
  • 网络Well collapse;cave in;well slough
  1. 该体系在该区3口井中应用,表现出极强的抑制效果,密度低、钻速快,有效地防止了井塌,保护了气层,实现了钻井液与完井液的统一。

    The application of this system in 3 wells shows its good inhibiting effect , low density and high drilling rate . And this is helpful for the unity of well completion fluid with drilling fluid to prevent well slough and protect gas zone .

  2. 地层不稳定,井塌严重。

    The formation is unstable and the well caving are serve .

  3. 对大港油田钻井过程中井塌问题的探讨

    On Cave - in problems in the Dagang oil field

  4. 辽河断陷泥页岩水敏性井塌问题研究

    A Study of Well Collapse Caused by Water Sensitivity of Mud and Shale Faulted Depression

  5. 现场使用的硅胺聚合物钻井液体系,可满足上部地层钻井施工要求,但在下部施工过程中井壁不稳定现象较严重,常发生井壁掉块、起下钻遇阻、甚至井塌等井下复杂事故。

    Silicon amine polymer drilling fluid system presently used in field can satisfy generally drilling requirements of shallow formation but often causes the above serious accidents in deep formation .

  6. 新疆塔河油田三叠系、石炭系地层长期以来存在着严重井塌问题,为此,用实验方法优选出高效防塌钻井液配方,并对其性能进行了研究。

    The formulations of a kind of high-performance collapse-preventing drilling fluid for preventing the instability of well bore in the Triassic and Carbonic formations of Tahe Oilfield in Xinjiang area were experimentally optimized .

  7. 它不仅会延误钻井作业时间,延长钻井周期,耗费大量堵漏材料,还会引起卡钻、井喷、井塌等一系列复杂情况。

    It not only delay the time of drilling 、 extend drilling period 、 spend a lot of lost circulation material , but also cause a series of accident such as sticking 、 well spout 、 collapse .

  8. 河流相地层测井声阻抗受钻井泥浆的影响较大,在水基泥浆条件下,由于含泥质地层的蚀变以及井眼跨塌,往往导致测井波阻抗反演时的不匹配或假象。

    Logging acoustic impedances of fluvial strata are largely influenced by drilling mud . Under the condition of using water-base mud , alteration of argillaceous strata and borehole collapse can often lead to mismatch or pseudomorph in inversion of logging acoustic impedance .

  9. 为解释直径很大的塌井,提出组合塌井概念。

    For explanation of the col-lapse well with large calibre , a concept of combined collapse well is presented .

  10. 该气田地层裂缝发育,钻井过程中井漏和井塌问题非常严重,钻井作业十分困难。

    Very severe problems during drilling were circulation loss and borehole collapse because of formation fracture growing , and drilling operation was very difficult .

  11. 二连油田阿南区块,由于长期注水,油气层出现明显的异常高压,地层原始压力遭到破坏,造成了井涌、井塌、井漏等复杂事故。

    Abnormal high pressure systems have formed in Anan Block of Erlian oilfield due to long time of water flooding , kicks , lost circulation and hole collapse are frequently encountered .

  12. 在φ215.9mm井眼采用物理封堵为主、化学抑制为辅的措施,防止井塌和井径扩大,取得了良好的效果。

    And in the φ 215.9 mm hole , " physical plugging " aided with " chemical inhibition " measures was taken to stop hole collapse and hole enlargement . All measures were verified to be successful .

  13. 玉门青2-7井一开井段砾石层成岩性差,胶结疏松,易引起井漏、井塌、沉砂;

    In well Yumen Qing 2-7 , due to the poor diagenetic grade and weak bonding , circulation lost , hole sloughing and sand setting are frequently encountered in gravel bed in the surface section ( 444 . 5 mm );

  14. 6口井应用结果表明,有机硅钻井液具有很强的抑制能力和携岩能力,能有效地防止井塌和缩径,完全满足该地区钻井工程和测井作业要求。

    Applications in 6 wells show the organic sillicon drilling fluid had good inhibition and solid carrying capacity , can prevent hole sloughing and hole diameter reduction effectively . The fluid system can meet the requirements of drilling and logging in this area .

  15. 管柱在充有钻井液的井内运动时会引起波动压力,将使井内压力系统失去平衡而引起井喷、井漏、井塌或卡钻等井下复杂情况和事故。

    The motion of drill string in a well filled with drilling fluid will cause undulating pressure , which will make the pressure system in the well loss balance , causing downhole complication and accident such as blowout , lost circulation , borehole wall sloughing and sticking etc.