
  • 网络photic sense;light sense;light perception
  1. 黑斑蛙的松果眼缺乏光感觉的结构基础。

    Nigromaculata lacks the structures for receiving light stimulation .

  2. 业余天文学家必须参照曝光表而不能光靠感觉。

    The amateur astronomer must consult the exposure meter and not rely on his senses .

  3. 在这个房间里,梵高用了仅仅70天的时间完成了超过80幅画作,屋子里只能通过天花板上的小窗获得一些自然光,感觉就像一口棺材。

    This room , where van Gogh completed more than 80 paintings in just 70 days , with its only access to natural light a small ceiling window , is reminiscent of a coffin .

  4. 我们的营养都来自于地下和天上,在其他的食物或饮料当中,人们都无法获得喝深色红酒时品尝到的土壤、石头和光的感觉。

    All of our nourishment comes from earth and sky , and in no other food or drink substance can one get quite the same sense of tasting soil and stones and light as from dark red wine .

  5. 告诉我被光拥抱的感觉如何?

    Tell me how it feels to be embraced by the light .

  6. 明视条件下人眼对低频间断光的亮度感觉

    Photopic brightness sensitivity of low frequency intermittent lights

  7. 很多对逻辑头脑没有意义的东西就产生了大量光编码丝感觉感知而身体就好像变得极为敏感。

    Many things that make no sense to the logical mind make a tremendous amount of sense to the light-encoded filaments and to the body as it is becoming more sensitive .

  8. 只有你才能告诉自己的孙子虽然从来没有用完卫生纸但会担心卫生纸用光是什么感觉。

    Only you will be able to tell your grandchildren what it was like to be worried you 'd run out of toilet paper even though you never ran out of toilet paper .

  9. 这些爆炸声让人紧张得害怕,但我很快意识到在空袭时演奏音乐比光听爆炸声感觉好很多。

    It is freaking for the nerves but I quickly understood that if I play music while it is happening , it is much better than just hearing it happening .