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shènɡ jú
  • victory;triumph
  1. 行政商务首座,抢滩门户口岸锁定胜局。

    The COD commerce seat of honor , hastens to ground the gateway port locking victory bureau .

  2. 在第87分钟,谭茹殷40米外吊射破门,为中国队锁定胜局。

    Tan Ruyin sealed the victory for China through a lob shot from 40 meters away in the 87th minute .

  3. 埃里克·坎通纳抓住机会踢进绝妙的一球,锁定了比赛的胜局。

    Eric Cantona made the game safe with a brilliant opportunist goal .

  4. 离比赛结束还剩几分钟的时候,曼城队的第二粒进球锁定了胜局。

    The clincher was City 's second goal , scored minutes from the end .

  5. 流浪者队凭借第84分钟精彩的第二粒进球锁定了胜局。

    Rovers made the game safe with a spectacular second goal in the 84th minute .

  6. AC米兰主场作战,完全占据优势。他们在第七分钟由诺切里诺接伊布妙传率先破门。第65分钟,伊布进球锁定胜局。

    Ibrahimovic , however , made amends in the 64th minute , when the striker picked up a cross and hammered a powerful volley into the net .

  7. 曼联由马切达罚进点球扳平比分,之前安布罗斯的爆射让客队领先。不过最后GlennMurray在98分钟用头球锁定胜局,虽然他当时是越位了。

    United drew level after a Federico Macheda penalty cancelled out a Darren Ambrose wonder strike , but Glenn Murray settled the tie with a98th-minute header , despite a hint of offside .

  8. 对于美军来说,10架携带核弹的F-22战斗机,每架都可以毁灭中国一个省,30分钟就可以奠定胜局,而中国雷达根本无法探测到其存在。

    For us , it carries a bomb F10 aircraft , each fighter-22 provinces in China can destroy a30 minutes , can run , and Chinese radar couldn 't detect its existence .

  9. 在总胜局数超过我省的情况下,对抗赛后即刻的血乳酸(BLA)平均值低于我省运动员。

    Making it a condition that the total winning time was more than our athletes ' , the immediate average in blood lactic acid ( BLA ) was lower than our athletes ' after opposable competition .

  10. 我们没有借口,我们自己葬送了胜局。

    We 've no excuses , we threw it away .

  11. 我想瑞典人应该能比较轻松地在下半场时奠定胜局,依靠巧妙的变阵策略。

    They could easily have won the game in the second half , - great tactical changes !

  12. 我们2-0锁定胜局,小伙子们保证了我们不会输球。

    We settled for2-0 , and the lads made sure that we didn 't lose the game .

  13. 在1987年世界系列赛上,明尼苏达双子队在首场比赛开赛前就锁定了胜局。

    The Minnesota Twins'victory in the1987 World series was locked up before the first Series game ever began .

  14. 上半场我们的表现很不错,半场结束时我们本有机会确定胜局。

    We gave a great performance in the first half and we had chances to finish the game after half-time .

  15. 这位蓝军中场的关键球员在周日对伯明翰的比赛中被换下前攻进了锁定胜局的一球。

    The influential midfielder experienced a somewhat mixed afternoon at Stamford Bridge on sunday , scoring the winner before hobbling off .

  16. 反法西斯战争是全世界人民的胜利,美国却是世界胜局的最大受益者。

    The victory of Anti-Fascist war belongs to the people of the whole world , but America became the biggest winner .

  17. 在中国队被罚下两人的情况下,米拉雷斯在禁区前沿射门,锁定胜局。

    Mirallas sealed the win with a shot from the top of the area as China was already playing two men down .

  18. 但是最终,后卫凯尔·洛瑞被吹罚了一次进攻犯规,而库里依靠两记罚球为勇士队锁定胜局。

    But guard Kyle Lowry was called for an offensive foul , and Curry hit two free throws to help seal the win .

  19. 迪亚比(87分钟换下赫莱布)6:在阿森纳锁定胜局的最后阶段上场。

    Abou Diaby ( Replaced Hleb , 87 minutes ) - 6 : Thrown on in the dying stages as Arsenal closed out the tie .

  20. 歌德曾经说过:“大胆的想法就像前进的棋子,它们可能被吃掉,但也可能就此奠定胜局。”

    Goethe said that " daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward : they may be beaten , but they may start a winning game . "

  21. 切尔西的乔。科尔助攻克劳奇,把奥马尔。普索上半时的抽射一笔勾销,并且自己也在伤停补时打进一个球锁定了胜局。

    Chelsea 's Joe Cole set up crouch to cancel out Omar pouso 's first-half volley and then scored one himself in injury time to clinch victory .

  22. 受(进球)动力的驱使,三分钟后洪都拉斯队的攻击卷土重来,锁定胜局。

    And with the momentum swinging his way , the striker turned up again just three minutes later to put the finishing touches on a famous win .

  23. 最后弗兰锁定胜局的进球彻底摧毁了安切洛蒂的信心。拉科的强大压力充分展示了加利西亚人的精神和伟大的决心!

    Fran then put the home side further ahead as Carlo Ancelotti 's side suffered under the constant pressure , spirit and the great determination from the Galician outfit .

  24. 在这海滨城市3比0输给巴西队后,球队正如已心力交瘁的球迷们希望的那样离开了夏季奥运会&三场比赛无一胜局。

    After a3-0 loss to Brazil in this coastal city , the team exited the Summer Games with exactly what its legions of exhausted fans expected & no victories in three games .

  25. 而他上一次在联赛中进球是在上赛季的最后一个比赛日对维根锁定胜局,同时也帮助曼联锁定了冠军。而对西汉姆的进球则证明了他对本赛季冠军争夺的重要意义。

    His last league strike came in the title-clinching win at Wigan at the end of last season-and his goal at West Ham could prove important in this year 's championship race .

  26. 埃弗拉希望法国能再接再厉而不是死守胜局。他们将和爱尔兰争夺1张世界杯入场券。

    Patrice Evra wants France to build on their first-leg victory , not simply rely on it , when they resume battle with the Republic of Ireland for a World Cup berth .

  27. 梅格涵克林金博格第四分钟的进球帮助美国队领先哥斯达黎加,半场前,英格丽德维尔斯、柯利奥哈拉和杰西卡麦克唐纳的进球锁定了胜局。

    Meghan Klingenberg gave the USA a4th minute lead over Costa Rica , with Ingrid Wells , Kelley O'Hara and Jessica McDonald all scoring before half-time , to wrap up the game .

  28. 然而,马斯切拉诺和巴贝尔的进球帮助利物浦后来居上,杰拉德57分钟的打进利物浦的第三粒进球锁定胜局。

    However , goals from Javier Mascherano and RyanBabel put the Reds back in front before Gerrard put the seal on a goodnight 's work with a third for Rafael Benitez 's side on57 minutes .

  29. 如今,展示宽容的时刻到了:战场上胜局已定,现在应该组建一个属于全体利比亚人的政府,其中要包括亲卡扎菲的派别,还有一直认为自己没有得到充分代表的柏柏尔人。

    Now is the time for an act of magnanimity : now its battlefield success is secure , it should form a government of all Libyans , including clans close to Gaddafi and Berber groups who have felt under-represented .

  30. 所以,尽管欧文以联盟最具传奇色彩的关键先生之一的称号来到这里,但是大家很可能会质疑他是否可以像托马斯那样,在比赛的末节带领凯尔特人奠定胜局。

    So even though Irving arrived with a reputation as one of the league 's most clutch players , it was fair to wonder if he could carry the Celtics late in games in the same way that Thomas did .