
  • 网络Productivity index;production index
  1. 采油指数迅速下降;

    And ( 4 ) well productivity index declines vapidly .

  2. 选取采油指数进行裂缝性油藏的油井产能评价。

    Productivity Index is chosen to evaluate productivity .

  3. 根据流体在多孔介质中遵循的渗流规律,推导出油层视采油指数公式;利用生产测井资料,以灰色理论及GM(1,1)模型为基础,建立了预测多油层产能的灰色解释模型。

    Based on the geological percolation rules of multiphase fluid flowing in porous medium , the formulae of apparent productivity index of a reservoir are derived A gray interpretation model is established for the prediction of productivities in multiple zones .

  4. 本文以Darcy定律和Dupuit公式为依据,建立测井参数与采油指数间的非线性模型,并用于丘陵油田产能预测。

    There is a limit to obtain this index by well testing . In this paper , based on the Darcy law and the Dupuit formula , the nonlinear model of log parameter and productivity index is built .

  5. 采液、采油指数的变化受含水率变化影响较大;

    The effect of water-cut on fluid productivity index and productivity index is greater ;

  6. 对于采油井,米采油指数使用动态监测资料求得;

    For production well , J o is calculated from dynamic surveillance data directly .

  7. 研究表明该方法是一种实用、有效、准确性较高的采油指数间接求取方法。

    It is a practical and effective indirect productivity index extraction method with high accuracy .

  8. 采油指数是油层产出能力的直接标志,用试井的方法获取采油指数极为有限。

    Oil productivity index is a direct mark of the production for a producing horizon .

  9. 水平井采油指数预测研究

    Prediction of Productivity Index for Horizontal Well

  10. 各分支的长度和夹角均影响分支水平井特殊采油指数的分布;若以各分支特殊采油指数均等为原则,需要设计合适的分支长度和分支间夹角,以便获得均衡的分支井特殊采油指数。

    Both the branch length and the intersection angle between branches influence the distribution of the branch productivity index .

  11. 基于三线流模型的垂直裂缝井采油指数研究

    A Study on Oil Productivity Index of Wells with Vertical Fracture Based on Model for Measuring Flow by Using 3-Pendulum Wires

  12. 式中高于饱和压力下的采油指数,求取低于饱和压力下不同井底流动压力条件的采油指数。本文还写出了特殊情况下如新投产的完善井、井底流动压力等于零时的有关计算式。

    The paper also presents pertinent correlations for particular cases , such as undamaged new wells and zero bottom hole flowing pressure .

  13. 经绥中36-1油田应用表明,隐形酸完井液明显地提高了比采油指数。降低了表皮系数,提高了油井产量。

    Field using in Suizhong 36-1 Oilfield shows that the fluid increase the productivity factor , reduce the skin factor and the production is increased .

  14. 本文是应用保角变换方法和势函数理论推导出底水驱油藏水平井产能公式、比采油指数公式。

    In this paper , the conformal transforms and potential function theory are applied to derive productivity , specific productivity index of a horizontal well .

  15. 利用相对渗透率和采油指数的关系或者从油井拟稳态渗流方程出发,给出了两种确定油井单井控制储量的方法。

    Two methods of determining oil well control reserve are proposed by using the relationship relative permeability and productivity index and stable state flow equation .

  16. 通过渗流力学理论,建立了异常高压油藏采油指数随压力变化的教学模型。

    Based on percolation mechanics theory , the mathematics model of productivity index vs pressure was develoPed for an abnormal high pressure reservoir in this paper .

  17. 根据此模型可得到不同介质变形系数以及不同启动压力梯度条件下的油井指示曲线和采油指数曲线。

    Indicative curves and productivity index curves can be obtained according to this model under the conditions of different deformation coefficient and different starting pressure gradient .

  18. 通过矿场资料的统计分析,探讨、揭示了连续生产油井采油指数的下降规律。

    By means of statistical analysis of field data , this paper discusses and reveals the decline law of oil production index of continually producing wells .

