
  • 网络Railway Transport Equipments
  1. 首次把铁路运输设备GIS系统应用到超限车辆运行径路检测中,实现了对超限货物行车设备的可视化管理(5.8);

    It is the first time for railway transportation equipments GIS system to be applied in the route detection of car operation , which load out-of-gauge cargos . There will be come true for video management of cars which load out-of-gauge cargos ( in 5.8 chapter ) .

  2. 铁路运输设备管理系统编码设计

    Code Design for Railway Transport Equipment Management System

  3. 机车作为重要的铁路运输设备,其运行状况直接影响着铁路行车安全。

    Locomotives are important transportation and equipment in railway field , and their running affect directly the traffic security of the railway .

  4. 搞好高价互换配件管理工作,对于维护铁路运输设备的完好状态、合理控制运输成本、保证铁路运输安全具有重要意义。

    The management of high-rate fitting exchange is something very important to the well-being of railway transportation equipment , transportation cost control and transportation safety .

  5. 阐述了作为铁路运输企业设备维修单位的工务系统目前状况与存在的问题,提出了改革铁路企业管理模式的几点设想。

    This paper expounds the present situation and existing problems of the job section being as the equipment maintaining unit of Railway transportation enterprises , and puts forward some tentative ideas about the reform of management mode of railway transportation enterprises .

  6. 内燃机车是石化企业铁路运输的重要设备,一些石化企业对铁路运输的投入受到限制,企业铁路部门的安全管理系统不完善,事故隐患引人关注。

    Internal combustion locomotive is one of the important equipment of railway transportation system of petrochemical company . Internal combustion locomotive accident risk attracts concern due to limit investment on improvement of railway transportation of some petrochemical enterprises , and incomplete safety management system .

  7. 提出了用无轨电力运输车作为铁路隧道施工运输设备的方案,并对其中的关键技术问题进行了分析和阐述,对解决隧道无轨运输污染问题具有较大的实际意义。

    In this paper , the scheme that the trackless tramcar is used in railway tunnel engineering is put forward , and some key technical problems are analyzed . It is of actual significance to solving the pollution problem of trackless transport in tunnel .

  8. 高速铁路单线箱梁运输设备之研究&DCY450型轮胎式运梁车

    Research on the Transport Equipment for Single track Box Beams on High Speed Railway & DCY450 Pneumatic Beam Transport Trailer

  9. 对于整个铁路运输部门而言,设备管理具有重要的意义,它是重要的基础管理信息资源,是进行技术改造、行车指挥、保障行车安排及事故抢险救援的重要依据。

    For the whole railway transport department , equipment management has important sense . It is important information resources for the basis management .

  10. 红外线轴温探测系统是发现运行车辆热轴,确保铁路运输安全的重要设备。

    The infrared hotbox detecting system is the important device to find out the hotbox of running train and ensure the safety of runway transport .

  11. 众所周知,外资和民营资本有极大的空间参与到原本由政府主导的铁路运输行业,从设备供应到铁路建设甚至铁路运营。

    As witnessed by the industry , there is great potential for foreign and private investors to tap the government-controlled transport sector from equipment procurement to construction and operation .

  12. 针对设备管理比较落后的状况,晋煤集团铁路运输处建立了设备管理信息系统,实行了现代化管理,大大提高了设备管理效率,提升了设备管理水平,保证了运输生产的正常运行。

    Aiming at the lag behind actualites of equipment management , we have established equipment managing information system , which greatly enhances equipment managing efficiency , raises equipment managing level and ensures normal running of transportation production .

  13. 本文针对铁路运输需要和通信设备存在的问题,提出要加快铁路通信设备更新换代的进程,以促进铁路通信的发展。

    In view of the need of railway transportation and existing problems of communication facilities , the paper expounds that Chinese-made railway communication equipment should be developed more quickly , in order to promote the development of railway communication cause .

  14. WTO成员方铁路承诺水平表明:铁路运输设备的维修和保养开放程度相对较高,客货运输开放水平较低;

    Entrance commitment for railways of WTO members shows that the opening up level of transportation ( equipment ) is comparatively higher than that of the freight or passenger services .

  15. 铁路机车轴承是铁路交通运输设备的关键部件,由于长时间、高负荷的运行,机车轴承很容易出现损伤。

    Railway locomotive bearing is a key component of transportation equipment , As a long time , with the high-load operation , the locomotive bearing is prone to injury .

  16. 铁路线路是铁路行车的基础,是铁路运输设备中的主要构成部分,其安全性能的高低直接影响着行车安全水平。

    Railway line is the basis to train operation , and it has the direct influence on railway safety .

  17. 目前,共有七种铁路通信信号产品获得了铁道部颁发的铁路运输安全设备生产企业认定证书,是铁路物资设备指定供应商之一。

    So far , seven kinds of Railway Communication Signal products have got the certificate " Qualified Manufacturing Enterprise of Rail Transport Safety Equipment " awarded by the Ministry of Railways , being one of the designated suppliers of railway materials and equipments .

  18. 高速铁路的特点是高速度和高密度,轨道作为铁路运输的重要技术设备,因而要求轨道结构必须具备高平顺性、高稳定性和高可靠性。

    The characteristics of high-speed railway are high speed and high density , as railway track is an important railway transportation technical equipment , high-speed railway requires railway track structure have high ride comfort , high stability and reliability .