
  • 网络gas production technology
  1. 防砂深井泵在机抽排水采气工艺中的研究与运用

    Research and application of sand-control deep-well pump in drainage gas production technology by pumping unit

  2. 关于排水采气工艺可行性论证的计算方法探讨

    Discussion on the methods for feasibility demonstration of water pumping gas production technology

  3. 本文在完善气举公式法设计的基础上,提出了用PC-1500计算机编制的气举排水采气工艺的设计程序。

    On the basis of perfecting gas-lift formula method design , this paper presents the design program worked out with PC-1500 computer for gas-lift water withdrawal technology in gas production .

  4. 认为泡沫排水采气工艺技术是实现鄂尔多斯盆地天然气藏气井稳产的有效措施,UT-6型泡沫棒在该地区是较好的药剂。

    The conclusions are that technology of foam producing gas with water withdrawal is an effective measure to achieve steady production of natural gas reservoir in Ordos Basin , and UT-6 foam stick is a better reagent .

  5. 气体加速泵排水采气工艺技术应用与展望

    Application of gas accelerator in dewatering gas production technol - ogy

  6. 水力射流泵排水采气工艺技术及应用

    Dewatering gas production technology and application by using hydraulic jet pump

  7. 模糊分析方法在采气工艺技术经济指标评价中的应用

    Application of fuzzy analysis in the gas production economic evaluation

  8. 含水气井泡沫排水采气工艺设计

    The Design of Bubble Draining Gas Exploitation Technology in Water-bearing Gas Well

  9. 柱塞气举排水采气工艺技术在长庆气田的应用

    Application of the Plunger Airlift Draining Gas Recovery Technology in Changqing Oilfield

  10. 优选管柱排水采气工艺的设计程序及应用

    Design Programme and Its Application of Optimum Tubing String for Water Drainage-Oil Recovery

  11. 不关井连续生产柱塞气举排水采气工艺研究

    Plunger Lift Drainage Water Gas Production Technology Research for Well Startup Continuous Production

  12. 排水采气工艺的技术经济评价方法

    Technical and economic evaluation of dewatering gas production technology

  13. 气井抽汲排液采气工艺的研究与应用

    Application and research on the gas recovery by water drainage using pumping unit

  14. 二氧化碳气井采气工艺研究

    The Research of Carbon Dioxide Production in Gas Well

  15. 胜利油气区浅层气藏配套采气工艺技术及存在问题

    Matching gas production technology of shallow gas pools and existing problem in Shengli Oilfield

  16. 该系统有利于提高工作质量,有利于提高排水采气工艺管理工作效率和水平。

    The system can improve work qulity , and dewatering gas production technology management .

  17. 螺杆泵排水采气工艺技术探索

    Research on drainage gas recovery by screw pump

  18. 排水采气工艺选型的探讨

    Research on Lectotype of drainage gas recovery technique

  19. 双管分层采气工艺技术的可行性分析

    The feasibility analysis of gas production processing technology with dual string in separated formations

  20. 气举是排水采气工艺集成技术成效最为显著的主体工艺技术之一。

    The gas lifts is one of the most important drainage gas recovery technique .

  21. 低压低产气井排水采气工艺技术

    Techniques of gas recovery by water drainage for gas wells with low pressure and production

  22. 白庙凝析气田空心抽油杆排液采气工艺技术的应用

    The application of drainage gas recovery technology of hollow sucker rod in Baimiao condensate field

  23. 对于推广有水气井的气举排水采气工艺是有现实意义的。

    It has practical significance for spreading gas-lift drainage production technology of aquiferous gas well .

  24. 排水采气工艺技术新进展

    New progress of dewatering gas production

  25. 深抽排水采气工艺的关键技术及新型装备

    Gordian techniques and new equipments of dewatering gas production by sucker rod pumping in deep wells

  26. 研究成果对泡沫排液采气工艺的药剂筛选与评价具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The result is helpful to chemical screening and evaluation in foam-drive liquid and gas production process .

  27. 大水量气井电潜泵&气举组合排水采气工艺设计

    Drainage Gas Recovery Technique of Combing ESP and Gas Lift for Gas Wells with Large Water Production

  28. 气水同产井采气工艺在川西气田开发中的实践与认识

    The practice and cognition of gas production technology in gas well with water in West Sichuan Gas Field

  29. 加强排水采气工艺前期论证提高工艺措施效果

    Strengthening earlier stage proof of drainage gas recovery tech - nology to improve the effect of pro - cess measures

  30. 气井气举阀气举排液采气工艺参数设计研究

    Parameter design of ' gas recovery by liquid drainage ' technique with gas lift by gas-lift valve for gas wells