
  • 网络Life teacher;Dorm teacher;Dormitory Teacher
  1. 住校男女生分楼住宿,楼里有值班的生活老师。

    Boardingboys and girls share different resident buildings supervised by teachers on duty .

  2. 经验是永久的生活老师。

    Experience is always a teacher in life .

  3. 向改变你生活的老师打个电话或写封信。

    Call or write to a teacher who changed your life . 21 .

  4. 在这里,整个生活就是老师,而我们是它的学生。

    Here all of life becomes a teacher and we its students .

  5. 他们是真正教人如何快乐幸福地生活的老师。

    They were true teachers about how to live blissfully and go through life blessedly .

  6. 在学生借助网络资源进行学习的过程中,网络资源作为教与学的桥梁则充当了生活中老师的角色。

    In the process of students'autonomy online study , as a bridge of teaching and study , online resource play a role of a teacher .

  7. 历史是时代的见证,真理的火炬,记忆的生命,生活的老师和古人的使者。

    History is the witness of the times , the torch of truth , the life of memory , the teacher of life , the messenger of antiquity .

  8. 学校就是生活,老师和学生应当将在校时间视为真实生活,而不能把二者截然分开,觉得毫无关联。

    School is life , and teachers and students should experience their time in school as real life rather than seeing these two as separate and unrelated spheres .

  9. 在访谈中,你如果能从妈妈口中得知她的童年生活、她的老师朋友的情况,这将会让你更了解她的。

    This session will help you know more about your mother , if you dig your Mom about her childhood , her friends , teachers .

  10. 不幸是生活中的好老师。

    Misfortune is a good teacher in life .

  11. 正如一句谚语所言&“生活是最好的老师”。我们经常会使用生活中的经历来提升自己。

    As a proverb says " life is the best teacher ", we constantly draw on our life experience to improve ourselves .