
  • 网络biogas
  1. 生物质气发动机工作过程的数值模拟及试验研究

    Numerical Simulation and Experimental Research on the Working Process of the Biogas Engine

  2. 生物质气种类繁多,而且生物质气受气候、环境等影响,燃气成分和热值会有较大变化。

    There are many kinds of biogas . Due to climate and environment , gas composition and calorific value will changes greatly .

  3. 生物质气再燃还原NOx的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on biomass gas reburning deoxidize NO_x

  4. 试验结果表明,生物质气中的二氧化碳能改善NOx排放指标,但降低了功率和热效率。

    Experimental results indicate that carbon dioxide can improve NOx emissions , but lower the cylinder pressure , reduce engine power and thermal efficiency and increase the THC .

  5. HLA氨基酸残基配型在角膜移植中的应用研究四角切圆煤粉炉生物质气与煤粉混燃数值模拟

    Clinical Application of Human Leucocyte Antigen ( HLA ) Amino Acid Residue Matching in Keratoplasty ; Numerical Simulation of the Gasification Based Biomass Co-firing in Tangentially Fired Pulverized Coal Boiler

  6. 发现甲醇产率顺序为工业合成气>重整生物质气>配氢生物质气>生物质气,生物质气合成甲醇产率较低主要是因为其为富CO2体系。

    The results show that the order of the yield of methanol is industrial syngas > reformed biomass-gas > hydrogen added biomass-gas > biomass-gas , and the lower yield of methanol from biomass syngas mainly results from higher concentration of carbon dioxide .

  7. 二氧化碳含量对生物质气发动机性能的影响

    Effect of Carbon Dioxide Content on the Performance of Bio-gas Engine

  8. 固体氧化物燃料电池高效利用生物质气前景分析

    Prospects of High-efficient Utilization of Biogas through Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

  9. 流化床中生物质气燃烧对一氧化二氮排放的影响研究

    The Influence of Biomass Gas Burning in Fluidized Bed on N_2O Emission

  10. 生物质气甲烷化技术中降低硫含量的原因及方法

    The reason and method of reducing the sulphur in the methanation technology

  11. 模拟生物质气发动机试验台架及其应用

    Engine test rig and its application with simulated bio gas

  12. 固定床生物质气一步法合成二甲醚

    One-step DME Synthesis from Biomass Syngas in Fixed Bed

  13. 一种新的生物质气发电装置&固体氧化物燃料电池

    A novel electrical generation device using biomass-produced gas & solid oxide fuel cell

  14. 对生物质气燃烧器轴向温度影响因素的模拟研究

    The Simulation of Influence Factors to the Axial Temperature of Biomass Gas 's Burner

  15. 在实际运行中环境温度也对生物质气分布式供能系统有较大的影响。

    In the actual operation environment temperature have a major influence on gas distributed energy system .

  16. 由于生物质气的热值较低,这种燃料在大功率发动机内的燃烧过程,有待深入研究。

    This kind of biogas can be used as the fuel of the internal combustion engine directly .

  17. 生物质气中的氢含量加快了生物质气发动机的燃烧速度。

    The combustion speed of the biogas engine increased because of the hydrogen contained in the biogas .

  18. 炉内旋转气流对四角切向燃烧锅炉燃烧器区射流偏转的影响四角切圆煤粉炉生物质气与煤粉混燃数值模拟

    Impinging Effect of the Rotating Gas Leading to Jet Deflection in Burner Zone of Tangential Firing Boiler

  19. 四角切圆煤粉炉生物质气与煤粉混燃数值模拟喷射式混合气体燃烧器

    Numerical Simulation of the Gasification Based Biomass Co-firing in Tangentially Fired Pulverized Coal Boiler nozzle-mix gas burner

  20. 沼气发电机组的开发利用固体氧化物燃料电池高效利用生物质气前景分析

    Development and Application of Bio Gas Generator Set Prospects of High-efficient Utilization of Biogas through Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

  21. 基于以上原因,本研究在数值模拟的基础上开发了4135型生物质气发动机。

    The spark ignition 4135-biogas engine was developed in this paper based on numerical simulation in view of the above circumstances .

  22. 热裂解生物质气发动机燃烧特性试验

    EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMAL CRACKING BIOGAS ENGINE Pilot scale study on direct synthesis of dimethyl-ether from biomass synthesis gas

  23. 生物质气一步法合成二甲醚中试实验正交试验在预聚合法合成减阻剂中的应用

    Pilot scale study on direct synthesis of dimethyl-ether from biomass synthesis gas Application of Orthogonal Experiment in Synthesizing Drag Reducer by Prepolymerization

  24. 对生物质气、工业合成气、重整后生物质气及配氢后生物质气4种合成气进行了合成甲醇的研究。

    The behavior of methanol synthesis from biomass syngas , industrial syngas , reformed biomass syngas and hydrogen added biomass syngas was studied .

  25. 并以氧气气化为例,估算了现有条件下制取中热值生物质气的投资及其生产成本,分析生物质气与常规煤气相比有较强的市场竞争力。

    Compaired with the normal fuel gas , it has been found that the biomass MHV fuel gas has strong competitive ability in Chinese market .

  26. 由于可燃成分及燃料热值不同,生物质气的应用对燃烧室的性能产生一些影响。

    Because heat value and combustible components of gasified biomass fuel are different from the natural gas , they must have some influence on the performances of MGT .

  27. 生物质气分布式供能系统是是以生物质气为燃料,以燃气轮机或内燃机为动力的新型分布式供能系统。

    Distributed Energy System ( DES ) using gasified biomass fuel is a new system that is fueled with internal combustion engine or gas turbine as the prime motor .

  28. 气态能源不仅仅指代天然气,它还包括煤层气、煤炭气化、生物质气、可燃冰及氢能等综合能源。

    The gaseous energy includes not only the conventional natural gas but also coalbed gas , coal gas , biomass-genetic gas , natural gas hydrate , hydrogen energy and so on .

  29. 本文研究了生物质气微型燃气轮机分布式供能系统。首先,分析了微型燃气轮机使用不同生物质气的可行性,寻找合适的使用方法。

    This paper studied the distributed energy system of micro gas turbine which based on biogas . Firstly , this article analysis the performance of micro gas turbine based on biogas .

  30. 利用生物质气作为再燃燃料的再燃技术是一种非常具有发展前途的低NO、控制技术,具有初投资小、运行费用低、脱氮效果好等优点。

    With the advantages of small initial investment , low operation cost and good nitrogen removal effect , the reburning technology with biomass gas as the fuel is a promising NOx-control technology .