
  • 网络Caiqing;Pick blue
  1. 舞狮的压轴环节是“采青”。

    The finale is choi tsing , " plucking the greens . "

  2. 采青期荚中氮、磷、钾含量最高。

    The content of nitrogen , phosphorous and potassium were the highest in pods .

  3. 在农历新年期间,来自中国武术学校的醒狮队经常会表演采青的传统习俗,即采取绿色。

    During the Lunar New Year , lion dance troupes from Chinese martial art schools often perform the traditional custom of cai qing , literally meaning plucking the greens .

  4. 今天,舞狮表演用来迎接新的繁荣的一年,它涉及的仪式由狮子插入绿色来采青。

    Today the lion dance is performed to usher in a new and prosperous year , it involves for ritual of the lion plug in greens for " caiqing . "

  5. 中国话说采——“塞”这个词听起来像是财,因此采青的一个典型表演包括狮子将蔬菜包上一个红色的袋子放在尾部或挂在天花板来祈盼商业前景。

    The Chinese words " Cai " is ' plug ' sounds like the word for wealth also pronounces " Cai , " thus a typical performance involve the lion plugging vegetables that are placed on the tail or hang for the ceiling with a red packet outside for business premisses .