
  1. 圈量子引力中源于Penrose双元计算的研究途径

    An Approach Originated from Penrose Binor Calculus in Loop Quantum Gravity

  2. 我们还采用了两种残余引力波作为源,即考虑中微子自由流效应的和没有考虑此效应的引力波,讨论了中微子对CMB谱的衰减作用,以及对谱线峰值的位置产生的影响。

    Two kinds of RGWs sources are used here , one with neutrino free-streaming effect and another without it . It is found that the neutrino free-streaming has the effect of damping the amplitudes and shifting the position of the peaks of CMB spectra .

  3. 本文第一部分系统地介绍了引力场的频移效应,如均匀引力场,静态引力场,质量源,电荷源,宇宙常数等等引力场中谱线的频移效应。

    In the first section of this article , we introduce the gravitational spectral shifts of static gravitational field , and spectral shifts of gravitational fields with mass , or electric charges or cosmological constant .