
  • 网络long position;long game
  1. 网球男单比赛决胜盘采用长盘赛制已成为一种趋势。

    There has been a tendency for adopting the advantage set in the final of tennis men 's singles .

  2. 持续了三天的这场网球马拉松引发人们思考一个问题:这种情况还会发生吗?当然我们是指的长盘决胜。

    The three-day tennis marathon inspired a question : Would anyone ever let this happen again ? We 're referring , of course , to the tiebreaker .

  3. 长盘赛制也存在着耗时过长,对运动员身体造成损伤影响运动员下一轮比赛发挥等不合理现象。

    However , this set leads to body damage because the match lasts for such a long time which will affect the players'performances in the next match .

  4. 应适当缩短长盘赛制的比赛时间,以确保运动员身体安全,延长运动员的运动寿命,对运动员下一轮比赛的正常发挥起非常重要的作用。

    It is highly suggested that the time be shortened in order to ensure the safety and athletic longevity of the players , so that they are able to be themselves in the next round of matches .

  5. 非大满贯的比赛中,三盘两胜,没有长盘决胜制,所以这次第一轮就打满五盘,地五盘还打到11比9,开局真挺苦的。

    Because we play just two sets and a match tie-break at non Grand Slam tournaments , to play an11-9 in the fifth in the first round at Wimbledon was a tough way to start the tournament .

  6. 它的长枝子盘在房子的三角墙上,而这墙上正挂着一口小小的钟。

    The long stems twined round the gable , on which there hung a small bell .

  7. 电镜下见缝合组视杆细胞外节变长,膜盘完整,RPE细胞胞质内含有外节膜盘片断的吞噬体明显减少。

    In the cytoplasm of RPEC , the phagosomes containing fractions of the membrane disc of outer segment were remarkably decreased .

  8. 脸上有毛的树栖猴,鼻孔分得很开,尾巴长而适于盘卷。

    Hairy-faced arboreal monkeys having widely separated nostrils and long usually prehensile tails .

  9. 长发须盘起来,发带发夹颜色不可过于亮丽。

    Long hair should comb up , hair clips and ribbon should not colorful .

  10. 小长径比药盘钢模压制成型工艺研究

    Research about Press Shaping Process of a Charge Disc with Small Ratio of Length to Radius

  11. 针对多坏道不便于直接镜像的问题,提出了影子技术,解决了因长时间读坏盘容易造成二次损坏的问题。

    Shadow technology is processed to resolve the issue that it is easier causing second damage if reading a bad disk for a long time .

  12. 将长发松松盘起以改变白天沉闷的发型。用发胶固定,或佩带装饰发带。

    Transform daytime hair by pulling long hair into a twist , creating drama in a short style with gel , or adding decorative hair clips .

  13. 产于美洲热带的树栖猴,腿长而细,尾长且宜于盘卷。

    Arboreal monkey of tropical America with long slender legs and long prehensile tail .