
  • 网络gravitational instability
  1. 三点相关函数或傅里叶空间的重谱(bispectrum)是研究由引力不稳定性演化产生的大尺度结构非高斯性质的最低阶统计量。

    Three-point correlation function ( 3PCF ) and its Fourier counter part , bispectrum , are the lowest statistics that quantify the non-Gaussian behavior of the large scale structure induced by the gravitational instability .

  2. 引力不稳定性在巨分子云聚合形成中的作用

    The effect of gravitational instability in the aggregation formation of GMCs

  3. 研究引力不稳定性的动理论方法

    On kinetic theory approach for studying gravitational instability

  4. 磁场、粘性和非轴对称性对原行星盘引力不稳定性的影响

    Effects of Magnetic Fields , Viscosity , and Nonaxisymmetry on Gravitational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks

  5. 其中分别考虑分子云之间的短程力(随机碰撞模型)和长程力(引力不稳定性模型)。

    As for the self-gravity , the short range ( random collision model ) and long-range self-gravity ( gravitational instability model ) among clouds is considered respectively .

  6. 本文讨论存在非重子暗物质背景时成热力学气体状态的重子物质的引力不稳定性问题。

    In this paper , we study the instability of a gravitational system composed of thermodynamic gas or star system as collisionless particles with dark matter background .

  7. 为了研究引力不稳定性在巨分子云形成中的作用,通过计算机模拟技术建立了星系中分子云的较差自转模型。

    In order to study the effect of the gravitational instability in the formation and evolution of giant molecular cloud models ( GMCs ) in galaxies , the differential rotation models are developed by means of computer simulation methods .

  8. 应用热力学方法,我们给出了自引力系统金斯不稳定性的物理基础。

    Through the thermodynamic method we discussed the physical basement of the Jeans instability in one self-gravitating system .

  9. 结果显示,非重子暗物质背景的存在将对引力系统的不稳定性产生重要影响。

    The results show that the existence of non-baryonic dark matter background influences seriousely the instability of a gravitational system .