
  • 网络Production and living;Production life
  1. 主要包括古县历史溯源及其地理生态环境、生产生活方式、民俗文化。

    Include Origin and geography of ancient county environment , production life , folk culture .

  2. 只有我们在生产生活当中,持续保持发展的可持续性,人类才有可能继续生存下去。

    Only in the production life , continue to maintain the sustainability of development that humanity can survive .

  3. 中国将加强生态文明建设,加快调整优化产业结构、能源结构,倡导绿色低碳的生产生活方式。

    It will do more on the ecological front , by transforming and improving its industrial structure and energy mix at a faster pace and promoting a green , low-carbon way of life and production .

  4. 供销合作社要完善体制机制,拓展服务领域,加快成为服务农民生产生活的综合平台,成为党和政府密切联系农民群众的桥梁纽带。

    The cooperatives should improve systems and mechanisms3 , expand service areas , and accelerate efforts to become a comprehensive platform for serving rural production and livelihood4 as well as a bridge for the Party and the government to connect with farmers .

  5. 随着信息技术的发展,图像传感器越来越多的应用在科学研究和生产生活中,目前使用的主要是CCD图像传感器和CMOS图像传感器。

    With the development of information technology , image sensor is more and more used in scientific research and production and living , and now it is mainly CCD image sensor and CMOS image sensor .

  6. 因此,目前有越来越多的国内外研究学者投身于多径传播条件下DOA估计的领域中来,希望可以通过这些估计获得更多的信息,直接为军事以及生产生活所应用。

    Therefore , there are more and more researchers engage in the topic of DOA estimation , and hope to obtain more information to be directly used by military or civil-ian .

  7. 聚氯乙烯(PVC)是世界上应用最广泛的合成树脂之一,其制品因具有众多优异的性能而被广泛应用于生产生活的各个领域。

    Polyvinyl chloride ( PVC ) is one of the most popular synthetic resins , and due to a large number of excellent performances , its products are widely used in all areas of production and living .

  8. 驻城市部队生产生活存在的问题及解决办法

    Production of troops stationed in cities : problems and Solutions

  9. 不确定多目标优化问题广泛存在于日常生产生活中。

    Uncertain multi-objective optimization problems widely exist in real-world applications .

  10. 干旱区绿洲系统生态生产生活承载力相互作用的驱动机制分析

    Driving mechanism analysis of ecological-economic-social capacity interactions in oasis systems of arid lands

  11. 土地利用是指人类对作为生产生活资料的土地的利用方式和强度;

    The land use is the mode and intensity as to produce materials ;

  12. 结果表明,子洲县2002年人均生态赤字为0.075hm2/人,反映出该县人类的生产生活强度已经超过了当地生态系统的承载能力,处于强度不可持续状态。

    Result showed that the ecological deficit of this county at 2002 is 0.075 ?

  13. 由于居住分散,产生了不同的生产生活方式。

    Nevertheless , the residence dispersal lead to the difference pattern of production and life .

  14. 物联网技术的运用,给人们的生产生活带来了极大的便利。

    Applications of the Internet of Things have brought great convenience to the production and life .

  15. 多元时间序列广泛存在于生产生活的各个领域之中。

    Multivariate time series ( MTS ) exist widely in every field of production and life .

  16. 智能卡作为个人数据载体已广泛应用于生产生活中的各个领域。

    Smart cards are becoming widely spread and are typically used for commercial and security-critical applications .

  17. 以黄金作为装饰物,是欧亚大陆草原具有相同或相近生产生活方式的民族在装饰上的一个共同特征。

    Different ethnic groups from the Eurasia steppe shared a common custom of making and wearing gold ornaments .

  18. 住房作为人类生存与生活的场所,对人类的生产生活起着非常重要的作用。

    Housing serves as the place of human survival and production plays a very important role in human .

  19. 多自由度机械臂是机器人的重要组成部分,在人类的生产生活中具有广泛的应用。

    Multi-degree-of-freedom ( MDOF ) manipulator is an important component of robot . It applies widely in human production .

  20. 随着社会发展的需要,带钢产品在生产生活中有了越来越多的应用,对带钢产品的质量要求也越来越高。

    With the demand of social development , strip steel products are widely used in industry production and social life .

  21. 生态补偿是环境管理的一种经济手段,它通过调节人类生产生活行为来达到生态环境保护的目的。

    Eco-compensation is an economic instrument of environmental management to protect eco-environment by adjusting mankind 's producing activities and living behaviors .

  22. 皮革造型艺术是蒙古族在长期的生产生活中不断创造和积累起来的一种造型艺术。

    Leather plastic art is the kind of plastic arts which constantly created and accumulated of long-term productive life of Mongolian .

  23. 但沙尘暴对自然环境、社会生产生活带来的影响还没有从根本上消除,许多工作亟待改进。

    But the bad effect of sandstorm on the natural environment , social production and life has not been fundamentally eliminate .

  24. 通过实际应用可以看出,该系统能够满足用户的要求,实现对生产生活环境安全的实时监控。

    The application indicates that the system can satisfy the users ' request and realize the monitor of the environmental safety .

  25. 可持续发展定量测度的本质是确定人类的生产生活等消费活动是否超过了生态系统的承载能力。

    The essence of quantitatively measuring sustainable development is to determine whether or not men 's consumptions are beyond the ecological capacity .

  26. 银行是社会生产生活不可或缺的重要组成部分,银行客户信息具有重要的商业价值和识别价值。

    The banks are an essential part in social life , and clients ' information has important commercial value and identification value .

  27. 能源是人类生产生活的重要物质基础,能源供应是经济发展的动力。

    Energy is an important material foundation of human production and life , and energy supply is the driving force of economic development .

  28. 畲族民歌是畲族人民在长期生产生活实践中创作出来的口头文学。

    The She Nationality folk songs are the oral literature created by the She Nationality people in their long practice of living and producing .

  29. 作为社会建设的重要微观主体,城市社区建设正如火如荼进行,影响着人们生产生活乃至思想的各个方面。

    The construction of urban communities is in full swing , and impact on all aspects such as production , living , and ideas .

  30. 地下水是一种宝贵的自然资源,与人类生产生活息息相关,是人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础。

    Groundwater is a precious natural resource , which was closely related with the human life and the physical infrastructure for human survival and development .