  19. 本文介绍了油藏工程中一种新的实现方法&用人工神经网络模型求取开发初期分采时的采油指数。

    This paper introduces a new method , which extracts the productivity indexes of seperate zone production in the initial period of development with artificial neural networks .

  20. 以蒸汽驱井网中油井不同受效范围的复合油层模式为基础,建立了蒸汽驱油井的采油指数和流入动态变化关系。

    The relationship of productivity index and inflow performance of steam drive wells is established based on compound reservoir model of different heated area of wells in steam drive pattern .

  21. 两套储层的自然产能和吸水能力都非常低,多数层试油时不出油,采油指数和吸水系数都很低。

    Both kinds of formations were tested with much lower oil production and water injection capabilities . There was almost no oil produced from most formations in the test for oil .

  22. 该模型通过有限经验数据的学习,能够导出防砂前后采油指数与其影响因素的非线性关系。

    Through learning the finite empirical data , the model can be used to derive the nonlinear correlation between the productivity index and its influencing factors both before and after sand control .

  23. 研究表明,水平段长度存在一个临界点,使得井筒压降梯度突然增大而采油指数增长率突然减小。

    The study shows that there is a critical point , where rate of friction pressure suddenly increases and productivity index decreases abruptly with increase in horizontal well length beyond this point .

  24. 计算表明,低渗透油藏中,油井的产量随启动压力梯度和介质变形系数的增大而减小,随生产压差的增大而增大,对于采油指数,则存在一个最佳压差,此时采油指数最大。

    Calculation shows that , in low permeable reservoirs , well production decreases as the increasing of start up pressure gradient and media deformation factor , and increases as the increasing of producing pressure differential .

  25. 根据储层分类,对合试层测试产量进行合理分配,计算出每单层的产量,进而得到每米采油指数及每米采气指数;

    According to the reservoir classification , the test productivity of multi layers is divided into the productivities of single layers , furthermore the productivities of oil and gas in a layer of a meter are obtained ;

  26. 垂直裂缝井和水平井的采油指数远大于直井,说明垂直裂缝井和水平井开发低渗透油藏优于直井。

    The fact that the oil production index of vertically fractured wells and horizontal wells is much larger than that of vertical wells shows development of low-permeability reservoir by vertically fractured wells and horizontal wells is better than vertical wells .

  27. 指出采用采油指数概念计算补偿泵的增产量,把机械能量与油层天然能量相提并论是不正确的。

    It is pointed out that the mechanical energy and the formation energy cannot be mentioned in the same breath , and it is incorrect to adopt the concept of productivity index for calculating incremental oil production by the compensator .

  28. 经现场应用表明.采取油层保护措施的井,采油指数是未采取油层保护措施井的1.46倍,产油量提高了30.9%,取得了较好的经济效益。

    Field application of the technology showed that the production index of well with protection measures taken was 1 . 46 times of that of without protection measures , and the production rate improved by 30 . 9 % , good economic results were achieved .

  29. 但渗透率的降低幅度也增大,采油指数随生产压差的变化曲线上存在一个最大值,这为低渗透油藏产能优化提供了理论参考。

    However , the decreased extent of the permeability will be enlarged . So , production index have a maximum with the drawdown on the condition of low permeability deformation reservoir . It afforded a reference for the deliverability optimization of low permeability reservoir . 3 .

  30. 从达西二维产量公式出发,结合测井学基本理论,以相对渗透率与含水饱和度的函数关系为纽带,导出每米采油指数与储层电阻率、孔隙度、渗透率之间的多元关系式;

    Based on the 2D Darcy production formula , and combined with the fundamental theory of logging , this paper puts forward the multivariate functions of productivity index per-meter vs. reservoir resistivity , porosity and permeability by using the functional relation of relative permeability with water saturation .