
pì yuǎn
  • remote and out-of-the-way
僻远 [pì yuǎn]
  • [lonely and remote] 偏僻荒远

  • 僻远的山区

  • 虽僻远其何伤。--《楚辞.屈原.涉江》

  1. 茶马古道风景迷人,幽静僻远。

    This ancient road features the imposing scenery and a soul-stirring quiet .

  2. 一年后,国王又去打猎,去了一个很僻远的地方。

    About a year later , the king was hunting in an area wherein he should have known not to hunt .

  3. 降及十六国时代,清典纯正的河西文学,在北中国文坛更居于重要地位,而所以如此,又与河西相对僻远的地理位置有着密切的关系。

    Down to the Sixteen States Period , the innocent and pure Hexi literature held its important position in the north part of China 's literature field , the situation of which had a intimate link of the remote geographical position of the Hexi Area .
