反应罐海绵铁金属化率的原因

    Effect of some factors on percentage metallization of DRI in the reaction pot

  17. 29富铁金属间磁性化合物的研究现状和趋势

    Status and Tendency of 3:29 Type Iron-rich Rare Earth Ferric Intermetallic Magnetic Compound

  18. 铁金属络合染料的应用性能研究

    Research On Application Properties of Iron Complex Dyes

  19. 石油焦流化床燃烧过程铁金属脱硝的实验研究

    Experimental Research on the Reduction of Nitrogen Oxide by Iron in Petroleum-Coke-Fired Fluidized Beds

  20. 钢中铈-铁金属间化合物的性质

    Properties of Ce-Fe intermetallic compound in steel

  21. 石膏模非铁金属精密铸造技术

    Non-ferrous precise casting technology of gypsum model

  22. 白羊座是火相星座的规则利器,铁金属和火灾。

    Aries is a fire sign which rules sharp instruments , iron metals and fire .

  23. 颌面部铁金属异物磁铁吸取15例报告

    Extraction of Iron Metallic Foreign Body by Electromagnet in Maxillofacial Region : Report of 15 Cases

  24. 其中有的方法不仅适用于铸钢件,也适用非铁金属。

    Some of these methods are applied not only to steel castings but also to nonferrous metals .

  25. 铣削机板和条钢和非铁金属焊接边型材准备!

    Milling machines for preparation of welding edge profiles on plates and strips of steel and non-ferrous-metals !

  26. 旋叶式压缩机计算机辅助分析研究霍尔式铁金属检测装置

    Investigation in Computer Aided Analysis of Rotary Vane Compressor Study on the Ferrous Metal Survey Using the Hall Sensor

  27. 是一种生物稳定性高之切削油,适用于铁金属的中度研磨及加工。

    Daimosol S-300 a clean bio stable MWF for medium severe grinding and easy machining operations of ferrous materials .

  28. 而在有色金属下降,事实上,是也远低于非铁金属。

    And the decline in ferrous metals , in fact , is also far less than that of non-ferrous metals .

  29. 金刚石薄膜的一个重要用途是用做加工非金属、非铁金属和合金的刀具涂层。

    One of the important applications of diamond coatings is as cutting tools for nonmetals , nonferrous metals and alloys .

  30. 不能撤退的一切宝贵财产,包括非铁金属、粮食和油料,务必销毁。

    All valuable property including nonferrous metals , grain , and fuel which cannot be withdrawn must without fail be destroyed .