
  • 网络Bottom Hole Pressure;BHP;Mpa
  1. 气体重量对井底压力也有影响,其绝对误差为0.77MPa,相对误差为2.3%。

    Gas weight also has some influence on BHP , the absolute error may be up to 0.77 MPa and the relative error 2.3 % .

  2. 对于应力敏感性强的储集层,过低的井底压力降低了近井地带地层的孔隙流体压力,导致裂缝趋于闭合。同时,井壁失稳的可能性也大。

    To strong stress sensitivity formation , low BHP reduces pore fluid pressure of near wellbore are which results in the closure of formation fracture .

  3. 高压、高含H2S和CO2气井井底压力的计算

    Bottom Pressure Calulation of Gas Well with High Pressure and High Content of H_2S and CO_2

  4. 双孔复合封闭储层中井底压力的Laplace空间解

    Laplace Space Solution of the Bottom Hole Pressure in Double - porosity Composite Confined Reservoir

  5. 未知油藏参数(h、Φ、Ct)时,采用两次开井生产,两次关井测稳态井底压力或岩心生产端压力方法,可以计算出岩心和油藏的启动压力梯度。

    If these reservoir parameters are unknown , adopting dual opening and closing in procedure to measure bottom hole stable pressure or pressure of producing end of core .

  6. 利用叠加原理给出地层中有单一断层或供给边线,以及河道状油藏,U形油藏,矩形油藏等井底压力及其导数的双对数图。

    The pressure and its derivative are also given for one fault , channel , U-shaped and rectangular reservoir by using the superposition theory .

  7. 不稳定IPR曲线是指不同的时间下井底压力与流量的关系曲线。

    Transient IPR curves are a set of curves between flow rate and bottom hole pressure under different time .

  8. 油水井套管所受Mises应力与本井的井底压力密切相关。

    The Mises stress acting on water-oil wells casing concern bottom hole pressure very nearly .

  9. 进一步给出了无量纲压力的解析表达式pD以及井底压力在Laplace空间的结果pD(w)。

    Then the analytic expressions of dimensionless pressure P D ( w ) and well bottom pressure D ( w ) in Laplace space are given .

  10. 在以上Laplace空间解式的基础上,方便地求解出考虑表皮系数和井筒存储系数影响的井底压力。

    Based on the solution in Laplace space , the skin factor and storage coefficient are considered in solving the equations conveniently .

  11. 利用Laplace变换,在Laplace空间中得到了储层压力和井底压力分布的精确解;

    By using the Laplace transform method , the solution of the dimensionless pressure and dimensionless bottom-hole pressure in Laplace space is got .

  12. 本文介绍超高压气井井底压力的计算方法,以及如何对高含H2S和CO2天然气的视临界参数进行必要的校正。

    Bottom pressure calculation method of surpressure gas well and how to correct the pseudo-critical parameters of natural gas with high content of H_2S and CO_2 are presented in this paper .

  13. 通过油田区块实际测试资料得到有关环空液柱流体的PVT经验规律,然后应用该规律确定相应参数,折算出抽油井井底压力;

    In the paper we generalize and analyze some practical test data of a oilfield to get PVT experience law of annulus liquid .

  14. 对于定压边界,当时间趋向于无穷大时,气井产量与井底压力关系曲线即是我们常用的IPR曲线(不妨称为常规IPR曲线或稳定IPR曲线)。

    Under the conditions of constant pressure boundary , when the time approaches to infinity , the curve between the flow rate and the bottom hole pressure is so called conventional IPR curve .

  15. 本文给出了高速压力控制器控制井底压力结构框图,给出了PWD数据出现问题时控制井底压力的应急方法,并给出水力学模型。

    This article gives structure diagram of control wellbore pressure through high speed pressure controller , produces methods and the hydraulic model when PWD data is error .

  16. 针对层间无窜流的多层油藏渗流模型,研究了3种外边界下的交流率问题的储层压力动态分布和井底压力的Laplace空间解。

    The Laplace space solution to dimensionless reservoir pressure and dimensionless bottom pressure of variable flow problem , which takes into consideration the effect of three kinds of outer boundary conditions , is studied by using multi-layered reservoir model .

  17. 通过对有限导流压裂水平井Fredholm积分方程的数值离散,用半解析的方法求得了有限导流压裂水平井井底压力及流量分布。

    Through numerical dispersing of Fredholm integral equations founded for finite conductivity fractures , a half analytical method is used to get the bottom pressure and flow rate distribution of horizontal wells .

  18. 采用Laplace数值变换、Laplace数值反演及褶积积分公式考虑了井储和污染对水平井井底压力的影响,从而避免了求解复杂内边界条件的数学模型的问题;

    Effects of wellbore storage and skin factor on horizontal wellbore pressure were considered when the method of convolution integral , numerical Laplace transformation and numerical Laplace inverse transformation were used . It is not necessary to solve the mathematical model with complicated inner conditions .

  19. 用IMPES(隐压显饱)法求解黑油模型,引入井底压力为未知数时,压力方程的系数矩阵变成了加边的七对角阵。

    As implicit pressure and explicit saturation ( IMPES ) method is selected to calculate black oil model and the bottom-hole pressure is introduced , the coefficient matrix of pressure equation becomes bordered seven-symmetrical matrix .

  20. 统一的油井试井解释模型及井底压力解

    Unified oil well test interpretation model and bottom hole pressure solution

  21. 井底压力温度测试技术在充气欠平衡钻井中的应用

    Monitoring Bottom-Hole Pressure and Temperature in an Aerated Under-Balanced Drilling Well

  22. 根据矿场资料计算抽油井井底压力

    Bottom hole pressure of a pumping well determined with field data

  23. 改进的计算气井井底压力的平均温度和平均压缩系数法

    An improved method of average temperature and average compressibility factor for

  24. 利用井底压力采集短接准确计算地层压力的方法

    Precise Calculation Methods for Formation Pressure with Downhole Pressure Collection Joint

  25. 双孔复合储层中井底压力的求解分析

    Solution analysis of the bottom pressure in dual porous composite reservoir

  26. 复合油藏中不同边界条件下的井底压力分析

    The analysis of bottom pressure in complex reservoir with different boundary conditions

  27. 无限大三层越流油气藏井底压力的精确解及典型曲线

    Exact solution and typical curve for infinite three layers reservoir with crossflow

  28. 微积分法计算抽油井井底压力

    Calculation of the Bottom Pressure of Oil Wells by Calculus

  29. 井底压力平衡压井法

    Automatic hydraulic sole attaching press balanced bottom hole pressure method

  30. 多股受限撞击射流井底压力特征的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of pressure characteristics of multi jets impinging on the bottomhole