
  • 网络gyroscopic inclinometer;gyro-clinomotor
  1. 简要介绍了SRG陀螺测斜仪的原理、结构及数学模型。

    The principle , construction and mathematical model of SRG gyroscopic inclinometer are introduced in brief .

  2. 陀螺测斜仪数据采集与信号调制解调技术

    Data Acquisition and Signal Modulation and Demodulation Technique in Gyroscope Survey Instrument

  3. 光纤陀螺测斜仪数据采集及传输单元设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Data Acquisition and Transmission for Fiber Optic Gyroscopes Inclinometer

  4. 市政工程用水平冻结孔光纤陀螺测斜仪的设计研究

    Design and Research of Using Horizontal Freezing Hole Fiber-Optic Gyroscope Inclinometer in Municipal Engineering

  5. 一种双转子结构陀螺测斜仪的研究

    Two - rotor gyroscope inclinometer

  6. 介绍了双转子电磁补偿挠性支承陀螺测斜仪的原理和特点,研究了其专用硬件电路及误差补偿技术。

    This paper describes the principle , performance and purpose-designed circuits of a gyroscope inclinometer with electromagnetic compensation and flexible supporting structure .

  7. 动调陀螺测斜仪是一种测量井下方位的仪器,它的核心部件是一个动调陀螺仪和两个石英加速度计,它们两两正交装配。

    The Dynamical Tuned Gyroscopes Inclinometer is a type of instrument which measures orientations under oil wells . Its kernel is a Dynamical Tuned Gyroscopes and two accelerometers . They are Orthogonal to each other .

  8. 在此基础上,论文详细研究了基于动调陀螺测斜仪控制电路的硬、软件设计,它包括力反馈系统和数据采集系统。

    Based on this , this paper illuminates the hardware and software designs of control circuits based on Dynamical Tuned Gyroscopes Inclinometer in detail . It includes a force feedback system and a data acquisition system .

  9. 光纤陀螺油井测斜仪研究与设计

    Research and Design of Fiber Optic Gyroscopes Inclinometer for Well Logging

  10. YT-1型压电陀螺钻孔测斜仪的研制和发展前景

    Development And Prospects of YT-1 Type Borehole Piezoelectric Gyro Inclinometer