
yǐn rén zhǔ mù
  • 熟语noticeable;conspicuous;spectacular
  1. 其中,以国际法基本原则、领土法以及和平解决国际争端等方面对发展国际法的主要贡献,最为引人瞩目。

    The noticeable contributions reflect the basic principles of international law , the law of territory and peaceful settlement of disputes among these .

  2. 近来,一些强大的科技和电子硬件公司成为了引人瞩目的输家。

    A noticeable group of losers in recent times has been stalwart technology and electronics hardware companies .

  3. 那只猴子是节目中最引人瞩目的明星。

    The monkey was the star attraction at the show .

  4. 这一地区以其优美的景色而引人瞩目。

    The area is remarkable for its scenery .

  5. “扔麦克风”是指在表演或演讲结束之际故意地摔掉或扔掉麦克风的举动,以此来引人瞩目。

    Mic drop refers to the action of deliberately to emphasize a particularly impressive point .

  6. 加雷斯·贝尔和皇家马德里都不算什么,今年足球界最引人瞩目的事件是贝克汉姆存在主义,这是小贝移居巴黎启发出来的一门新哲学。

    Forget Gareth Bale and Real Madrid , the biggest unveiling in football this year is Becksistentialism , a new philosophy inspired by David Beckham 's move to Paris .

  7. 这个趋势十分引人瞩目,就连《时代》杂志(TIME)最新一期的封面故事也是谈的这个话题。

    But already , the trend is stunning enough that time made it the subject of its current cover .

  8. 当前,迅速发展的无线通信技术和Internet,已成为信息技术领域引人瞩目的两个亮点。

    Today , both of the wireless communications and Internet are growing rapidly , it is two sparkling spots in current information technology area .

  9. Internet和移动通信是近年来通信技术研究的两个热点领域,把数据业务扩展到无线移动环境更加引人瞩目。

    Recent progress in Internet and mobile communication technologies has attracted much attention , which leads to an intensive research to extend data services into wireless mobile environment .

  10. 电影出租巨头百视达公司(Blockbuster)以一套引人瞩目的商业模式起家。

    Blockbuster started out with a compelling business model .

  11. 大型国有企业一直是最引人瞩目的IPO交易主角,但较小规模的私营企业也开始越来越多地寻求到香港上市。

    The most high-profile IPOs have been by large state-owned companies but smaller private companies have also increasingly looked to Hong Kong .

  12. 这个国家公园引人瞩目的垂直地貌——石塔、砂岩谷和陡峭崖壁——每年吸引250万游客前来游览。9.AcadiaNationalPark阿卡迪亚国家公园

    The park 's striking vertical topography - rock towers , sandstone canyons , and sharp cliffs - attracts 2.5 million visitors a year .

  13. 在所有的嵌入式处理器互连方式中,PCI总线以其高带宽、通用性、成熟性以及低成本尤为引人瞩目。

    In all interconnect ways , PCI bus , with its high bandwidth , versatility , maturity and low cost , is particularly impressive .

  14. 对iPhone商标权的裁决由北京市高级人民法院做出,而这只是一连串引人瞩目的商标和盗版案件中的一起。

    The iPhone ruling , in a high court in the Beijing municipality , is just one of a spate of high-profile trademark and piracy cases in China .

  15. 《条例》的颁布符合中国2001年加入世界贸易组织(WTO)的承诺,标志着中国放开了严格管制的银行业,但它不太可能产生引人瞩目的影响。

    The rules , introduced following China 's 2001 entry into the World Trade Organisation , mark an opening up of the country 's tightly regulated banking sector but are unlikely to have a dramatic impact .

  16. 智能缓存是让Solr得以成为引人瞩目的搜索服务器的一个关键性能特征。

    Intelligent caching is one of the key performance capabilities that makes Solr shine as a search server .

  17. 斯坦福商学院(StanfordGraduateSchoolofBusiness)的保罗奥耶(PaulOyer)最近进行了一项引人瞩目的研究。研究显示,斯坦福1988届MBA毕业生的收入多年来都维持在较低水平。

    One striking recent study , by Paul Oyer of Stanford 's Graduate School of Business , showed that the Stanford MBA class of 1988 earned low incomes for many years .

