
  1. 你会看到我在磁场和生物磁场方面的重点。

    You will see that I focus on magnetic and biomagnetic fields .

  2. 人体间生物磁场的相互作用与健康的关系

    Interactions of Biological Magnetic Field among Human Bodies and Their Relations to Health

  3. 生物磁场及其测量

    Biomagnetic field and its measurement

  4. 依据人体生物磁场相互影响的原理探讨了人与人之间的和谐关系对健康的重要性。

    The importance of harmonious relations among people for health was discussed based on the theory of interactions of biological magnetic field among people .

  5. 人体也存有生物磁场,在运动过程中,如说话,行走,体温变化等。

    There are also human biological magnetic field , in the process of movement , such as speaking , walking , body temperature changes .

  6. 激光光泵碱金属磁力仪具有很高的灵敏度,测量范围可以从地球磁场到生物磁场。

    Laser pumping magnetometers using alkali vapors as sensing medium can reach very high sensitivities in magnetic fields covering the range from the earth magnetic field to biological magnetic fields .

  7. 人体生物磁场中含有丰富的有关人体内部器官与组织的信息,测量人体生物磁场的微弱信号有助于医学临床对疾病的诊断与治疗。

    The detailed information on tissues and organs inside human body can be obtained by measuring the bio & magnetic field outside human body , which attributes to diagnosis and therapy in clinic .

  8. 生物膜磁场流化床应用于硫酸盐废水脱硫处理研究

    Application of Biological Film Magnetically Stabilized Fluidized Bed on Sulfate Wastewater Desulphurization Treatment

  9. 微流控生物芯片的磁场仿真及实验对比

    Magnet Field Simulation of the microfluidic bio-chips and Comparison with experimental results

  10. 因此,趋磁细菌是研究生物响应地磁场机理和生物矿化的理想模式微生物。

    MTB , therefore , are ideal model organisms to study biological response mechanism of the magnetic field and microbial biomineralization .