
  1. 现场试验5口个井区,施工中通过注入压力和井底回压控制注入流量,使堵剂陆续进入原生和次生孔道,平均注入高强接枝共聚物105m3。

    Five wells were test in field , through construction of injection pressure and bottom back pressure to control injection flow rate , so that blocking agents have moved into primary and secondary pore of the process operations , with an average injection of high-strength blocking agent 105 m3 .

  2. 液体起泡剂排水采气工艺技术可降低井底回压,提高气流携水能力,从而达到增加天然气产量的目的,从原理性能上优于常规投棒排水技术。

    Techniques of gas recovery by water drainage with liquid foamer can decrease the bottom-hole pressure , improve the water-carrying ability of gas flow , and increase the gas production .

  3. 在气井中,当井底积液增多时,会增大井底回压,降低产气量。

    When bottom hole liquid increases in gas well , back pressure increases , and gas production is reduced .