  18. 美元汇率水平影响到世界经济最引人瞩目的特征美国的经常账户赤字是否会持续下去,该赤字目前已占到美国国内生产总值(GDP)约7%。

    The level of the dollar affects the sustainability of the world economy 's most striking feature : America 's current account deficit , now running at about 7 per cent of gross domestic product .

  19. 他曾因重振OldNavy品牌而获得赞誉。自来自瑞典的拉尔森2012年接手后,OldNavy一直是Gap旗下诸多品牌中为数不多的一个亮点。这使拉尔森成了零售业最引人瞩目的高管之一。

    Old Navy has consistently been one of the few bright spots in Gap 's brand portfolio since Mr. Larsson , who is Swedish , took over in 2012 , making him one of the most visible executives in retail .

  20. 其中美国的LIGO项目进展引人瞩目。

    The progress of LIGO project in United States is going well .

  21. 这类计算在美国、英国及经合组织(OECD)其他成员国官方预测者模型中的缺失,使它们显得颇为引人瞩目。

    Such calculations are conspicuous by their absence in official forecasters ' models in the US , the UK and elsewhere in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .

  22. 自从1971年布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)之下的固定汇率制度崩溃以来,全球在协同经济方面所做的尝试中,最引人瞩目的一些举措都涉及稳定主要货币汇率。

    Since the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates collapsed in 1971 , some of the most high-profile attempts at global co-ordination have involved trying to stabilise major currencies .

  23. 娜奥米•沃茨(NaomiWatts)和马修•麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)走上红毯时,《每日电讯报》(DailyTelegraph)形容此场景为“极其糟糕却又引人瞩目的羞辱之途”。

    When Naomi Watts and Matthew McConaughey took their turn on the red carpet , it had " a horrifically compelling walk-of-shame quality " according to the Daily Telegraph .

  24. 不过,他的承诺将与比尔•盖茨(BillGates)和沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)引人瞩目的慈善捐款有所不同。后两位都是把自己企业帝国赚来的钱捐给一系列援助项目。

    However , his commitment will differ from the high-profile philanthropic donations of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett , both of whom are donating money made from their business empires to a variety of aid projects .

  25. 我想到日本这份调查的第二个原因是,一家名为国际清算银行(BIS)的机构刚刚发布了一份引人瞩目的通缩历史调查报告。

    The second reason this Japanese survey has returned to my thoughts is that an institution called the Bank for International Settlements has just published a striking study of the history of deflation .

  26. 威尔逊执掌GMAC的18年里,他一直是MBA学位最引人瞩目的倡导者,直到他去年12月31日光荣退休。

    For the past 18 years , until Dec. 31 , when Wilson retired as GMAC 's top official , he had been the most visible cheerleader for the MBA degree .

  27. 3i合伙人史蒂文尼科尔斯(stevennicholls)称,福斯特的业绩“引人瞩目”,并表示自己为“参与这一持续成功的故事而感到自豪”。

    Steven Nicholls , 3I partner , called the results " impressive " and said he was " proud to be part of this continued success story " .

  28. 这项技术特别适合于处理传统电脑不可能完成的任务,比如图像识别。该技术迄今最引人瞩目的应用是在谷歌相册(Photos)的用户相簿中自动识别人或物体。

    The technology is particularly well suited to things that computers have traditionally found impossible , such as image recognition , and has been applied most strikingly in Google 's Photos app to automatically identify people or objects in users " albums .

  29. 在中国,人们知道巴菲特是伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)的首席执行官、引人瞩目的比亚迪(BYD)投资者。比亚迪是希望引领中国电动汽车行业的中国汽车公司。

    China knows Mr Buffett as chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway , and a high-profile investor in BYD , the Chinese car company that hopes to lead the Chinese electric vehicle industry .

  30. 尽管逊色于去年微软(Microsoft)向Facebook投资2.4亿美元而使Facebook的估值达到150亿美元,但在快速增长的社交网站业务领域,LinkedIn争取到的最新投资仍是最引人瞩目的项目之一。

    Though it pales beside the $ 15bn valuation for Facebook implied by a Microsoft investment of $ 240m last year , the latest stake in LinkedIn is still one of the most eye-catching investments in the fast-growing social networking business .