
bēn fàng
  • bold and unrestrained;untrammelled;moving and forceful
奔放 [bēn fàng]
  • [bold and unrestrained;untrammelled] 思想感情、诗文气势等无拘束地尽量表达出来

  • 热情奔放

奔放[bēn fàng]
  1. 她的散曲多是直抒胸臆,恣肆奔放,以豪放的北曲为主要创作方式。

    Her works is bold and unrestrained , and this is the mainly creation tendency .

  2. 尘世间的人心到底在哪里收藏,梦想到底在哪里奔放,道路到底在哪里终止?

    Hereafter 's hearts in where collection , dream where exactly is bold and unrestrained , road where exactly is terminated ?

  3. 他开始热情奔放起来。

    He started to fizz with enthusiasm .

  4. 她真是热情奔放。

    She absolutely gushed enthusiasm .

  5. 非洲舞蹈强劲奔放,但又处处透着细腻。

    African dance is vigorous , but full of subtlety .

  6. 她非常热情奔放。

    She was very gushing and very effusive .

  7. 他的画作变得更加热情奔放。

    His paintings became more lyrical .

  8. 奔放的姿容,骄人的模样,

    Her free behaviour , winning looks ,

  9. 从风格上来说,这个名称意味着松散而迅速的绘画笔触,奔放的格调,使用强烈配色。

    Stylistically , the term implies loose , rapid painthandling , large rhythms and broken colour .

  10. 爱德华象一阵乡野的风刮了进来,带着顽强的健康,快活,奔放和相当的直率

    Edward came in like a country wind , obstreperously healthy , jovial , large and rather bald .

  11. 她热情奔放,喜欢喝鸡尾酒和淋雨。关键词:loadedpistol/pinacoladas/caught/rain

    She 's aloaded pistol who likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain .

  12. 针对沉迷于等级和特权的右翼人士的这一反驳,来自19世纪英国小说家安东尼•特罗洛普(AnthonyTrollope)所著的《PhineasFinn》一书中自由奔放的自由主义女主人公格伦科拉夫人(LadyGlencora)之口。

    This rejoinder to rightwingers who delight in rank and privilege is spoken by Lady Glencora , the free-spirited Liberal heroine of Anthony Trollope 's Phineas Finn .

  13. 然后,全屋的女士就如一群热衷交际的灰姑娘(Cinderella),开始小心翼翼地脱去自己的高跟鞋,奔放热情一发而不可收。

    Then , like a flock of social Cinderellas , women all over the room began to discreetly slip off their towering footwear . No one could curb their enthusiasm .

  14. 浓郁的热带生态环境、休闲的度假生活气氛、勾勒出一个自然奔放的LOHAS小镇。

    With full-bodied tropical environment , casual vacation atmosphere , it has outlined a natural and unrestrained LOHAS town .

  15. 而诗人,只要他那慧眼热情奔放地一转。

    The poet 's eye , in a fine frenzy rolling .

  16. 试着像一只黄金猎犬一样自由奔放吧。

    Try to be open and free-spirited like a golden retriever .

  17. 你说的应该是我奔放的新香水吧。

    I believe you 're referring to my bold new scent .

  18. 和谐:一种饱满,奔放的和音的流露。

    Diapason : a full , rich outpouring of harmonious sound .

  19. 我怀疑你是否有奔放地爱的勇气。

    I doubt you 've ever dared to love anybody that much .

  20. 真叫人惊奇,这个腼腆的姑娘能够变得这么热情奔放。

    It was astonishing that this shy girl could grow so passionate .

  21. 他热情奔放,吻了我的双颊。

    He 's very demonstrative : he kissed me on both cheeks .

  22. 直到这时,她对方草地的爱才充分奔放出来。

    It was then that her love for Meadowland flowed most fully .

  23. 你的笑容要自然放松,不是拉拉队的那种活力奔放。

    Your smile should appear natural and relaxed , not cheerleader perky .

  24. 现在我们要奔放一点了。

    Now we 're gonna sass it up a bit .

  25. 他表现出的一切都是激烈的、夸张的和热情奔放的。

    Everything with him was violent , exaggerated and passionate .

  26. 明快的杏黄色又会创造出青春的奔放意境。

    Bright apricot yellow would have created a mood of unrestrained youth .

  27. 他的作品不是奔放震撼式的,而是细腻,富有诗意的。

    It is not strident or emphatic , but subtle and poetic .

  28. 他心地善良,热情奔放。

    He was a boy of great heart and enthusiasm .

  29. 这场竞选声势浩大,多姿多元,富有创意,奔放不羁,充满能量。

    This vast , diverse , creative , unruly , energized campaign .

  30. 有时它听起来热情奔放,有时却冷静理智。

    It can sound hot , or very cool .