- lunar trajectories

And then , using STK software , a method for revision of the results in primary design is given , and the high precision trans-lunar trajectory is gained . 3 .
The parameters of trans-lunar trajectory are calculated using numerical method , and the location of entrance point and the appropriate launch window are analyzed .
The scale of space station for manned lunar-landing mission is conceived . 2 . A trans-lunar trajectory model is established , and the constraint conditions are given according to practical situations in engineering .
China is also at the manned lunar landing project pre-feasibility study stage . In the course of the lunar landing , the rendezvous and docking is essential between lunar landing compartments , and the docking dynamic simulation in the manned moon landing project is also extremely important .
Study of Rapid Design Method for Cislunar Transfer Trajectory
The autonomous optical navigation algorithm based on Earth-Moon information during the cislunar transfer orbit phase is presented .