
  • 网络production zone;pay zone;producing formation;productive strata;subfab
  1. 为了解决制造业生产层资源利用最优化的问题,提出了Petri-PERT,该技术把Petri网和PERT融合在一起。

    In order to optimize the resources of production floors , a method of combing the PERT and Petri nets was proposed . The product process was used to illustrate this method as an example .

  2. 在新井、新层中由于地层未亏空,先期防砂均采用UP-1树脂防砂,在已生产层出砂后地层亏空的情况下采用涂料砂充填工艺,防砂效果较好。

    Because the formation is not in debt in a new reservoir , UP-1 resin is used in initial sand control . While the formation is deficit , the sand filling process by coating is an effective way .

  3. 寻找无效或低效生产层的方法

    Way to Find Invalid and Low-Effective Producing Intervals

  4. 雅克拉凝析气田于2005年投入开发,生产层系为白垩系。

    Yakela condensate field put into production in2005 whose productive series is Cretaceous system .

  5. 杉木间伐材生产层压板工艺研究

    A Study on the Technology of Producing Laminated Platen with the Thinned Wood of Chinese Fir

  6. 本文以流体流动方程为基础,导出了平面径向对称流动方程,并在假设油藏有限厚度的多孔介质中的流体为不可压缩时,解出了生产层的总流量方程。

    An equation for a radial symmetric flow in a plane is derived from the equation for fluid flow .

  7. 分析数字化工厂软件系统应用现状,提出了生产层的软件系统的架构。

    This paper analyzes the application status of digital factory software system , and comes up with the system architecture in production level .

  8. 滑套用于建立油管和环空之间的流动通道或用于控制生产层或隔离弃层。

    Sleeve used to establish between the tubing and annulus flow channel , or used to control the production of disposable isolation layer or layers .

  9. 森林-草地生态系统有它的农学含义,涉及前初级生产层、植物生产层、动物生产层和后动物生产层四个生产层的许多方面。

    ABSTRACT The forest-grassland ecosystem in agronomy refers to the various aspects of the pre-primary production , plant production , animal production and post-animal production stages .

  10. 陆梁油田具有层系多,地层压力差异大,油井合层生产层间干扰严重。

    Luliang oil field has many characteristics , such as lots of layer systems , large pressure differences between formations and severe disturbance between pay formations of oil wells .

  11. 两种力共同作用的结果是在跟部见水,然后是驱油前缘沿水平井段向前流动,从而使水流波及大部分生产层段。高并段回采首层矿体的生产实践

    The combined action of two forces leads to an advancement of water through almost all pay section . Production Practice on Stoping First Stratum of Orebody by High Merged Sublevel

  12. 该系统可以有效地消除井底集液,减小对生产层的回压,能更有效地利用气体的膨胀能量,提高举升效率,是排水采气工艺中的一种有效方法。

    This system can eliminate the collection fluid in the bottom of the well , reduce the production level of back pressure , and use the expansion energy of the gas improving the efficiency .

  13. 我国北方草原地区正在开发中的草地旅游业,是以草地农业生态系统前植物生产层为基础,又联系着植物生产层和动物生产层,共同产生高经济效益的新兴产业。

    The grassland tourism developing in the north china grassland area , is a new and high benefit industry . It is the pre-plant production of agro-grassland system and connects plant production and animal production .

  14. 射孔完井以其能有效地封隔和支持疏松易塌的生产层,分隔不同压力和不同特性的油气层等优点成为水平井完井的主要方式。

    As the perforated completion can be more effective containment and support the production layer of loose easily collapse , separate different pressure and different characteristics reservoir , and thus become the main way of horizontal well completion .

  15. 其中后三个生产层的含义自明,不必赘述。而前植物生产层,也可以称为景观层,就是不以收获动植物产品为目的,而以自然一人文景观来贡献于社会。

    The definition of the later three layers is clear while former plant production also can be called landscape layer . It is targeted at contributing to the society with humanities landscape instead of creating plant and animal products .

  16. 模试试验证明,向水淹区注入聚合物分散体系可显著增大渗稳阻力,从而提高对生产层处理的波及范围,使油层的最终采收率提高1.5%~3.5%。

    Simulation test shows that the injection of polymer dispersion system into water flood area can obviously raise filtration drag , thus extending the processing sweep area to production zones so as to enhance the final oil recovery of pay zones 1 . 5 % ~ 3 . 5 % .

  17. 可生产厚层压板而不会产生裂痕。

    Thick sections of the laminate can be produced without the risk of cracking .

  18. 提出了流程工业CIMS功能体系结构,自上而下从功能上被分为经营决策层、企业管理层、生产调度层、过程监控层和过程控制层五个层次。

    Provide process industry CIMS functional system structure . Fine layers are divided as per the function : operation decision , enterprises management , production control , process supervision and process control .

  19. 对生产管理层、集中监控层和现场设备控制层做了网络系统层次的结构化分。

    Frame of manufacturing management layer and supervisory control layer network system make out subsection .

  20. 为了实现上述目标,整个实时监控系统分为四个层次:设备层、过程控制层、控制管理层和生产管理层,本文对各层的功能、性能和架构进行了详细的探讨。

    The whole system is divided into four layers : equipment layer , process control layer , administrative layer etc.

  21. 基于PC/104的粮情监控系统由现场、过程控制层、生产管理层构成。

    Grain depot management monitor system based on PC / 104 consists of field , process control level , producing control level .

  22. 该设计方案实现了管理监控层(上位PC机)和现场生产测控层(现场CAN总线网)之间的连接。

    The design realized the link between the administer layer ( PC ) and the locale produce control layer ( CAN BUS Network ) .

  23. 该系统能弥补企业计划层和生产控制层之间的断层,提高生产效率、优化资源配置、降低物耗和能耗。

    This system could fill the gap between schedule layer and production control layer , enhance the production efficiency , optimize resources , and reduce the material and energy consumption .

  24. 与此同时,在横向上,分阶段(顶层、生产单元层、软构件层)、分链队(决策链、支撑链、功能主链)按照一定的策略进行集成的设计方法。

    At the same time , each different phase ( top level , production unit level and soft-component level ) and chain ( decision-making chain , supporting chain and function main chain ) is integrated according to certain strategy on crossways .

  25. 多层合采合注开发效果较差,需要研究新的层系组合与划分方式,既能满足开发生产对层系细分的需要,又能使注采井距达到注水开发的要求。

    So , it is necessary to study new reservoir zonation methods so as to gear them to the needs of development and production for subdivision of strata , and enable the injection-production well spacing to meet the needs of water flooding development .

  26. 并根据技术转移中存在的技术从基础科学技术层向应用科学技术层最后到商业生产技术层的转移和转化问题,深入讨论技术传播在整个过程中不同阶段的作用。

    Based on the problems during the process of technique transfer in which technique is transformed from fundamental scientific technique level to application scientific technique level and finally to business producing technique level , the functions of technical communication at different levels in the whole process have been deeply discussed .

  27. 然而,传统工业生产过程控制层进行数据采集、执行和控制的设备,大多只具有RS232串行口。

    But , lots of equipment have only RS232 serial interface in traditional industrial process control area , such is data collector , executive component and controller .

  28. DVD-R生产中染料层厚度分布的闭环控制系统

    Closed loop control for DVD - R production

  29. 疏松砂岩油田生产过程中储层伤害机理研究

    A research on damage mechanisms of loose sand reservoirs during their production

  30. 电镀锡生产线锡层厚度智能模糊控制系统

    Tin Thickness Intelligent Fuzzy Control System for Tinning Line