
  • 网络hyperloop
  1. 他补充道,那将不需要超回路列车达到理论上可能的高速度,但仍将比建造新的铁路连线更好,因为系统运行的声音要小得多,不会引起当地的反对。

    That would not require the high speeds theoretically possible in hyperloops , but would still be better than building new rail links since the systems would operate far more quietly and not raise local opposition , he added .

  2. 包括马斯克在内,超回路列车概念支持者们坚称,把超回路列车投入使用的各项技术都已成熟,需要克服的真正挑战在于商业模式和融资。

    Supporters of the hyperloop concept , including Mr Musk , maintain that the technologies needed to make it work have all been proven , and that the real challenges that need to be overcome involve business model and financing .

  3. 该公司也表示,将于周三在拉斯维加斯附近的一段暴露铁轨上展出用于其计划超回路列车上的推进系统,并打算于今年年底前在一条隧道内进行原尺寸模型的3公里试运营。

    It also said it would show off the propulsion system for its planned hyperloop on Wednesday on a section of exposed track near Las Vegas , and planned to have a full-scale , three kilometre trial operating in a tube before the end of the year .