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  • 网络Long connection;Continuous long
  1. 而在遭遇尼克斯之前,马刺经历了一波8连败,这也是球队自1996年以来的最长连败。

    Before the Knicks , the Spurs had lost eight straight , it was the franchise 's longest such streak since 1996 .

  2. 本文还将长连二酮应用到大环单酮的合成当中,提出了一种大环单酮的新合成方法。

    The long-chain diketone described above was applied to the synthesis of macrocyclic ketone and a new method for macrocyclic ketone was reported .

  3. 它采用不同的交流耦合时间常数,对规则的突发数据包中的前导码用小时间常数,对数据包中有长连“1”和长连“0”的数据用大的时间常数。

    The small time constant is applied to the normal burst mode packet and the large time constant is applied to packets with a succession of " 1 " or " 0 " .

  4. 三是对传输数据帧进行编码,避免长连0或长连1的情况出现,有利于信号的远距离传输和接收端对同步时钟的提取。

    Three is to encode data frames , avoid long even " 0 " or even " 1 ", favorable to the long distance transmission of signals and the receiver to extract the synchronous clock .

  5. 她个子长得连她妈的衣服都能穿了。

    She has grown big enough to wear her mother 's clothes .

  6. 她已经长得连校服都不能穿了。

    She 's already outgrown her school uniform .

  7. 2014年的一项调查显示,美国的员工们实际休假的时长,连规定假期的40%都不到。

    US workers don 't take about 40 percent of their available vacation time , according to one 2014 survey .

  8. 我们一起吃午餐的时间越来越长,连服务员都敲着手指等我们离开了。

    Each time we met the lunches were getting longer and the waitresses were tapping their fingers waiting for us to leave . '

  9. 罩裙式人造丝塔府绸长外衣她的连衫裙是用薄绸做成的。

    Rayon taffeta frock in draped overskirt Her dress was of silk tissue .

  10. 这件事过去的时间太长了我连它的起因都忘了。

    It all happened so long ago that I 've forgotten what started it .

  11. 她尝试过用玩具分散他的注意力,把自己和儿子关在屋子里玩儿,最后时间太长了,连她自己都想吃了。

    She has tried distracting him with toys , locking the two of them in a room to play for so long she ended up missing her own meal .

  12. 今年纽约市房租渐长,就连布鲁克林区的房租都涨到平均3000美元一个月了。越来越多的人想搬去别处。

    With New York City rent rising over an average $ 3,000 a month even in Brooklyn this year , it 's becoming more and more appealing to perhaps move somewhere else .

  13. 小妇人和蓝头发的小仙女长得一模一样,连说话的声音也一样。

    The little woman looked and sounded just like the blue-haired fairy .

  14. 无限长圆柱壳附连水质量与波数的关系

    Relationship between added mass and wave mumbers of an infinitely long cylinderical shell submerged in water

  15. 1993年在匈牙利首都布达佩斯旅行时,他对一名英国游客说:你来的时间肯定不长&看你连啤酒肚都还没长出来。

    " You can 't have been here that long & you haven 't got a pot belly . " To a British tourist he met during a tour of Hungarian capital Budapest in1993 .