
  • 网络speed
  1. 看过,我们现在正在演的就是希腊超级大片生死时速!

    Yes , we are playing the Greece super movie speed !

  2. 《生死时速》。在我拍《坏小子》之前特别想拍。

    Speed . I wanted that bad , before I got bad boys .

  3. 看过,电影《生死时速》是我看过的最紧张刺激的片子。

    Yeah , The movie Speed is the most exciting film I 've ever seen .

  4. 在“生死时速”中,基努•里维斯扮演了一个英勇的警察,拯救了一辆巴士车上的所有乘客。

    In Speed , Keanu Reeves played the role of the brave policeman who saved the lives of the people on the bus .

  5. 在以后的几年里,他在很多廉价的影片里扮演角色。1994年他应邀参加了影片《生死时速》的拍摄。

    After acting in many cheap films for a few years , he was asked to play a role in the film speed in1994 .

  6. 饰演《生死时速》20年之后,布洛克的幽默与机智找到了完美的展现机会:赖恩具备的不只是勇气,还有与之相称的智慧。

    Two decades after ' Speed , ' Ms. Bullock has found the perfect receptacle for her humor and intelligence : Ryan 's courage is matched by her intellect .