
  • 网络Time controller
  1. 以CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)为核心的时间控制器与传统时间控制器相比,具有外围电路少、集成度高、可靠性强等优点。

    The time controller whose core is CPLD with virtue of few periphery electric circuit , high intergration and high reliability is different from the traditional ones .

  2. 低成本多路多功能时间控制器的设计

    A Low Cost Design of Multi - channel and Multi - function Time Controller

  3. 介绍了开发可编程逻辑器件的EDA软件和硬件描叙语言VHDL主要特点,并以时间控制器电路设计为例,叙述了自顶向下的设计方法。

    This paper introduces EDA software which is used to design Programmable Logic Device and to describe characteristics of VHDL . Then an example of time-controller circuit design is given to illustrate the lop-down design method .

  4. l1优化控制问题着眼于优化控制器的设计。其目的就是要寻找一个稳定的LTI离散时间控制器,能使误差信号与干扰信号间传递函数的诱导l∞范数为最小。

    The optimal control problem addresses the design of optimal controllers , the objective is to find a LTI discrete-time controller that minimizes the induced norm of the transfer function relating the disturbances to the error signals of interest .

  5. 计算机监控系统中时间控制器的设计与实现

    The design and implement of time-controller in supervisory computer control system

  6. 多功能时间控制器的设计

    Design for a Time-control Instrument Which has a great diversity of functions

  7. 微波数字连续调功及时间控制器设计

    Design of Digital Microwave Power Continuously Adjusting and Timing Controller

  8. 具有干扰输入的不确定奇异系统有限时间控制器设计

    Finite-time control of linear singular systems subject to parametric uncertain and disturbances

  9. 战术导弹垂直发射姿态调转次最小时间控制器

    Near-minimum-time Attitude Maneuver Control of Vertical Launching Tactical Missile

  10. 应用可编程逻辑器件实现时间控制器芯片的设计

    Design of Time - controller with Programmable Logic Device

  11. 采用温补晶振的高精度智能可编程时间控制器的设计

    Design of Intelligent Programmable high-accuracy Time-controller Using TCXO

  12. 一种两次定时循环式时间控制器

    A time controller with twice timing circulation

  13. 简易四十八小时时间控制器

    Simple time controller of 48 hours

  14. 可编程时间控制器的设计

    Designing of Time - Control Device

  15. 八通道循环时间控制器的研制

    Development of Periodic Eight-channel Time Controller

  16. 然后采用限定时间控制器在一步内零化输出函数。

    Then , the outputs can be stabilized to zero within a step by a finite-time controller .

  17. 一种新型的可编程时间控制器

    New Type Programmable Time Controller

  18. 本文介绍通用可编程时间控制器的单片机实现,介绍其硬件及软件设计。

    This paper introduces single chip computer into programable general - purpose time controller its hardware and software .

  19. 本文介绍了两次定时循环式时间控制器的用途、原理及电路。

    The article introduces the principle , use and circuit of the time controller with twice timing circulation .

  20. 采用时空表和时间控制器相结合的方法,解决多机器人间的协调协作问题。

    Then the space-time table is combined with the time-controller to solve the problems of multi-robot cooperation and coordination .

  21. 介绍一种新型的可编程时间控制器。给出了控制器的原理、结构及其功能。

    This paper introduces a programmable time controller , and specifies the principle , the structure of the hardware and the function of the controller .

  22. 时间控制器根据该相位所属各车道的交通需求程度决定通行时间。

    And then the green time is determined by the green time controller according to the traffic demand degree of the lanes belong to this phase .

  23. 采用CMOS数字集成电路的可编程时间顺序控制器

    Programmable Timing Sequence Controller with CMOS IC

  24. 研究了基于T-S模型的离散时间模糊控制器的规则化设计问题。

    The problem of systematic design of discrete time fuzzy controller based on the T S fuzzy model is discussed in this paper .

  25. 本文介绍以MCS-51单片机为核心的时间顺序控制器的设计原理,硬件与软件组成,以及应用情况。

    This paper introduces principle combination hardware and software of designed time order controller on the basis of MCS-51 singlechip besides its application .

  26. 时间顺序控制器在乳品干燥设备中的应用

    Application of Time Sequence Control Unit in Dairy Drying Equipment

  27. 研究有限时间跟踪控制器设计问题。

    The design method of finite-time tracking controller is investigated .

  28. 钟房自动时间比对控制器的研制

    The Development of the Automatic Comparison Controller for Time Determination

  29. 燃气燃烧温度和时间自动控制器的研究

    Study on automatic control device of gas combustion

  30. 轮式移动机器人有限时间镇定控制器设计

    Finite-time Stabilization Controller for Wheeled Mobile Robots