
  • 网络A. conyzoides;ageratum conyzoides
  1. 胜红蓟化感作用研究V.挥发油对真菌、昆虫和植物的生物活性及其化学成份

    Allelopathy of Ageratum conyzoides ⅴ . biological activities of the volatile oil from ageratum on fungi , insects and plants and its chemical constituents

  2. 胜红蓟化感作用研究Ⅷ.植株对花生和相关杂草的田间化感效应

    Allelopathy of Ageratum conyzoides ⅷ . Allelopathic Effects of Residues on Peanut and Related Weeds in the Field

  3. 胜红蓟黄脉病毒F1分离物伴随卫星小分子DNAβ的启动子鉴定

    Promotor Identification of Satellite DNA β Associated with Ageratum Yellow Vein Virus Isolate F1

  4. 1000和1500μg·g~(-1)的胜红蓟挥发油对小菜蛾田间种群的干扰作用控制指数(IIPC)分别为0.4826和0.5084,胜红蓟素的为0.4556和0.3205。

    The interference index of population control ( IIPC ) were 0.4826 and 0.5084 in treatments of 1000 , 1500 μ g · g-1 oil ; and 0.4556 and 0.3205 in treatments of ageratochromene , respectively .

  5. 不同寄主菜豆金色花叶属病毒的密码子使用模式分析表明,菜豆金色花叶属病毒对番茄寄主的适应能力强,而对木薯、胜红蓟等其它寄主的适应性相对较弱。

    Analysis of the codon usage patterns of begomoviruses with different hosts suggested that begomoviruses infected tomato more adaptively than other hosts such as cassava and ageratum .

  6. 6月和7月是胜红蓟的生长高峰期,自8月份开始,胜红蓟进入生殖生长阶段,分枝时期十分不一致,最终导致种子成熟不一致。

    June and July are two growth peaks of Ageratum conyzoides . From August Ageratum conyzoides enters procreation growth period , its branches are not uniform and it may lead seed maturation untidy .

  7. 胜红蓟是一种常见杂草,其上病毒种类繁多,已成为双生病毒重要中间寄主和初侵染源。

    Ageratum conyzoides is a kind of common weed which can be infected by a great variety of plant viruses . A. conyzoides was also an important reservoir host and initial source for geminiviruses .

  8. 该研究全面了解了胜红蓟的生长特性,为对该杂草进行有效防控,利用其进行生物防治以及将其用于花卉栽培等生产开发提供了很好的实验依据和理论指导。

    Our researches had a comprehensive understand of the growth characteristics of A. conyzoides , which provided experimental basics and theoretical directions for further management of this weed , and for the utilization of it in biological controling and as flowers in horticulture .

  9. 因此,可认为胜红蓟种子的萌发需要光照,此外,温度、覆土深度以及土壤含水量和水势都是影响胜红蓟种子萌发以及生长扩散的重要因子。

    Thus , it could be concluded that A. conyzoides seeds needed light to promote germination . Furthermore , temperature , depth of soil , soil water content and water potential were important factors in influencing seed germination and the spreading of A. conyzoides plants .

  10. 胜红蓟为中国南方地区常见杂草,耐旱、耐热,不耐寒、不耐荫,对土壤适应性很强,但以深厚、肥沃、湿润、排水良好的沙质土壤最为适宜。

    A. conyzoides is a normal weed in south China . It is also a drought-tolerant and thermostable , but not cold-resistant and shade-resistant species . However the deep , fertile , humid and well-drined sandy soil is more capable for the growth of A. conyzoides .