
yǐn xià xiàn
  • downlead
引下线[yǐn xià xiàn]
  1. 引下线中的雷电流通过近场的电磁感应将雷电波(高电位)沿着附近的信号电缆、电源电缆和通信电缆引入DCS;

    Lightning current in the Down-conductor system brings lightning surge inducted by near field electromagnetic induction into DCS along the local signal cables , power cables and communication cables ;

  2. 电气设备接地引下线导通测试及分析

    Continuity Test and Analysis for Ground Down Lead of Electrical Equipment

  3. 一种基于分层约简模型的含接地引下线的接地网故障诊断方法

    A Hierarchical Model Based Corrosion Diagnosis Approach for Grounding Grid with Down Lead Lines

  4. 有独立引下线建筑物遭雷击时室内的磁场分布

    The Magnetic Field Distribution in Buildings with Separate Lightning Down Conductors during a Direct Lightning Stroke

  5. 应根据接地系统图,在地网上焊接接地引下线。

    Weld the earth connecting cable on the floor net which also based on the floor system drawings .

  6. 接地装置引下线的导通检测工作应每年进行一次并进行记录、分析。

    Grounding device Yin Xiaxian of conduction testing should be conducted once a year , and recorded and analyzed .

  7. 接地引下线与导电地网和地下接地体的连接应牢固、可靠。

    Connection part between the earth connection cable and the conduct floor net and underground earth object should solid and reliable .

  8. 架空固定敷设,软铜芯产品用于变压器引下线。

    Fixed installation in air , these products with soft copper conductor can be used as the service drop cable of transformer .

  9. 本文根据故障诊断学原理、网络理论、矩阵理论及计算机算法,使用接地网拓扑结构图及接地网引下线间的电阻测量值,建立接地网腐蚀诊断方程。

    According to fault diagnosis theory circuit principle and matrix theory , This paper introduces the math model and equation of fault diagnosis method .

  10. 光缆在放线完毕后,如不能立即熔接,应将引下线盘起固定于铁塔较安全的位置上,以防人为损坏。

    If the optical cable fails to weld immediately after setting , the downlead shall be coiled and placed in a safe location to avoid human damages .

  11. 关于软母线改进半高型配电装置引下线抗风能力的探讨变电工程软母线压接工作的几点体会

    The Discussion of Anti-wind Ability of the Down Lead Flexible Bus Bar in Improved Half-high Distribution Switchgear Some Understanding of Soft Bus Wire Compression-Fitting Joint in Power Transformation Projects

  12. 由于接地网引下线间端口电阻的测量属于小电阻测量,其测量误差势必会极大的影响诊断结果。

    The resistance between the ports of the down lead conductor of the grounding grid is small , thus its measurement inaccuracy may have great influence on the diagnosis result .

  13. 还要采取引下线、等电位连接、屏蔽、信号系统安装电涌保护器等其它雷电防护的综合措施。

    Other comprehensive measures including down-conductor system , equipotential bonding , shielding , and surge protection device ( SPD ) on signal system should be adopted to protect the radar station from lightning .

  14. 在经常发生雷击的易击杆塔上安装线路型避雷器,采用杆塔接地引下线直接引下接地避免以往引下线连接不牢,采用导电水泥对杆塔接地体进行处理。

    Some of the details were installing line arrester on lightning susceptive towers , using tower down lead to ground directly and to avoid unsound grounding and adding conductive cement to tower base and grounding electrode .

  15. 接地网材料通常为电的良导体,其引下线间的端口电阻值一般在毫欧级,在强电磁环境中的测量困难。

    The grounding material is usually good electrical conductor . The port resistance of the down lead conductor is usually in the range of m Ω, which is hard to measure in a strong electrical environment .

  16. 防雷引下线和建筑物金属构架的分段支路用全耦合的π型电路来模拟,并考虑频变特性和大地的镜像作用。

    The lightning down conductor and the building 's metal framework branches are simulated by a series of coupled π - type circuits . The frequency-dependent performance of the circuit parameters and the effect of the earth were considered .

  17. 结合相关雷电知识,对爆炸危险环境建筑物的防雷设计,如接闪器、引下线、接地装置、特殊建筑物等防雷装置及设施的设计进行详细的探讨。

    With reference to the knowledge of thundering and lightning ,, this paper analyzed in detail the designing against lightning protection device and facility in explosive and dangerous environment , such as arrestor , earth lead , earthing device , special building , etc.

  18. 利用接地网拓扑结构图及接地网引下线间的电阻测量值,建立腐蚀诊断方程,通过求解诊断方程,计算出接地网支路电阻值变化量,采用模糊诊断方法判断出接地网导体腐蚀的情况。

    According to the topology of the substation and resistance measurements of down-leaders , the erosion diagnosis equation is built and the resistance variations of grounding grid branches are solved , and the erosion of grounding grid could be found through the fuzzy diagnosis regulation .

  19. 介绍了利用接地引下线导通测试仪测试电力设备接地引下线的方法及注意事项,并对若干测试数据进行了分析,给出了判定导通状况的参考值。

    The Method and points for attention for using continuity tester of ground down lead to test the ground down lead of electrical equipment have been introduced , several test data have been analyzed and the reference value to determine the continuity state has been given .

  20. 论文利用接地网拓扑结构图及接地网引下线间的电阻测量值,建立了基于接地网支路电阻相对变化量的腐蚀诊断方程,并通过添加正则化因子的改进拟牛顿迭代法求解诊断方程。

    Basing on the structure chart and the measured value of the resistance between the down lead conductor ports , the thesis constructs the relative variation of branch resistance dependant erosion diagnosis equation and solves this equation through the improved Newton iteration method by the introduction of the regularization factor .