
tiě chuāng
  • prison bars;a window with iron grating
铁窗 [tiě chuāng]
  • (1) [a window with iron grating]∶带铁栅的窗户

  • (2) [prison;prison bars]∶借指监牢

  • 铁窗烈火

铁窗[tiě chuāng]
  1. 他因为反对那个政权而过了五年的铁窗生活。

    He spent five years in prison for his opposition to the regime .

  2. 大幕拉开,最后一幕戏开演,贵族独自一人坐在铁窗后阴暗的牢房里。这一句中,curtain和goup也是很实用的搭配。

    The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell .

  3. 你俩可以借此讨论铁窗生活和青少年犯罪记录

    You two can talk about jail time and juvie records

  4. 他被关进监狱,要在铁窗下度过他的余生。

    He was put behind the bars for the rest of his life .

  5. 我可能在铁窗后面渡过圣诞节了。

    I could be spending the holidays behind bars .

  6. 她被关在装着铁窗的房间里

    She 's locked up in a room with bars over her windows .

  7. 而他付出的代价是极其高昂的四年含冤的铁窗生涯!

    He is an extremely high price of four years in prison wrongfully career !

  8. 为何会在这些窗户上都装上铁窗。

    Whywouldyouput up bars on all these windows .

  9. 一天的铁窗生活使他冷静了下来。

    A day in jail cooled him off .

  10. 电视剧:《铁窗红颜》

    Show : Orange is the New Black

  11. 我确实相信,世界上最恐怖的监狱并没有铁窗和围墙。

    I strongly believe that the most horrible prison has no ruthless walls and windows .

  12. 我有铁窗门做盾。

    I have a screen-door shield .

  13. 铁窗框架锈住了,很难拿下来。我拿下来,让它入土为安吧!

    The iron window frames were rusted in , so it 's difficult to get them out .

  14. 四年来,哈利一直在由不同私营公司管理的几座监狱里过着铁窗生活,

    For four years , Harry has been serving time in prisons operated by various private companies .

  15. 两个囚犯站在铁窗前向外眺望,一个看着泥土,一个仰望星辰。

    Two men look out through the same bars : One sees the mud and one the stars .

  16. 问题是你愿意在铁窗后渡过余生么?

    The only question is , do you want to spend the rest of your life behind bars ?

  17. 在这个铁窗内的课堂里,三名犯人和一名狱警在学习习惯法的基础知识。

    In a classroom behind bars , three inmates and a prison officer learn the basics of common law .

  18. 而且很快,亲爱的,我们就要让我们的某些共和党友好去尝尝铁窗滋味了。

    And soon , my love , we will have some of our good Republican friends behind the bars .

  19. “我们希望看到偷猎者站在铁窗后面,而不是老虎,”世界银行行长罗伯特佐?利克说。

    " We want to see poachers behind bars , not tigers ," says World Bank President Robert Zoellick .

  20. 几个摄影师拍了几张奥巴马的照片,他看起来在沉思,从铁窗里凝望着窗外。

    Several photographers snapped pictures of Obama , looking thoughtful , peering out the window from behind the steel bars .

  21. 有师生恋情结的粉丝们可能会希望这一对修成正果,但高中老师和学生恋爱的多半以老师开始铁窗生涯为结果。不过如果年轻又帅气的Mr。

    Fans may want these two together , but relationships between a high school teacher and a student almost always end with jail .

  22. 英国内政大臣布隆克特本月四日裁定,希普曼必须在铁窗下度过其余生。

    British Interior Minister Blunkett ruled on the 4th of this month that Shipman must spend the rest of his life behind the bars .

  23. 他将在法庭上提无罪抗辩,一旦罪名成立,布朗将面临最高4年多的铁窗生涯。

    He 'll be arraigned on felony charges and he 's expected to make a plea . Brown faces more than four years in prison .

  24. 在二十五年铁窗生涯中,他呕心沥血留下的《狱中诗草》,更可作为铁证!

    In his twenty five years of imprisonment , he wrote down with painstaking efforts " Poems in the Prison Cell ", which provides powerful evidence .

  25. 狗,其实是人的总称最老实的朋友,在没有铁窗和防盗办法的现代,狗便是流派平安的戍守捍卫。

    The dog , it is one of the most loyal friend , general in prison and security facilities no ancient , the dog is safe defense defend gateway .

  26. 他们经过国家监狱时都离那阴森的墙壁远远的,只抬头仰望它的铁窗,说话也放低了声音。

    When they passed a prison of the State , they kept far from its frowning walls , and looked up at its bars , and spoke in whispers .

  27. 他在里面教其他犯人把通到天花板上风扇的电线接到铁窗上,这样一且有人碰到就会被电击一下。

    He taught the other prisoners how to disconnect the wires leading to the ceiling fans and connect them to the bars so people got shocked when touching them .

  28. 他对伪证的判决几乎未加辩护。他应尝尝铁窗滋味,而非联邦法官给他聊备一格的惩罚。

    Convicted of perjury after offering almost no defense , he deserved a taste of prison , not the slap on the wrist he has received from a Federal judge .

  29. 对有的人来说,一个仇人也是一座监狱,那人的一举一动都成了层层铁窗,天天为之而郁闷忿恨、担惊受怕。

    To some people , an enemy may be a prison , the behaviors of whom become the endless closed windows of the prison that make them feel hatred and worries .

  30. 如果不向我深爱的妻子和家人表示深深的感激,那么我的致敬将是残缺不全的。在我漫长而孤独的铁窗生涯中,他们给了我力量。

    My salutation will be incomplete without expressing my deep appreciation for the strength given to me during my long and lovely years in prison by my beloved wife and family .